» Romance » I DARE U, Jazzy Knight [best romance ebooks TXT] 📗

Book online «I DARE U, Jazzy Knight [best romance ebooks TXT] 📗». Author Jazzy Knight

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isn't enough for you ,now you gotta invade my free time?"Damien said in a playful way."What are you-"and again I was cut off."So you must be Regina's daughter?"the lady standing by him said."That would be me,"I replied.Without waiting she gave me a bear hug."Oh I can't believe it's you,you've grown so much,the last time I saw you were in diapers dancing on MJ songs!"she exclaimed.And that time ,I couldn't help but say,"Who the hell are you!?"

She looked at me in utter confusion,"I'm Dana mother's friend...and that's my son,Damien.."
"!,"I quickly uttered."That's okay,"she replied."So you two are school friends?"
"Si,"I nodded though in reality I wanted to say,"What me and that thing ,friends?Good joke old woman!"."That's great,"Dana said.

Okay that was the most awkward moment in my life!
"Mio dio!"my mum exclaimed."What're you waiting to let them in!?"
I rolled my eyes,"Come in?"I gestured toward the inside.Dana entered first sighing at me,followed by Damien."What a hostile hostess we got here,"he whispered in my ears and chuckled.
THAT BASTARD!!!Okay let's keep calm and ignore bullshit,I thought calmly and headed to the dining-room.
The three of us sat around the table waiting for my mum to come.You just won't believe who sat beside me!My great friend Damien,Hurray!(Please note the sarcasm)

A pin drop silence reigned in the room ,well that was until Dana violated it.
"Did your mother ever tell you how we became friends?"
"I guess not."
"Well, I too lived in Italy like your mother,we met in elementary-school,"she laughed."She was such a rebellious kid before,can't believe that that tomboy actually became such an elegant woman."
I shrugged,"People change."
"Yeah indeed they do!Italy...your mum would have still been living there if she hadn't met your dad...such a great man..."
"Gone too soon..."I added.I winced as I remembered his face.
"I'm sorry!I shouldn't have mention him!"Dana said in a rush.
I shook my head,"It's okay."

"Well...I'm going to check on your mother,"she got up and headed to the kitchen.
Damien nudged me.
"What?"I muttered.He chuckled,"Trust me Riley, you'll be dumbfounded after the dinner."
"How so?"
"That darling you'll have to find out."
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.
"Let's play a game,"he suggested.
"I don't play game,"I retorted.
"You should."
"Well I don't."
"But now you're going to."
"Hey-"he cut me off on the first word uttered."Never have I ever?"
"Okay,"I finally said.
He took a bottle of vodka on the table and poured some in his and my glass."One truth fact, one sip,"he said.I nodded,"Who start?"
"Eeeh...never have I ever...had sex..."
He took a sip.
"You did?"I queried.
"When I'm good I'm good,when I'm bad I'm bad,"he replied with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes,"Your turn."
"Never have I ever cheated on someone..."
I took a sip and winced immediately.
"Cheated?So we have a little bad girl here?"
"As if you never!"
"Frankly I never."
I sighed.

"Riley!"my mum shouted."Yeah?"I called back."Come help us!"she ordered."Sure,"I replied and got up but then Damien grabbed my hand and KISSED it!!
"Oh no you didn't,"I said and shook my head.
"Oh yes I did,"he smirked."You know what Riley, I want you...yes you're what I want,you'll be mine soon or later,"he chuckled.
"Yeah,I'll be yours in your dream,jerk!"
"Or in real life?"
I threw my head back and laughed,"Fat chance!"

After eating we all sat around the table eyeing each other.What a weird situation ,I thought."Riley,"my mum finally uttered,"I've got something to tell you.."
"Wassup?"I raised an eyebrow."Well I got a buisiness trip..."she trailed off."Super duper!"I fake-cheered,"And when are you coming back?"
She gulped,"After one year..."
I shot up immediately,"Excuse moi?"
"I know it may sound long-"
"Maybe because it is!"
"You know what mum?I don't care whether you're gone are not,it's not like you ever cared whether I could stay all alone in a house!"
"Well about that,this time you're not going to stay alone..."
"Oh how cute!You even employed a babysister for me!So who's the lucky winner?"I said sarcastically.

"Me,"Damien replied with a sardonic smile.
"You'll be staying for the being,what can I possibly add?Enjoy?"

You're welcome!

"Man!What do you have in your luggages...your TV?"Damien cocked an eyebrow at me as he put my stuffs in my now temporary bedroom.
"Well I've got-books,clothes,my laptop,my makeup kit, my Gilmore's girls series,magazines, posters,my-"he cut me off.
"Okay!I get it ,you've a LOT of things so let's stop here!"
A smirk was plastered on my face,"Annoyed much?"
"Yeah and I think we've got some unfinish business,you know the kiss?"
I blushed violently and before I could even reply he was already gone.




Publication Date: 08-10-2012

All Rights Reserved

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