» Romance » The Fall, Natalie Brown [best english novels for beginners TXT] 📗

Book online «The Fall, Natalie Brown [best english novels for beginners TXT] 📗». Author Natalie Brown

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First sight


I finally made it to the grocery store and pulled out my car into the parking lot. I was about to park in the vacant spot I found when suddenly a black Porsche came speeding out of nowhere and parked in the place I was about to park. I hit the break hard to avoid collision and lurched forwards and hit the steering. I was really mad with whoever was in that car. He or she would have caused an accident! I came out of the car, and “What are you thinking of yourself?” I yelled.

For the first few seconds it seemed as if there was no one in the car. Because the door didn’t open. But the next moment, I was gawking at something – or rather someone – I had never laid my eyes on.

He was tall and lean but muscular. He’s got copper colored hair that looked dishelved yet sexy. It made me want to run my fingers through it. He was fair with flawless skin, sculpted nose and perfect lips. He had on sunglasses, so I couldn’t see his eyes. He was dressed in a black buttoned up shirt with the first to buttons open and the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. He complemented the shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans and black sneakers. He looked so boyish yet manly, formal yet casual. I realized I was staring at him and put my head down in embarrassment. I must have flushed tomato red by now. I shook my head, took a deep breath and remembered my purpose.                                                                                        

“You could’ve killed!! Should’ve at least honked!!” I ranted.

 “Do you have any ide….” I was cut in mid sentence.

“You are still alive though and undamaged if I specify.”

 His voice was enchanting. Before I could remind myself to breathe, he pushed me into my car, slammed the door shut and walked away with a smirk on his face. Or it must have been a smile? Arrgh I don’t know. It all happened so fast that one second I was yelling and in the other, I was shut in my own car!! Rage started to consume me.

“That was so rude. What a brat.” I thought.

I was annoyed throughout my shopping. I brought a child to the verge of tears when he politely asked me to help him get the chocolate on the higher rack. I felt really guilty for that. I usually prefer to be alone when I’m angry. I inherited this character from my dad. Whenever I get angry, I go into my room and lock it. My mom and friends know not to bother me when I lock the room. I take my time to calm down and when I come out from the room I’m the same old Kia who is cool and calm.

I finally got all the groceries I needed and proceeded to pay. The guy at the counter winked at me. I think I heard someone growl behind me. ‘What am I imagining??’ I started to get annoyed with myself too. I quickly paid him and got out of the store into the fresh air.

It started to drizzle, so I widened my stance and paced towards my car. I involuntarily scanned the parking lot for the black Porsche. It was still there. How come I didn’t run into him while I was shopping I wondered. My brain was yelling ‘Are you crazy, he was so rude to you, stop thinking about him.’ I sighed and headed to my car.

Throughout the drive I was really disturbed. Even the climate didn’t help. It was raining heavily. I’m more of a winter and spring person. So I was fuming by the time I reached home. I parked the car in the garage and sprinted into the house to avoid getting wet. I succeeded in not getting wet. The house was warm. I arranged the groceries I bought in their rightful places and went into my room.

I took a hot shower to let down today’s stress. I don’t know for how long I was in the shower, but when I finally came out I felt a lot better. I went down and made a hot mug of coffee and went into my balcony. It stopped raining and the sun was almost down. It was twilight, a beautiful one. I smiled and savored my coffee. It was a perfect moment. I finished my coffee and was about to go in when something caught my attention. Something black, may be a car, was going through the woods. I wondered why someone would go into the woods at this hour.

I picked out Rebecca from my bookshelf and started reading it. I didn’t notice how quickly the time passed away until my stomach started to growl. I kept the book aside and looked at my phone. It was already half past nine. I hurried down and fixed myself dinner. I was halfway through my eating when I heard a car pullover into the driveway. After five minutes I was greeted with my mom’s cheerful voice.

“Hey Kia, how was your day? Oh you didn’t finish your dinner yet? Isn’t it late? Are you alright honey?” she started bombarding me with the questions.

