» Romance » ENTANGLED TO A TYCOON, A Mgm [little red riding hood ebook txt] 📗

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to pass their condolence. From a distance the paparazzi were heard and camera flashes could be seen, everyone wanted to see the orphaned little boy that was now the heir to the multibillion dollar companies that his parents had left for him, it already linked that until Tajir was eighteen I was left with the care for those companies making me amongst the top three richest people in America. That was not a problem since we were all pros when it comes to running companies the only thing that we seemed not to be able to grasp was the death of our beloved, funny, outgoing beautiful sister. All my brother’s eyes were blood red and teary, before we came to the burial service we all swore to find the master minds of the bombing of the Afanasy’s house where the party was taking place. We reached the burial place and my brothers divided themselves in two’s standing at my left and right behind each one of us were five bodyguards, my brothers knew I was dying slowly inside to scream and make the sonofabitch who killed my sister and her husband pay. I even forgot that had no any disguise or any make up to cover the real color of my honey colored skin that I got from my mama. The burial service went on, I was not even paying attention, I was just remembering all the times I shared together with Samantha and Alexei, they were my two favorites people because they just understood me better, they were both even able to describe some of my ideas when I got tongue tied to explain them as I tried to create new fashion ideas or when I drew a picture and I just could not fathom its meaning. They were always there and now they are no more because some jackass could not get his hands alone on the Afanasy’s the only possible target was to blow up their house with their four best friends family with them, it was very fortunate that Alexei and Samantha parental instincts never kicked in and they had left Tajir home with a nanny, tears started pouring down my cheeks. I felt little hands rubbing away my tears, I looked down to find Tajir’s big blue eyes with tears and his lips were shaking as if he was trying not to cry, I kissed his raven black hair .

“No more cry mama”. Tajir stated shaking his head making his wild hair shake. He spoke loud and everyone who was listening to the priest turned their attention to us, I involuntary took a step backward but my third brother who was at my left had already put his hand on my back making me unable to move anymore. My brothers were both aware as I had voiced my worries that the one involved in bombing the Afanasy’s home might be among the ones standing among us now but my brothers had assured me that they trusted and checked every member that had attended the burial service. I ignore everything else and focused my attention straight ahead I came face to face with the most Angelic handsome face I had never seen, it was not the face that had my attention though. It was the intense hazel eyes that were staring at me that had me motionless, my brother felt me stiffening in his arm he looked where my attention was, he leaned close to my ear, he whispered “that is MIKHAIL PUTIN, Alexei’s best friend”.



I was awaked by the most beautiful soft lullaby humming voice I have never heard that was coming from across my seat, I turned on my seat my eyes collided with those of a little boy who was watching me curiously, the boy had the most bluest large eyes I had never seen, he was so cute and chubby, he was sucking his thumb while his other hand he kept it on his mother’s chest. The woman’s face was turned from me but I knew the boys face was familiar even though I could not place where I had seen it. The little boy started tugging at his mother’s hand that’s when the woman turned to look down at her son. I inhaled sharply, I knew he had seen those long wild red locks and the boy somewhere but seeing her again apart from the high security and protective brothers surrounding the beautiful woman was not something I thought he would live to see. As if sensing that she was being watched the lady turned her elegant neck slowly to face me, the expression that I saw was priceless, she was shocked at first but then she gave me a shy smile making her cheeks to dimple so deep at the sides.

“Papa” the boy said pointing at me. The woman looked the child and I could not help but feel jealousy for the little boy, the love that I saw shining from the woman face was too much for me to take, I turned to look at the clouds out my window, if only I could be loved that way. Seconds later I felt little hands touching my knee, I turned to face the little boy whose hands were stretched forward expectantly waiting to be lifted onto my lap. I smiled at the woman Claire O’Connor my best friend’s little sister in law who just nodded her silent permission. I took the boy in my arms careful scared he would break in my arms. I started conversing with the little boy who seemed eager to be talking after a long nap.


I watched silently as Tajir and Mikhail were deep in a conversation about flying horses, I smiled seeing how Mikhail could easily talk to Tajir while so many people could not get the boy talking. I watched them giving each other a high five.

