» Romance » Each step I take, Lindsey Limore [ebook voice reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Each step I take, Lindsey Limore [ebook voice reader .TXT] 📗». Author Lindsey Limore

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you.” he said. I nodded. Honestly I didn’t know why I was there I just wanted to be with him. I started crying I didn’t know why I had so much going on I just wasn’t sure what to do! Dave took me in his arms and kissed me on the head. I laid down and he laid behind me and put his arm around me. In that moment I knew that he was the one for me, I had never had a guy that would wrap his arm around me. I was shaking so bad I thought he would let go. To my surprise he sat up took his jacket off and put it on me. I had never had a guy that would give me his jacket either.

That is what I loved most about Dave. He was different than any guy I had ever met. I turned around and kissed him. His lips were so soft and gentle he never rushed me into anything. I mean we were 15 we could handle it. He knew not to push his luck though. “Babe will you tell me the truth about why you came over?” he asked, I sighed and said “Dave I haven’t been feeling well lately and when I came home tonight, well when I came home Jeff was beating my mother. Dave I don’t know what to do and just when you called me everything slowed down and, and you were all I could think about.” Choking out the last word almost bursting into tears worse than I already was.
“Wait your step father hit her! Oh he is a dead man!” he said as he got up and started putting his shoes on. Him and my mother hated each other so why was he mad? I thought but I didn’t know so I just slowly got up walked over to him. I gently pointed his chin up toward me and kissed him and we made our way over to his bed and just made out for what seemed like half an hour I loved this I thought to myself and I let go of him and took a breath, I think I will spare the details for now. I got off the bed and fixed my hair back into place and put my clothes back into order. He pulled his shirt back down and smoothed out his hair. I was glad we had the situation of my mother long gone.
We went upstairs to the kitchen and I sat on the counter. “What do you want to eat babe?” he asked. “Your just trying to make me fat aren’t you?” she replied. He just shook his head and laughed. I laughed as well why did he have to be so darn cute? I loved that smile of his it made my heart melt. He was looking into my eyes with his eyes that were like two gigantic oceans. It literally knocked the breath out of me. I hated that feeling that I could freeze by just looking at him or hearing his deep angelic voice. It made me feel powerless; I just wasn’t okay with that.
He slowly made his way over to me. Gently he covered my hands on the counter with his. I had goose bumps when he touched me. He kissed me on the cheek gently. I didn’t flinch and at that he knew he had permission to proceed. It felt so good him close to me. At that moment Dave’s little sister Tasha walked in. Oh how I hated her I am the center of attention attitude. She looked us sighed gave me a death stare and that made me want to slap the eyes out of her! Dave laid his head down on my shoulder sighing “Why does she always do this?” he whispered in my ear. “Moms going to kill you, you know that right? You know she doesn’t want that here.” Tasha said as she walked over to the fridge grabbed a piece of pie and 2 cans of cream soda. “You know that will go straight to your thighs right?” I said as she made her way out of the kitchen. She turned around smiled sweetly and flipped me the bird. Can you believe that? I mean she never does this when Dave is around. I jumped off the counter and walked over to her slowly she stepped back each step I took forward. I raised my fist to hit her in the face but just as I was swinging Dave grabbed my waist and turned me towards him. Don’t do it no matter how much you want too I could see that in his little smile. I just smiled and buried my face into his chest. “I hate her so much Dave.” I whispered while laughing into his chest. “I know baby I know.” He said while laughing too. He pulled me away from him I rubbed my eyes and laughed again. He just smiled kissed my forehead. He put his arm around me and led me to the family room.
Did I mention that his parents are like millionaires? Yeah like insanely rich. It was weird his dad was a doctor and his mom was a lawyer. She had always envied her boyfriend’s life. Even before but now more than ever because she was embarrassed by her own home. Her own family she hated how perfect Dave and his family was and how imperfect she and her family were. Dave didn’t mind though in fact he showed her off like royalty. She loved it too. She wasn’t sure why he treated her this way she didn’t feel like royalty she didn’t look like it and she certainly didn’t live like it. Was he just a sweet heart or does he really believe I’m the one for him? I have always wondered these things.
Back to reality Dave’s sister walked into the family room and flopped down onto the couch. Dave removed his arm from my shoulder and held my hand. I loved how he moved the right way with him there was never an awkward moment. I ran my fingers through my hair and asked “Why are we down here?” “I am not too sure anymore I think we should go upstairs and just be alone for a little while.” He said with a sly grin on his face. I smiled deviously trying to match his grin. “Puke! Ya’ll are nasty!” Tasha said. “Your just jealous.” I mumbled under my breath. She still glared at me. “Sweetie you might want to smile before your face gets stuck like that.” I said with a nice school girl smile.
She flipped me off a second time I let the first one slide but no I do not give second chances to brats like her. It happened really fast I dropped Dave’s hand tackled Tasha and started beating her face in with all that was left of me. I hoped she had bruises or worse. Dave stopped me too soon though.
“Tasha I told you tonight was not the night to mess with her! I told you that so you would stay in your room and not get hurt! I told you! Why did you have to do this? Tasha this is ridiculous! She is my girlfriend I am in love with her so you will have to get over it! Guh why is it a constant battle with you all the time? I just try to do what’s best for me and you always hate it! Why I am begging you for the answer! Why?” that almost brought him to tears.
“I will leave if I need too?” I said. “Yes!” “No!” they said at the same time. “So I am leaving?” I said. “No babe you can’t leave come on lets go back upstairs.” He pleaded. “Are you sure?” I asked. He nodded.
We walked back upstairs. We sat on his bed and just laid down in silence. It was the best feeling to have Dave so close and her intoxicated with his rich smell of water. It was like I was in an entirely different world. I couldn’t get enough. “Dave what was the real reason you called me tonight?” I asked. “Okay Kemen the real reason is I wanted to say that. I want to be with you forever.” He replied. That made me turn around in the bed and face him. “What?” I said. “You heard me; you are the only girl I ever want to be with.” I was shocked at that reply. “Did you really just say that?” I asked. He nodded and got off his bed. I couldn’t believe it. He really loved me.

