» Romance » Lady Catherine and Saidrick, charmaine Childs [ebook e reader .TXT] 📗

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night Queen Grace, prepared to kill her husband. Standing there in the shadows of the room, slowly and very careful trying not to awake her soon to be ex-husband .She crawled into the bed, and with a swift movement drove the sliver dagger directly into his heart. Little did she know, her maid in waiting was still in the room watching her behind the red dressing curtains. As soon as she stabbed her husband, the maid gave off a shrill scream that could be heard throw out the whole castle. The royal guards rushed into the room with Prince Tristan, following behind them. Queen Grace was shock in that moment, she know her beloved Tristan had betrayed her trust, by the wicked smile he wore on his face. As he walked in the room seeing her covered in blood with the murder weapon still clutched in her hands.
“Guards arrest the women for she has committed treason, by killing our king!” Walking close to her Tristan spit in Grace’s face, “you are nothing to me, and you are no long queen of this great nation you deserve nothing more than to be beheaded like a mere commoner. Guards take her away!”
“No, no Tristan you promised we well together.”
“I lied” turning his back on her, Tristan left the crime scene moving on toward his next victim Catherine.

Barging into Lady Catherine’s quarters, “awake your lady!”
“My dear brother, what gives me this pleasure?”
“My father’s death, Catherine.”
“What, how did he die?”
“Your worthless mother stabbed him throw the heart, that’s how my dear.”
“I don’t believe my mother would do such a horrible thing. My mother loved her husband.” “Well never the less she shall be beheaded tomorrow morning.”
“Please have mercy she was like a mother to you!”
“She was nothing to me, and I ‘am no longer your brother.”
“You are all I have left please Tristan don’t leave me like this.”
“Then marry me Catherine let me take care of you.”
“I can’t Tristan you’re my brother.”
“Then dear sister you shall rot on the street never knowing where your true love lays his head at night.”
“What do you mean Tristan?”
“You know exactly what I mean Saidrick alive and I will kill him this time if you don’t marry me.” “You have twenty-four hours to make up your mind Catherine.”
That next day walking into Catherine room, Tristan was ecstatic. His plan had come full circle; he was finial going to get the answer he wants from her, concerning their marriage. Tristan pushed both of the doors backwards while entering the room.”Catherine, darling I’m here. Catherine, Catherine where are you?” Catherine was at the foot of her bed; shedding all the tears that god had blessed her with. “Catherine what’s wrong?”
“You know what’s wrong Tristan; my mother was beheaded this morning, and all I could do was watch as they hacked away at her neck while she screams out for help.”
“Catherine your mother was murder, and a sinner she deserved to die, it was God’s will.”
“Now, Now hush with all of your crying before it’s your head next that’s to be cut off grinning wick. Catherine will you marry me; think it over don’t answer so quick, because I will not ask you this again.”
“I don’t care if you don’t ask me again, you’ve already taken everything away from me, so just killed me.”
“No, no it’s too early for that how bout you make a deal with me .I’ll bring Saidrick to back to court and I wouldn’t killed him and you too could be together. How does that sound?”
“Too good to be true, what do you get out of the deal?”
“I get a well bred wife that helps present a united front for my kingdom making me a powerful king? So what do you say Catherine?”
“I agree.”
“Come outside Saidrick I want to show you something. Can you walk this far outside?”
“Sure, but what is this place it’s so beautiful. I never seen anything like it.”
“It’s my forest, my life line it grow from my magic.” The forest grass and leaves were the darkest shade of green; Saidrick had ever seen, and the texture felt like a hundred percent of the purest cotton to ever grow on this Earth. In the sky it shown of rainbow colors swirling with bright Emerald lights shooting across the sky, it was truly mesmerizing. “Elizabeth who are you?”
“I’m a sorceress, but I only use my magic for good.”
“I believe you, my lady, and this place is way too beautiful to be created by someone evil.”
“So you’re not afraid of me?”
“No, but what are we doing here?”
“I’ve come to create a spell so you can see your wife.”
