Hell's Game, Miss Anonymous [english readers TXT] 📗

- Author: Miss Anonymous
Book online «Hell's Game, Miss Anonymous [english readers TXT] 📗». Author Miss Anonymous
"Okay Miss Stone! I understand," laughed Mr. Montego,"Come back tomorrow and be on time."
I nodded as I stood up and quickly walked out of the office and into the café. I felt so stupid after realizing that I basically told Danny Montego, my boss, that I wasn't nice to his customers. The people that he needs to keep happy! What I'd meant to say was that I'd just be nicer. Ugh!
The Choosing of the Game PiecesHe sat in the far corner of the small café, looking at the few people who were loitering there. His dark green eyes only focused on the women. Never the men. They already had the men they needed. Now they wanted a woman. Yet, not just any woman. A challenge. All the woman that he saw didn't seem like they'd be fun. They all seemed just a little to... doltish.
He was getting impatient, and was about to leave when she walked in. A tall brunette with short choppy hair. She was fairly pretty with her rounded face and small features. Probably around 5'7 in height, and her coal black eyes had an intelligence about them. She could be the one. There was only one way to find out.
Getting up, the man sauntered over to the counter in which the lady had settled on. When he sat on a stool next to her, he caught her attention.
"Hello bella,"he said in his deep spanish accent.
Looking over the strange handsome man a few times, the woman giggled.
"You are very beautiful. Do you know that?" he asked
Giggling even more, the woman quietly responded,"T-thank you. That is very kind of you to say."
"How so? It is only the truth..."
"Yes well, it could also be only a way to get me to say yes to whatever question you're about to ask me next."
The man smiled. He knew it. She was smart and pretty. They would be pleased with her. Now all he had to do was to get her to go leave with him.
"Meum delicias (my darling), it is getting quite late and I'm afraid this place will be closing soon. I would like it very much if I may walk you to your car?"
"Well... I don't know...I-"
Suddenly there was a loud noise next to them as someone dropped a soap bucket on the counter between the two. The dirty water spilled over the side and onto the man's designer jeans. Growling, he quickly tried wiping the water off with a nearby napkin.
"You can't Melany." said a soft, yet stubborn voice.
The aggravated man looked up to see the most prettiest woman he's ever seen. She had golden waves of hair the stopped at the middle of her back in curls. Those golden curls framed her pale heart shaped face and matched her soft baby pink lips. But it was her eyes that enticed the man. They were were blue, clear, and sharp like jagged glass. The man let his eyes roam over her body slowly, juding her to be 5'9 with an hourglass figure. She had put him under a spell, but the moment the woman named 'Melany' spoke it broke.
"Why not? It's just a walk to the car Ellie. He even said so."
The man looked over again to the brunette, who now seemed more dull and less smart. He had implied that something else might've happened after that simple walk to the car. In fact... it was pretty damn obvious something more was going to happen. It was then that the 'Ellie' girl raised any eyebrow and asked the simple question that would soon decide her future.
"Are you sure that's the truth?"
The Feline Fright
"Ummm... I think I'll have the good morning special as usual," said Max, a long time friend and regular of Hehvin's Café.
I pulled out my note pad and started jotting down his order when Max suddenly snatched the untouched menu off of the table and into his hands. I looked up at him when I remembered that Max never touches our menus. Like ever. But here he was... staring at the cover with his sharp hazel eyes. Kind of like he was hoping it would just disappear from his sight.
Sighing, he ran a callused hand through his long salt and peppered hair. Then he stroked his matching beard. (Lucky... wait am I the only person who wishes to have a beard just for the thoughtful stroking action?).
Quickly flipping through it he randomly pointed at one of the meals and said,"You know what? I think I'm going to change things up a bit. Instead of the usual, I think I'll have the...um.."
"The... Mini... Texas.. Breakfast?" I asked slowly as I glanced at the menu,"Max, that's a kiddy meal."
"It's for kids..."
Winking, Max simply replied,"Hey! I'm still basically ten... if you minus a few years."
"More like a few decades. You're fifty seven years old Max... I'm pretty sure you're to old for this kind of choice in food."