Chapter 2
Next thing I knew he pulled out a ring. It was a promise ring. It meant we would be together forever. “Kemen this might not mean anything now but. I love you with everything in me. I want to be with you!” he said. I couldn’t speak I was caught up in the moment and forgot to breath. It was insanity I love him and he wanted to be with me forever. It was the same thing right?
He sat next to me and I gently removed his shirt and he took my hair down. He loved playing with my hair. He was so warm it felt so good up against him. We fell back on the bed and his kisses got more powerful, harder on my lips. It felt so good though. Then Dave’s mother walks in on us. I wonder what that looked like to her. Her perfect son on top of me. We were just making out though! She lets us do that all the time what was the big deal.
In reality his shirt was off we were on his bed my hair looked wild and he had his hands on my waist. Yeah it looked bad but she couldn’t get mad at us for making out. I hated parents why couldn’t some things be private? It was ridiculous.
“Dave a word please?” his mother said giving me a stare. All I could hear was fierce whispering. I jumped off the bed sighing heavily. I walked into his bathroom and fixed my hair back into its perfect bounce and straightened out my clothes. As I looked around his bathroom something unusual caught my eye. Sticking out of his cabinet was an old picture. I grabbed it. It was the picture of his my mom and his dad! How did he get that? Kemen checked she had hers still in the back pocket of her jeans.
“Kemen! Are you in the bathroom?” Dave’s mother yelled at me. I put the picture back in place and did a once over myself again. I stepped out and she was waiting by the door. Motioning for me to get out. Dave grabbed me as soon as I got out of the door. I knew right then what he wanted to do. We ran.
We got four blocks away before we stopped. “What was that about?” I said breathlessly. He didn’t talk though he just smiled grabbed my hand and walked slowly. It was killing me that I didn’t know where we were going. So I stopped sat my butt down on the concrete and let go of his hand. I patted the spot next to me for him to sit down, he just laughed. He sat down after a minute knowing that I wasn’t going to move. “You’re a stubborn girl you know that?” he said. I smiled up at him he pulled me into him. “So why are we running? Do not lie to me tell me the truth.” I said. “Well as you know my sister hates you. She told mom what happened and she forbids me
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