» Romance » The Forgotten Blooming, Angelhabz Sonny [online e book reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Forgotten Blooming, Angelhabz Sonny [online e book reader .TXT] 📗». Author Angelhabz Sonny

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"Delete it now!"


That pervert! Taking secret pictures of me!


He grinned, "Duh. Obviously I would. Do you think I would keep such a thing? Deleted"


He put his phone in his pocket and walked away without a word.


He's so strange. What a weird guy. I picked up the last parcel and ran to the upstairs classroom. It was the last task of the day.


That night I stared out of the window. The stars seemed to shine more brightley, as if to say "well done! Your doing your best" it's great if your feeling down. It gives you comfort. It makes me wonder, whether they remember me or not. Every night I stare out of this window. Maybe I really have been forgotten. Am I just a memory? Do I ever cross their minds? Who am I? I don't even know who I am. I have no place to belong. I belong nowhere. I jumped back into my bed. It's time for a good night's sleep. Another day of struggling has gone. A new day will rise.


"Good morning Haru!"

Screamed all the girls of Imperial Academy.


"I love you Haru!!"


Disgusting. How pitiful. Even though these girls are rich as hell they don't have any class, as they say they do. How pathetic. Screaming I love you won't make a difference to that idiot. He acts like he's so perfect, it makes me want to kick him.

He looks weird today though. Like he's got something to say to someone. He's In that stupid mood of his, someone's gonna get it today. Poor soul. Wait, why do I care?


I walked past the mob of stupid girls surrounding Haru at the entrance. They do this every morning. A shy girl held up the courage and walked to him slowly.


"Erm Haru..I.."


"What?" He glared.


It made her jump. Must have made her even more nervous. Poor girl.


"I..I like you! Please go out with me!"


All the girls waited for his reply in silence.


"Sorry I don't like this kind of thing. Find someone else. Anyway I have something important to do so excuse me"


He strutted down the path, into the school as if nothing had happened.. All the girls were dissapointed. He gets confessed all the time. He's ruthless and stone hearted. He doesn't know how to say no to a girl in a nice way, leaving them crying.


He angrily walked into the class room.




I sat on my desk waiting for the teacher to arrive. Why is he talking to me, and in that tone too?!


"Come here!"


After that He walked out. Something was going to happen. All the girls and boys stared at me. Who did he think I was. I'm not his servant that he can talk to me like that. As if. I'm staying here. I ignored him.


A moment later. He came back into the room and stood there waiting at the door.


"Are you coming?"


I scoffed at him, "obviously not"


"I said, come here"


The class was silent and watched the scene excitedly. The girls however were not happy.




Everyone gasped and whispered.


"She just dissobeyed Haru! she's gonna get it now!"


"What did you just say?"


His angry eyes didn't even twitch. I tried to keep my cool and acted arrogantly.


"Are you deaf? I said no"


I tried not to look him in the eye. He looked as though he was going to kill me.


He didn't say a word, but his eyes did. He took a step foward, then another and another. Next thing you know he stormed across the room to my desk, grabbed my arm as if to pull it off, yanked me off my seat and dragged me across the room without saying a single word.


"Hey let go! Get off me!"


Why is he pulling me like this? What did I ever do to him? Oh God! Everyone is staring at us! What are they whispering about me? And why the hell is this idiot pulling me like this??


All the while, while being dragged across the hallway, with all the students stopping and staring, he didn't look back. He carried on looking faward with those bear like eyes.


"Hey idiot! Haru!"


No answer.


"Haru! Haru you idiot let go of me!!"


Instead he gripped my arm even tighter. Damn it hurts.


Finally we reached an empty room, the principles office. He had gone for lunch so it was empty. He's silly that he didn't lock it before leaving. Our principle is kind of forgetful. He pushed me across the room violantly. l most fell over. I could have hurt myself! He stared at me like he knew something.


"Wha..what is the meaning of this!?"


My heart was racing, my arm hurt with pain and our voices echoing in the silent room.


"I know your secret. I know why your so different from everyone else"


Oh no! He knows my secret! I'm done for!


"What secret? What are you talking about?"


Perhaps he's talking about something else.

He slammed his fist on the wall.


"Don't give me that crap. I know everything. What kind of a women are you?!"


Wait, what? What's he talking about?


"Er I beg your pardon?!"


"They treated you like family. Yet you walked out on them. They gave you everything yet you disgraced their name and ran away. They let you into their lives but you left them! They are kind gentle people but you didn't appreciate it! They treated you like their own daughter!"


His eyes were misty.


"Wait, Who? Who treated me like their own?!"


"The Kamiya's damnit!"


My heart sank. My eyes filling up with tears, memories. They were all coming back. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get rid of this stupid secret! The secrets out! But he's got it all wrong.


