» Romance » Secrets unfold, very fast., Haley M [epub read online books TXT] 📗

Book online «Secrets unfold, very fast., Haley M [epub read online books TXT] 📗». Author Haley M

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him, he looks over towards our table and locks eye contact with me. I look away, blushing.

“Dude, are you listening?” I hear Scott say. As I look up at them I notice they were talking to me while I was gazing over at Finn. Now I feel the heat in my cheeks spread to me neck.

“No, sorry. What were you saying?” I ask them while fidgeting with my sleeve.

“We were talking about that really hot girl behind you, I think she’s checking you out.” Paco says. I turn around and notice a girl with long red hair smiling at me. I smile back, out of politeness and turn back around. They’re all staring at me now.

“What?” I say, and laugh a little, “She’s not my type you guys.”

“Why not? She’s hot and is giving you that sexy smile girls do when they wanna hook up.”
Paco says to me and looks back at the red-head.

“I don’t like red-heads.” I lie. I think girls with red hair are actually really pretty.

“Damn, you’re a dumbass. Maybe I can have a little piece of her then.” Kale says for the first time.

I glare at him and turn to look back at the girl but my nose brushes something soft yet hard. I look up and notice Finn. And then I realize my nose just grazed his abdomen. I blush and turn back around.

“Sorry dude.” I tell him. He sits in the chair next to mine and grazes my knee with his in the process.

“Nah its fine, man.” He says and turns his attention towards Scott who must have said something that I didn’t hear.

“How did it go?” Paco asks Finn.

“Terribly, she was all mad that I didn’t send her any signals. But it’s over and done with, so it’s all good now.” He says and smiles a little.

“Who is she?” I ask him, trying to get into the conversation.

“Her names Cassandra and she was my girlfriend for 6 months.”

“What happened?”

“She got clingy, and I stopped having feelings for her.” He says plainly.

“Oh.” I say, because I'm speechless again. My phone starts ringing and when I look at caller i.d I almost fall out of my chair.


“Sorry guys, I got to take this in private.” I say and hurry towards the exit, but not before I hear Kale tell them that its probably my ‘boyfriend’. I roll my eyes as I leave the building and answer my phone.

“Hey mom.” I say in my girl voice.

“God damn Nora, why haven’t you called?” She shrieks into the phone.

“Oh shut up, you don’t even care!.” I yell back.

“You’re right. I don’t. But I do care that you didn’t call your little sister to say happy birthday.” Shit. I completely forgot.

“I forgot. I’ll call her later. Tell her I'm sorry.”

“Whatever. Don’t forget to call her you little bitch.” She snarls into the phone and hangs up. Damn, I hate my mother.

I head back into the cafeteria and instead of heading towards the guys; I stop by the food area and grab a Mango Arizona. When I'm done, I walk back to the guys and sit down. They’re in a deep conversation about how Paco’s sister fucked some rich guy who goes to school here. I block out their conversation and drink my Arizona.

When they’re finally done talking about Paco’s sister, Scott kicks me under the table. I look up at him and he grins at me.

“What?” I ask him and smile a little too.

“That red-head is walking over here.” He says and his eyes look at something behind me. I turn around and there she is.

“Hi.” She says and smiles at me.

“Hello.” I say. Awkward.

“Listen, I think you’re really hot, can I give you my number?” she asks me and straightens her red blouse. I gulp and turn towards Finn. He winks at me and nods his head towards her boobs. I roll my eyes and clear my throat.

“Sorry, but I already have a girlfriend.” I lie. Kale laughs behind me, and then I hear him grunt in pain and swear under his breath as Paco kicks him under the table. Red-head looks at me again and frowns.

“Oh, okay. Thanks anyways.” She says and turns to leave. I swivel in my chair and look at Finn again.

“Listen, I know you think I should have taken her number, but I'm not interested. Okay? So can we not talk about this anymore?” I say to them all. They all shrug and Finn brushes his leg against mine again. I look over at him and he nods towards the doors, as if to say ‘wanna get outa here?’. I nod and get up.

“We’re going back to the room. See ya guys later.” Finn says and we walk our happy asses back to the room. Once we’re there, I sit in my bed and kick off my shoes. I yawn and scratch my itchy head.

“I'm gonna take a little nap.” I say and lay down.

“Its 12 in the afternoon, dude.” Finn says and I hear his bed concave as he sits down.

