» Romance » To tell you i love you, Andy Madden [black books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «To tell you i love you, Andy Madden [black books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Andy Madden

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at his bloody arm and rubbed it. “I’ll be fine.”
“Let’s get home so I can put a bandage over that!”

End of chapter one.

Painting the Roses Red

Chapter 2

Rory was proped up on a table as Jace wrapped a bandage around his pale arm. Rory contiuiously look at the door, knowing it was almost time for Luka to get home. Rory knew that what Luka had done to his arm was an accident, and he quickly forgave him. But Rory was more worried that Luka would come home still drunk.
It was almost 8:30. Rory started to worry about Luka. He started pacing around the kitchen, waiting for the twist of a door knob. Second after second felt like agony.
“Don’t worry Rory, he’ll come!” shouted jace with a mouth full of sandwich. Rory looked back at jace and gave him a sad smirk.
“Yeah… y-your right.” He said as he headed toward jace to sit down with him at the table. He pulled out one of the chairs and sat down. “I just really want to talk to him that’s all.”
“Well why don’t we talk about you Rory? How have YOU been?”
“Yes you.” Jace said with a smile.
“Well… ive been feeling kinda sick latly. All this war going on and ya know. What would happen if Russia really did take over all of europe and what if America is next?”
“Well, lets hope that America can win this war like they did with world war II. You know, America has a lot of luck, we have yet to loose a war.”
“Yea, and Im really worried for Luka, I don’t want him to get drafted, we finally have seattled down, and if he was taken away from me… i… I would loose it. Do you get what I mean jace?”
“You really do love master Luka don’t you?”
“Well of course. I know that its weird but.. I really do love him…”
“If it truly is love, then you two have nothing to worry about.” Said Jace with a smile.
The two went on talking for hours. And Rory pointed out that seeing Jace eat the sandwich was the first time he had seen him eat. They talked about lots of things. And Rory learned more and more about jace, and it was the same for jace. Eventually it grew to be very late, but Rory had forggoten all about Luka. Eventually he fell asleep at the table, and Jace laid a blanket on top of Rory and left.
It was almost 4 and Rory was still sound asleep when Luka finally got home. He opened up the door, expecting Rory to cling on to him, but was surpirsed when he didn’t. He looked over to the kitchen table and saw him sound asleep. He let out a sigh and smiled at Rory’s ruffled matt of hair lying on the table top. It warmed Luka’s heart to see that Rory had waited for him to get home. And then he saw the blood stained bandage around Rory’s arm. He let out a loud gasp, knowing he was the one who did this to poor Rory. He fell on his knees and hugged rory. Rory slowly batted his silver eyes open, looking at the man whose arms were wrapped around him.
“Are you awake?” questioned Luka with a sobbing voice.
“Yea im right here…” said Rory with a smile.
“Im so sorry Rory, i- I didn’t-“
“its okay Luka, it dosent even hurt.” He said with a smile. That was a lie of course, it hurt like hell.” I forgive you”
“Y-You do?”
“Yes I do.I love you Luka.” Luka felt something wet hit the top of his head when he looked up, he was surprised to see Rory crying.
“I love you to rory.” He wispered as he kissed Rory’s soft wet lips.