“Mom, relax, take a deep breath. I’m totally fine. I just lost the track of time while I was reading. And my day was….” I paused thinking of that rude guy and then added “fine”.  

“Oh, good. So did you like the place.” She looked hopeful.

“Yeah. I really I liked it.” I told her truthfully. Her face brightened. “I know you would love it. It’s just so perfect...” she started her monologue. Though I finished my dinner I sat through my mom’s summary of her day. I nodded and ‘oh’ed when needed. I got up when she finished. She said she would do the dishes so I kissed her good night and went upstairs to my room. I brushed my teeth, changed into my sweats and snuggled on to the bed under the comforter. Within minutes the sleep consumed me.



 “Beeeeep” I woke up to the alarm.

I got down from the bed and went into the balcony and I basked in the morning sun. It was so peaceful and beautiful. I don’t know for how long I’ve been there drinking in the beauty of the morning. Finally I started to get cold so I had to get inside. I finished my morning routine and took a shower. I put on blue jeans and a white blouse and got downstairs. I made scrambled eggs, filled the glass with orange juice and began eating in silence. Suddenly my phone pinged and I felt delighted when I saw it is from Kay.

“Hey Kia, wassup? Are you liking it there? Mrs. Jones just called to inform that ‘Jane Eyre’is back in stock. I hope you would finally manage to find your copy there. Everything’s just normal here.

Love you”

I felt really bad ‘coz every time I went to get that book, it was, “sorry we don’t have it”, “out of stock” or “someone took it”. I feel so ridiculous that I couldn’t find a book in the huge New York! That frustrates me. Though the chances are very slim, I’ll try searching for it here.

M fine Kay. It’s beautiful here. Thanks for telling me. I guess I’ll find it here. 

Love you too.”

I texted Kay back and cleared up the table. I took my jacket and headed out to find the bookstore.

After searching for an hour I finally managed to find one. It is named Paddy’s Corner. I chuckled at the weird name. Not just the name but the bookstore too was weird. It looked like an oversized tree house only that, it is not perched up on any tree. It looked way too ‘natural’. On the whole it gave off an ancient aura. I wonder if I would even find twilight at this place. I sighed and went inside.

I had to remind myself to close my mouth once I was in. It was nothing like what I thought of. With the dim yellow lighting and many shelves filled with books, it looked like a library at an ancient palace. It is so beautiful that you wouldn’t want to leave that place. I was greeted by a smiling elderly woman. She probably understood the shock on my face and gave me a toothy grin.

“How can I help you dear” she asked very politely.

“I was wondering if I could find Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte here…” I trailed waiting for her answer. I had my fingers crossed.

“There’s just one copy of it and you would find it in the gothic section upstairs in the 15th lane”

I almost shrieked of happiness and ran upstairs. I was rushing past the bookshelves until I came to the 15th lane. I scanned all the books in the shelf and I finally found what I wanted. Immediately I grabbed the book to rush down only to be stopped in my tracks. I spun around and met with a pair rather 2 pairs of eyes. He was holding onto my book.

“I got it first” I protested. I cannot lose this chance of getting that book.

“But I saw it first” he retorted.

We glared at each other in silence for few minutes. Then I finally gave up and came with a solution.

“How about I buy the book first, finish reading it and lend you after 3 days. Please say yes ‘coz I’ve been searching like crazy for this book” I used my best pleading eyes. His stare softened and sighed, giving up. I mentally celebrated.

“I’m Sean Whalen by the way, junior at La Pine High” he extended his hand.

“I’m Kiara Jackson, junior at La Pine High and new to this town” I smiled and shook his hand.

We lost the track of time while talking to each other. I told him about my move, my love for books, my old place my family and friends. He promised to show me around this town and told about himself, the school and this place. At the end I found out we both had insanely similar taste. I was glad I found someone just like me and moreover a friend in this new place. We exchanged our numbers and set off for our homes.

After I got home I fixed myself dinner and ate it in silence. After I finished, I cleaned the dishes and went upstairs. I took a warm shower, changed into my sweats, brushed my teeth and got

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