“I know, but I didn’t get much sleep last night and I'm tired.” I say and close my eyes.

“Whatever man.”

Eventually I fall asleep to the sound of Finn playing video games on his bed.

Chapter 4



“Get the fuck up Faggot.”

Great, I get to wake up to a dickhole.

Kale slaps my left calf and I grunt.

“Get out of here.” I say but its kind of muffled by my pillow.

“Finn wants us all to meet him at the Mary Park Pool in 15 minutes. You gonna bail on him?” He snaps.

I look over at the clock and it reads 10:30 PM. I look up at Kale and frown.

“Why is he there so late?” I ask.

“I don’t know,” he yells. “Just get up and come on, they’re all there, I wanna get going.” He says in a lower voice and sits on Finn’s bed-obviously waiting for me to get out of bed.

“Fine.” I say and sit up. I straighten my jacket and make sure my hair is in place and then I get up, and grab my cell from the desk and look back at Kale.

“Come on.”  I say and exit my dorm. He follows and I hear him take his keys out of his pocket. I look at him and he frowns at me.

“What? I'm driving obviously.” He says.

“I figured.” I snap back. We walk out of the dormitory and through the parking lot to Kale’s car, which I have to admit is pretty nice. He owns a black BMW convertible hard top. He unlocks it and I get in. He slides in too and turns the car on. Music starts playing and its Imagine Dragons, which happens to be my favorite band.  I smile and go to turn it up when he grabs my hand and pulls me half way across the front seat.

“Do. Not. Touch.” He snaps. I yank my hand out of his grasp and sigh. This isn’t going to get better.

I see him look over at me and he sighs too. He reaches towards the stereo and turns it up. He puts the car in drive and heads towards the road. We roll out of Gates Prep School blasting Radioactive.


10 minutes later we arrive at a deserted park, with no pool in site. I turn towards Kale and ask “Where’s the pool?”

“Just get out and follow me.” He says without a snappy tone, which surprises me.  I get out and follow him down the path. We walk through the woods and I'm just about to ask where the pool is when I see lights through the trees. We walk through a clearing and I can hear the music that’s blasting inside the huge concrete building in front of us.

Kale looks at me and smirks, then turns and walks to a small red door on the side of the building. I follow and we walk into the building. The first thing I notice are the lights, which are really bright. Then I notice the massive pool. It’s got to be 150 ft wide and 200 feet long. I see Finn, Scott, Paco and 2 girls hanging out at the end of the pool. Their all drinking and I'm pretty sure I can see Scott smoking a joint. Then I realize he is actually smoking when the smell hits me.  

“Scared?” Kale whispers to me as I take in the scenery. I frown at him and shake my head.

“Why would I be?” I whisper back. I start walking towards Finn and the gang and Kale follows.

“Hey! Its Kale and New Boy!” Yells Paco. Taking a hit of the joint Scott passes him. Finn reaches over and grabs some remote and turns the music down.

“Hey guys!” I yell back. When I reach them I plop down in one of the chairs they set up around a glass table. The table has weed and rolling papers all around it, not to mention the surprising amount of beer and vodka bottles.

“Want some?” Paco asks me and reaches his hand out to me, with the joint. Ive smoked weed before and I actually like it, so I decide it sounds like a good idea, and I take it from him. I lift it to my lips and inhale, I get a lot of the smoke but I don’t cough. I blow it out and smile at everyone.

“Thanks. So what are we doing here?” I ask. Finn slaps his knee and laughs really loud, but it’s a nice kind of laugh, one that makes my cheeks flush.

“What do you think, Mate? We’re doing it right now, hanging out.” He smiles at the girls and turns to Kale, “Turn the lights off man” then he winks at him.

Kale smiles, a really nice smile that I never thought I’d see on him, and he heads over to the wall, which has a light switch. He flips it and all the lights turn off, but the pool lights are on. The pool is so pretty that I actually gawk. It should be in a movie, it’s so perfect. The lights make the pool look luminous and amazing. This could be the weed talking, but I really just wanna jump into the water.

“Yes! I love when we do this.” Scott yells. He starts unbuttoning his shirt and I freak out a little.

“Wait, are you guys going swimming?” I ask Finn. He started unzipping his jeans.

“We all are going swimming! Come on, strip dude.” He yells, and slides his jeans off. Damn he’s fine, he’s wearing blue and green boxers. I sigh and try to sound calm when I start to turn down the offer.

“No dude, I can’t swim,

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