The next morning, Rory woke up in the same position as in the morning before. Clothes all over the floor, the room a mess, wrapped in sheets. But this morning, he smelled bacon and eggs cooking. He jolted up, brushing teeth, brushing hair, throwing on clothes, and running down 3 flights of stairs down to the first floor, were in the kitchen stood Luka cooking a fresh batch of eggs and bacon, a plate and a glass of chocolate milk sat at the table, and Rory smiled.
“Well this is different.” Rory said sarcastically.
“Well, ya know, I felt like doing something different today.”
“But isn’t today a work day?”
“Yea it is, but just like you, it’s a half day today.” Rory had forgotten he had work today. But as of right now, he didn’t care. “You know your birthday is in a few days, maybe we should go out and do something?”
“Oh, okay!” he said with a smile. Then there was a knick at the door.
“Who could be knocking at our door at this hour?”
“Oh! It’s probably Jace! I’ll get it!” Rory Rushed over to the door. He was in a really good mood this morning but that was about to change.
The person at the door wasn’t Jace… it was a soldier.
“Uhm kind sir, may I ask, is you Luka Mikhal?” Rory looked straight into the man’s eyes with a glare, and slammed the door right in his face. Luka rushed over to the door and scolded Rory, and opened the door again.
“I’m terribly sorry for my, Brother’s behavior (Luka refers to him as brother since you could get arrested for being gay and he doesn’t want anyone to know) But I’m Luka Mikhail, what is your business here sir?”
“I’m here to give you this letter.” He held up a letter in his hand, handing it to Luka’s shaking hand. Rory knew why Luka was shaking, and he knew what the letter said on it to. “We are looking forward to your service in the military.” Said the man, tipping his hat and leaving.
Luka sat down at the table, he was dazed, and he held the letter in his shaking hand. The bacon started burning, so Rory slowly walked over to the stove and turned it off. Rory sat next to Luka, and the two sat together in silence.
“I’m sorry Rory, but your gonna have to start to learn how to live on your own.”
“Luka! You don’t have to go do you!? I mean, they can’t make you go into the military!!”
“Rory this is not up for discussion, I have no choice.”
“L-Luka…” tears were drenching Rory’s face. “I-if you go, I’ll kill myself!”
“Rory… don’t be that way. Its only for a little while.”
“B-but what if you get killed!?!??” Rory was screaming now.
“Well the I guess I have no other choice but to live.”
“You have to promise!” said Rory digging his chin into his collar bone.
“Okay Rory, I promise not to get killed.”
“Pinky promise!” said Rory holding up his pinky.
“Okay I pinky promise.” Luka said in a hushed voice, wrapping his pinky around Rory’s and kissing him on the fore head.

Luka was about to leave to go get his passport and papers signed when Jace arrived. Luka had told him what had happened and Jace said it felt like he was losing his son all over again. But Rory didn’t know what he was talking about, since he didn’t know Jace had had a family.
When Luka left, He promised Rory he would be back in a few hours. Rory didn’t say goodbye though, he just stood there and cried.
Rory just sat at the kitchen table waiting for him to return.

End of chapter 2

Dyed in Blood

<<font;_italic>font;_bold>Chapter 3

It had been 3 hours since Luka had left, but Rory was so angry, that he didn’t care if he came home or not. He sat at the kitchen table, still crying. His eyes were swollen and red as tears poured from them. He had his blond bangs gripped in his fist at the top of his head. Jace went out to the garden for a bit to get some air.
“Rory don’t worry, Master Luka has made a promise, and even I know that he never breaks a promise.” Said Jace in a hushed voice. In his hands was a bouquet of white roses. When Rory looked at them with his glassy eyes, he saw all the good times he had had with Luka, He saw the sad times, the happy times, and then they were all shattered. Jace put the flowers into a small vase, and placing it on the table in front of Rory. Rory took one of the roses out of the vase and stared at it intently. One of the thorns cut him on his finger and blood stained its white innocent petals. At that moment there was a twist of the door knob. Rory didn’t even look towards the door, knowing Luka was going to come in. But instead of the gentle push of a door, it slammed open and 3 men ran in shouting in Russian. A fear stricken look crossed over Rory’s face when they ran towards him. One of the men was already on top of Jace, pounding him to a pulp.
As Rory tried to make it out the door, the white rose clenched tight in his sweaty palm, blood dripping on the floor as he ran, a Tall man caught his shirt collar in the grasp of his hand. Rory was screaming at the top of his lungs. He saw Jace’s face. Bloody and cold, it looked as though most of the skin in his cheek was gone, but He was still conscious and shouting for help. He was tied to the table that only moments ago Rory was sitting at and sulking. Rory started swinging his arms at the man. Shouting “Let

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