I had done my research on Mikhail in the internet, he was always with another woman on his arms whenever he appeared on the media. His longest relationship had lasted six months; he had broken it abruptly causing a fuss in the Russian and American Medias. How could I blame him, he was beautifully made, unforgivably handsome, sinful muscular and ooh lord that killer smile was the last bullet. He was a master piece. I slapped myself mentally, “where were my thoughts leading me these days?” I wondered shaking my head, the man was so out of my league, what can I do with an experienced man like Mikhail Putin? Am sure the man is experienced as a fish in water only him in bed unlike him am totally white when it comes to romancing. The only man that I have been seen with was Ricky who is my co-fashonista. For six years six since the beginning of my fashion career Ricky had been the only man that the famous Claire O’Connor had been seen with. Two years ago it leaked that we were planning to get married, what others never knew was that Ricky was gay (ha ha ha it’s really funny). He had a partner who worked as a tour guide in Tanzania and Ricky used his private jet to go see him whenever possible. I never thought a long distance relationship such as that would last but for three good years the lovers had made it work. Eddy who was Ricky’s partner had also become my biggest buddy and an overseer of my business all over Africa.

“Mama” Tajir called, my heart tighten at the sound of the little boy who was so precious to me call me mama.

“Yes honey”

“Come over, I would like to introduce you to my friend” the little boy said proudly. I moved from across the seat to were Mikhail and Tajir were seated.

“This is Mr. Mikhail Putin, my friend and partner” Tajir said proudly. Mikhail smiled at me wickedly.

“Hello” Mikhail said extending his right hand. I stared at the hand as if not knowing why he had extended it.

“Mama” Tajir called out scolding me. My face flashed out of embarrassment.

“Sorry” I said taking Mikhail’s hand. His hands were so muscular, he swallowed my little hand in his and tighten his hand smiling at me looking straight into my eyes. I could not hold his gaze those intense hazel eyes seems to be reading my soul. Tajir cleared his little throat loudly making both of us look at him.

“You still holding mama’s hand” he stated irritated now. I smiled at that, my little boy was protective.

“She has very soft hands” Mikhail stated turning his gaze to me. I turned beet red to that statement.

Tajir gave him a huge knowing smile. He peeked at me, my face was turned my hair covered the side of my face.

“she does and she can also sing beautiful until I sleep” Tajir informed Mikhail, if I could throttle any one this was the right time to throttle Tajir I thought miserably, how could a little boy talk that much and make a conversation like that while so young, definitely Alexei’s son.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard Tajir gleeful voice stating

“Mama is blushing” he dragged out that last word as if making an emphasis, I heard Mikhail chuckle. I instantly saw red; these two were becoming very good partners into making me miserable. I turned to Tajir with my most motherly scornful look;

“no am not, and you should not make fun at your mama” I said looking expectantly at the little boy who just smiled giving me a “whatever” look and started sucking his thumb, he turned his little head looking at Mikhail then at me and as if a huge decision was made he stretched his little arms towards me, I took him and settled him on my lap.

“Me sleeping” Tajir said. Sometimes Tajir could be so commanding I simply smiled and kissed his head and let the boy fall asleep as I hummed twinkle twinkle. After almost 15 minutes I stopped humming instead I was playing with Tajir’s hair which were a little too long for him but I loved his hair that way. Mikhail cleared his throat loudly making me jump in my seat. I turned to look at him, the hunger that I saw in his eyes made me feel tinkled all the way to my last toe. Was that really hunger I was seeing or my thoughts were now controlling even sights.

“Am sorry” I said even though I did not know why I was apologizing.

“For what” Mikhail asked.

I could not answer that question, I was blushing furiously, I hated myself for doing that. As I tried to escape his gaze, he turned my face back to him. The electricity shot that passed between us after that touch made me shiver uncontrollable.

“You felt that too, didn’t you?” Mikhail asked his voice a little gruff; I tried to turn away from him.

“Don’t”His harsh voice made me stop.


I felt like kicking myself, my voice had come out so harsh I saw how Claire shoulders hard stiffened from my stupid command. I just didn’t know a woman like her existed at all. She was so beautiful, intelligent and a very successful business woman, how did she accomplish all that while blushing like that?

She looks so innocent and vulnerable as she holds the boy close to her. She was now looking at him with those beautiful round eyes of hers, the woman had very long lashes and her lips seemed so plump soft, good Lord how can she be this beautiful. I researched about her on the internet and since there was not much there, I had to go and ask my friend who also happened to be amongst Claire’s big brothers, Jack had warned me not to even try get near his sister or hurt

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