"You've got it wrong. That's not..."



"Don't lie to me! You've been caught now, He told me everything!"


Who? What? What the hell?!


"Wait who told you everything?"


"My uncle, your father. He told me that when you were young, he felt pity for you and let you live with them. You became a part of their family, but when you reached 17 you ran away even though they gave you everything. You didn't love or appreciate them and all you wanted was everything for yourself. You ran away. You wanted to shame them"


My father? He said this?! How could he. No. This can't be. I refuse to believe it. No. No.




Haru was startled.


"You've got it all wrong!!"


He stood there in silence watching me break down. The secret is out. All my emotions were pouring out like they've never done before. I finally tell someone and it had to be him of all people! My eyes filled with tears flowing non stop. I couldn't help my self.


"It pains me so much to say this but I am not "like" their daughter, but I "am" their daughter! I am the daughter of Shizumasa and Thereasa Kamiya! My name is Yuki Clarise Kamiya!"


I dropped down to the floor with tears flowing out as if they had a mind of their own. I am becoming weak again. After all those years over building up my strength its now being wasted.


Haru stood their watching, his eyes open wide. He was shocked of what he just heard.


"My father always wanted a son so that he may grow up to take his place as the Kamiya group company manager, but he got me. He was dissapointed when he found out it was a girl, but due to birth complications mother would not be able to conceive again. I would be the first and last child. Father paid no attention to me no matter what things I did to make him proud. I learnt to play the violin. I was very good in sports and maths and english. I was home tutored to learn everything, even buisness. He wanted to hide I even existed. He didn't want to let anyone know about his "failure" so he told the world "I" the baby "died" during birth and he told them that he found a girl and accepted her into the family. His name was saved. Mother however never once spoke. She just watched everything happen to me"


Haru was silent. He had nothing to say, he could only listen. I wonder what he was thinking about.


"As I grew up to be an older girl. The more he ignored me. I became the perfect daughter, as the servants and other said. Everyone said what a pity I wasn't really his child. Even though I really was, his own flesh and blood. The more I grew, the more my existance became poor. I didn't even understand why didn't he just kill me when he found out it was a girl. I suffered in silence. It drove me crazy. I didn't even know whether or not mother loved me. She looked after me and cared for me, but she didn't say anything about what father was doing to me. That's why I just let it all happen"


Haru stepped towards me.


"So that's why you left? You couldn't handle it all?"



After everything he doesn't understand.


"You really don't get it do you??"


He paused.




"Its because of YOU I left!!"


Haru stumbled back and tripped up.




"Yes you! As if everything wasn't bad enough, he heard about the prodigy young boy who had no parents. It was his chance to have a son. He heard about you from the news and decided he would make you a part of the family. So he came to see you everyday and soon after that he let you come to our mansion, then staying over. All the while he never introduced me to you. Father made sure that I was hidden away and that you never found out about me. I heard him telling mother and the servants. After that It got too much. I was just a burden on the family. A doll hidden away never to be cared or loved again. I wanted to kill myself at first, but then I thought 'why should I punish myself?' I never did anything wrong. The only problem was, that. I was a girl. So I left, packed my bags and ran out one night avoiding the security gaurds, I knew all the passwords so it was easy getting out. I found a girls orphanage hostel and stayed there untill I was old enough to get my own house and get enough money to live for myself. That's why I work at the school. After that I decided from that day onwards I will never associate myself with the "kamiya family" ever again. I was now "Yuki Clarise" Kamiya is no longer my identity. My new goal now is make my own buisness and be more famous than the Kamiya's. No matter how long it takes, I will take my revenge"


I wiped my tears away and stood firm. I will not be weak anymore. I won't!


Haru ran to me and hugged me tightly. Huh? He's hugging me? Why? Why is my heart racing? What the hell? Why am I getting flustered for? Its just idiot Haru.


"I'm sorry Yuki. Now I understand why you hate me. You have every right to be"


He let go of me. I was shocked to see his eyes filled with tears. So he is human then.


"No its not your fault. Father and mother lied to you too, so how you ever be aware? It must have been amazing for you, to finally have a family again, to be loved once more"


Haru wiped his tears away.


"Its not fair for me to be happy. I took away your family. I can't believe uncle and aunt lied to me!"


"Why do you call them uncle and aunt?"


Haru stopped and stared at the ground.


"Well. Aunt wouldn't allow uncle to adopt me. I never knew why. But I guess its because it would be fair to you"


What's the point in that? If she never said anything before then why say that? They might as well have adopted him. He practically is their son, sort of. Well the whole world thinks he is.


"I have decided something"


What? What has he decided?


He looked up at me, "come"


He held my hand and walked across the hall. Again

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