» Romance » Finding Forever in the Dark, Delanie Rose [learn to read books txt] 📗

Book online «Finding Forever in the Dark, Delanie Rose [learn to read books txt] 📗». Author Delanie Rose

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Adams... i think you are interupting something. You see, i was having a wonderful conversation with my bud Cameron over here. But, sadly we were interupted." i say and pout out my lip. "My mother always tells me to not interupt her. I mean your mother probulally told you this. After all you have lived with her for 58 years and had no life" i say with a smile. The new girl giggles and covers her mouth. "See even new girl thinks its funny, and she hasnt been here 15 minutes." i say hooking a thumb at Mia. She turns to glare at me. "Is this true, Mia" he asks. She turns her head down and flips her pen. "Yes but," she starts. "Detention for both of you." he says. Her head snaps up. "Wait, what!" she screeches. All the teacher does is points to the door. She groans and packs up her stuff in her bag. I grab my backpack and hold the door open for her. "My lady," i say sweetly. She rolls her eyes and says, "you have me royaly pissed dylan," I hold up my hands. "Hey your the one going to the office on ypur first day of school." i scoff. "kiss my ass," she says. "You know what i will glady do that but i have to go to the office," i say with a smile. She groans and turns to the office. "You know i can get to like you, Mia" i say. She slaps her forehead. I smile with confidence. Chapter 2: Mia's P.O.V.

I hate to admit this but Dylan is right. I'm going to the office and it's my first day at a new school. Just Wonderful. And to add the icing on the cake, its with the town bad boy. Jesus Christ! I just can't catch a break. We walk into the secratary's office and she looks at us through her glasses. "Dylan Revolt, what have you done now. And Mia why are you here? Did you not find your room? Surley someone whould have helped you." she says. Dylan tryes to cover his laugh with a cough but, i turn to glare at him as i say shamefully, "No ma'am, i found everyhting okay." She gives me a questioing look. Dylan chuckles. "What she's trying to say is she's here because she is in trouble and needs to see the principal," Dylan hooks a thumb at me. This boy is relentless. She looks at me then shakes her head. "I strongly suggest that you get off this path. We don't want you to end up like a reputaion such as Mr. Revolts. No hard feeligns Dylan," she says with a tight smile. Dylan shruggs, "None taken Miss. Gibbs," Why is it that he has more confidence than a Baby that has just started walking. He has a way of making everything seem calm. If someone told him the world was going to end he wound grab a brush and brush his hair as he said 'chill, i'll save the world,". Someone like him and i can nev'er be assosiated on the same level. We're two compete opposites. Towns bad boy, towns new goddy two shoes. Confident, and shy. How could i even be going to the office when im shy and a goody two shoes. "Okay go on in," she says never looking up from her computer. "Dont be scared, princess, i have been here plenty of times. I'll even hold you hand if in makes you feel better." he says trying to grab my hand. "You got me in this mess," i said retrating my hand. He stares at me. "Maybe i can get to like you, princess." he says with a shake of his head. I stand there looking at him. This kind of Dylan, the softer kind, i could come to like too. "You know im not always a princess," i say with a shake of my head. He lifts his head to look at me. "Get a little alchoic substances in my body, you see a whole new Mia. She's accually not boring," i say with a smile. "Your not boring. You just meed some... fun. I don't think you get much of that. I'll teach you fun, princess." I answer with a nod and walk into the office.

Dylan's P.O.V.