"Old? Me? Rude!" gasped Max as he cleaned off his white rimmed glasses.
Rolling my eyes, I looked at him and asked,"What's the problem?"
"I don't know what you're talking about,"He said nervously chuclking as he put on his glasses and avoided my eyes.
"Stop being a stubborn old man. You ALWAYS order the good morning special! You have since you moved here thirty three years ago." I stated.
Max turned to glare at me, but then faced to stare out the window. I sighed and also looked out the window only to see Miss Karren Bingley striding straight towards the door in her bright red cowboy boots. It might've just been me, but she looked pretty pissed off. And I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say I didn't imagine it, due to the fact that Max had turned an ashly grey sort of color when she barged into the café.
Miss Karren took one swift look around the café when she spotted Max and started to barrel straight towards us. Her usually neat bun of snow white hair was decorated with fly aways, and her muddy brown eyes were filled with rage. She was wearing a paint stained overall and blood red tee.
She was scarier than the devil himself, and wilder than the untamed mustang Louise Bell owned. (Trust me that horse is practically insane).
"Martin Arron Xian! You... oh, YOU are just a... a... a BIG OL' PAIN IN THE ARSE!" Screamed Miss Karren in heavy southern accent when she reached his table.
Gaining courage, Max stood up and glared at her.
"Gosh darn dammit woman! DON'T CALL ME THAT!" He roared back.
This was pretty usual. You see, Miss Karren and Max are kind of a 'thing' here in town. They have been for over twenty years. Everyone here in Gail has given up on the idea that the two are going to get married though. They've just been like this for as long as anyone can remember.
For them there is always at least one fight per week, if not more. Who knows what it is this time though. The reasons for their fights change every time. Last week it was because Max needed a hair cut, but he refused to get one. The one before that was over Miss Karren selling Max's favorite belt to pay for her new snake skin boots.They drive each other crazy! But no matter what, they are both head over heels for each other. Yet they won't tie the knot and get married. Not even engaged! Ugh... Love sounds complicated.
As the two fought in the middle of the café, the majority of us bystanders tuned them out and went back to whatever we were doing before. Like I said, we're used to this. I just turned to go to the kitchen and tell the cook about Max's order, when I felt a prickling sensation on the back of my neck. Turning around, I quickly looked at the window behinde me. Whatever that feeling was, it was unpleasant. Like a warning.
However, when I scanned the buildings and main street I saw no one. Besides... It would be silly for me to feel this type of paranoia so early in the morning. I shook my head and went to the kitchen, dismissing any thoughts about the strange feeling I just had. It was time to go get Max's Mini Texas Breakfast.
Eighteen hard working hours later, and here I was walking from the café to my apartment at night. Melany was supposed to pick me up three hours ago after her date with her husband, but I have a strange feeling she and Rick got a little... side tracked. So still holding onto the slightest ray of hope that my best friend would eventually pick me up, I worked for those three hours. Danny thinks I was just doing it to get back on his good side, and who am I to tell him I just don't want to have to walk home? Let the man think what he wants to think! Geez... Although I'm now finding that those three hours of work and waning hope was usless. I am still walking home of course.
As I turned the corner of MockingBird Lane, I mused over the thought of me chewing Mel out tomorrow morning. Boy was she in for it! Suddenly, when I got to the good part of the imagnary conversation in my head, I got that strange feeling again. The prickling was back, but this time it was accompinied with something else.
You know that feeling when someone or something is staring at you? Your whole body goes numb and then you feel two burning holes on you that can only be eyes. Well that's the feeling that overtook my body after the prickling went away. I slowed my pace, and it was like I suddenly couldn't take another step. My body kind of just stopped... Without MY consent if I may add! So I was just standing there, under the lamp pole on the corner of MockingBird Lane at midnight. For some reason, though I can't really put my finger on it, this felt like a scary movie. Hmmm......
I started trying to move my legs, but they felt like the were filled with lead and refused to move. *Grrr! Nobody listens to me! Not even my own damn body!* I thought as I helplessly looked around me. Atleast I can
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