“Will I really be able to see her and would she be able to see me.”
“No, you will only be able to see and hear her.”
“Okay that’s good enough for now thank you, my lady.” Calling on the powerful of nature Sir Saidrick saw a pile of leaves rise up, off the ground, and began to form Lady Catherine reflection. It was a little difficult to hear what they was saying, but I was very easy to make out the part when Lady Catherine accepted Tristan offer of marriage. “O, my god I have to get back, that villain is forcing her into marring him.”
“You’re not completely healed yet.”
“It doesn’t matter; I have to get my wife back.”
“Well take this sword,” in her hand was a bronze sword with a golden tip engraved with diamonds, “this sword will make you invincible in battle. Drink this potion also it will help restore your health faster.” “Thank you, but why didn’t you just give me the potion from the beginning?”
“Making the potion drains my power; so take it and may god be with you, on this journey for I can’t join my magic must be restored.”
It was the day of the three day wedding, and Lady Catherine was sick to her stomach, and she couldn’t stand to look at herself. There was a loud knock at the door, “my ladies are you ready.”
“Yes, come in please.” Little did she know that the maid she had invented in was not a maid, but the evil seer who worked for Tristan. “Are you okay my lady?”
“Yes, it’s just wedding day nerves.”
“O, my lady that’s perfectly normal drink some of this herb tea, and I promise the nerves will fade away, here drink.” Taking the herbal tea out of the elderly woman hands she drained the cup. Thank you, for the tea. Your welcome, my lady, but it’s time to get you down the idle. Walking down the idle Catherine started to fell a warm bubbly feeling like maybe this marriage could work. Standing at the end of the idle beside, Tristan she couldn’t help but smile and feel happy. After, saying I do Lady Catherine truly knew she meant her vow ,and his kissed lips sealing the deal that Tristan was her one and only love.
Outraged Sir Saidrick kicked the doors down. “Get away from her Tristan, so I can slit your throat.” “Give me a good reason why, she is after all my wife.”
“Never, you forced her.”
“No, I’m sorry he didn’t force me.”
“I love him, Saidrick so please leave us alone.”
“Never,” Sir Saidrick charged down to slay the future king and win back the love of his life. Over four hundred knights came in between Sir Saidrick and Prince Tristan. Sir Saidrick defeated all of them, slicing and dicing every knight that came in his way. All was to be seen was the sliver tip of sword in the air, mean while the idle that was once cover in rose petals was now soaked in ruby blood and sliced body parts. When Tristan saw all of his knights dying he tried to make a run for it, but it was to late. Sir Saidrick threw his sword, and it hit Tristan right throw the chest causing him to die in mere seconds.
“What have you’ve done?”
“I’ve killed your capture. He wasn’t my capture he was the love of my life.”
“But what about us Catherine, I love you.”
“Your or dead to me now, Saidrick!”
“No, please don’t say that everything I ever done was all for you! Catherine, please look at me.”
“No, how could you love me when you’ve killed the man of my dreams. Was that for my love or your own selfish ego; answer Saidrick, was that for me? How could a sin against god been for me; no Saidrick this was all for your own selfish reason to have me. I never want to see your face again as long as god rules this green earth you is nothing to me; go away Saidrick.”
“You can’t leave me for him you hear me; Catherine.”
“I can and I will,” throwing a knife into the center of his back. Saidrick felt to the ground; grabbing a hold of Catherine’s hand saying I wish we had more time together. In that moment Sir Saidrick close his eyes and passed on into another magical world where his soul will never die. In that moment the seer love spell broke.
“O, my god what have I’ve done?” Catherine crawled towards Saidrick’s dead body and begin running her fingers throw his hair and began talking to him if he was still alive, “you know I was never unfaithful to you I always loved you. If you only knew that I only loved you.” She picked up the sliver dagger, and slit her wrist; only to awaken into a bright light walking side by side with her beloved Saidrick.


Publication Date: 01-23-2011

All Rights Reserved

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