"Both of you need to learn from your mistakes and disrespect. Both of you are going to have detention." he says. I roll my eyes. If he accually thinks I'm going to go to this he has another thing coming. I'll just make a excuse. 'im having progectile vomiting and i don't think that i can make it.' kind of excuse. I look over to Mia figiting with a loose strand of her bag. "You are dismissed," he says with a wave of his hand. Mia shoots up and goes out the door. I slowly walk out of the room. Mia s biting her nails waiting for me. She looks up at me and walks out of the room. I catch up to her. "Hey hey hey, whats wrong with you," i say grabbing her arm. She looks up at me and runs out of the school doors. She is pacing when i get to her. I grab both of her arms and i look into her blue eyes. "Whats wrong," i say sternely. She looks up at me and shakes her head. "Tonight is a family reunion at my house. I have to be there at 4 o'clock. I won't be able to make it. My parents always tell me i need to be the mature one ever sense Collin died," she rushes out. She covers her mouth. "I didnt mean for that to come out." She had someone die on her. Collin. And her parents blame her for it. A rush of anger spikes through me. "Who's Collin?" i ask. "No one, he just..." she begins. "You don't have to tell me." i say releasing her arms. She smiles then frowns. "They have a reunion every month. And every time its the same damn thing. Boring, stupid, and useless. I really dont want to go," she says. I give her a crule smile. "Then don't go," i say. "its not that simple. They will have my head and never let me live it up." she spills out. I laugh. "Oh Mia, when will you realize your olny your only young once. Soon enough your gonna be just like them. Were gonna go to collage, get married, and have your own kids to torture. But, no was dumb teenagers. Its time to do the complete opposite of what they say. Its time to be dumb, get. completely wasted,  and live the wild life. It your time now." i say. She looks up at me and smiles. "Is this advice on how to become the next Dylan Revolt." I chuckle. "No its advice on how to have fun," i say. She looks up at me with qurious eyes. "And you Mia, have never had fun. And im taking it as my mission to become your fun adminastrator," i say with a nod. "But, my parents..." I shake my head. "Forget them. Are they home right now?" i say. "No, their at work. But..." she says. I smile. Perfect. "Go home get some nice clothes. And bring some older clothes. You might need them. Meet me at the towns city hall parking lot. Your day of fun begins now," i say. "But, my parents." she begins. I groan. I start pushing her to her car. "Forget about them," i say. She turns around to look into my eyes. "Dylan Revolt, i better not regret this." she says with an edge to her voice. "Trust me you won't," i say truthfully.

Mia's P.O.V.

I get in my car and drive home. My stomach is in nots the whole time im driving home. I use my key to get into the house. I run up stairs. Once i reach my closet im search everything there. Then i remember. Back in my old town one of my friends bought me a dress. The strapless dress is white at the top. When it reaches the top of belly button it slighty flares out in hot pink fabric. I smile are bring it to my chest. I have never had a special occasion to wear it. Dylan said wear something 'cute'. So here goes nothing. I add more makeup than i did this moring. I put on foundation, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, masacra, and a soft lip colored balm. I grab a sports bra and gym shorts. I  grab my leather jacket and my bag. I head down stairs. The phone rings and i think why not. "Hello," i say. "Mia, darning is that you. It's Mrs. Carrale. From down the street. Might i ask why you aren't in school." she asks Shit, i have never told a lie to an elderly. "Umm, i had a terrible cough," i fake a couple coughs. "The secratery sent me home," i say quickly. "That's so terrrible,darling. I was just going to tell your mother, if she was there, that i will be making it to that dinner tonight." she say slowly. "Well she's not here and ill pass the message along," i say. "Well get well hun, bye" she hangs up. I shake my head. What have i gotten myself into. I smile at the adrenaline going through my veins. I am going to get into so much trouble. I smile. As Dylan said, 'its out time to be dumb and have fun'. My parents had me on a leash. I always conplied. Doing whatever it is they wanted. But, now im fighting the pull of the leash. They want me to be obedient. Id like to see them try to keep me from the fun world now. I think that Dylan has created a monster. I chuckle. I strut outside. You would think with a fast car i would go past the speed limit, go fast, and go completly crazy. But, i have drove like i was driving to my own funeral. I get in and check the rear view. Ever sense Collin died, i have wanted to back out on everything. The hurt, stress, and memories. I pull out of the drive way like im pulling out of my hurt. Im going 20 in less than 2 seconds. I put it in drive and am going 50 down our street. I pull out into traffic wiht squeeling tires. I turn the radio on and my favorite song comes on. "Don't go crying to your mama. Cause your on your own in the real world," i screech. I pull onto the city hall. Dylal is leaning on the hood of the car. He is talking on his phone. He smiles when he sees me step out of the car. "Gotta let you go. Damn when i said 'cute' i think you interpreted that as sexy. You got nice legs," he says with a quirk of an eyebrow. "Yea, yea. Where we going," i say walking to his car. "That is a secret." he says holding the door to his camro open for me. "You better not bring me

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