» Romance » White Rose, Habiba Begum [the best books of all time .TXT] 📗

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“Oh hello, you must be Jake. Thank so much for taking care of my daughter. The school had informed me that she felt dizzy during lunch. Thank you for bringing her home safely”

“Oh it’s no problem, aw you are so tiny. Can I hug you?”

Jake hugged Amelia’s mother and smiled, “wow your hugs are sop cosy” then they both giggled.

Amelia got irritated, “don’t flirt with my mom!”

“I’m not flirting!”

Amelia huffed, “well whatever I need to get changed. I won’t be long so stay here for a bit until I call you and don’t flirt with my mom while I’m gone”

Jake laughed, “Well now that you have said so, I will definitely flirt with her and anyway she’s so beautiful. How can anyone resist?” Jake then winked at her and she winked back.

“Come on my dear. Let us sit in the kitchen so we can chat while drinking tea”

Jake didn’t want to trouble her, “no it’s okay honest. I don’t want any tea”

She tutted, “I know why you’re rejecting. It is because you think I am old that’s why, right?”

Jake didn’t want to offend her, “no, and not all. You look 20. I would marry you any day”

They both burst out laughing and then Amelia’s mother put the kettle on, “well then since I am so you I will make the tea anyway”

Jake walked into that one. He sat on his seat and then Amelia’s mother handed him a mug of tea.

“Well then Jake, first things first. I wanted to thank you for being my daughter’s friend. You know, you’re her only friend she’s ever had. You’re also the only person Amelia has brought home with her. I am glad that Amelia has a friend like you and that someone will always be there for her”

Jake had forgotten that they are only together for a month. It has been two weeks already. He has gotten used to Amelia and feels closer to her every day. He smiled back awkwardly.

It is in times like these that you need a friend when you are in those kinds of tough conditions”

Jake didn’t understand, “what condition?”

Amelia interrupted them, “She means that I felt dizzy today silly. You forgot already. Any way you can come up now”

After having a good chat with her mother Amelia took Jake to her room to study. While studying Jake got bored and looked around. He then noticed a poster of Spain. He sat closer to Amelia to get a closer look sat the picture but Amelia was too focused on her studies.

“That’s a nice picture you have there. Do you like Spain that much?”

Amelia turned around to see what Jake was looking at and then smiled when she saw the picture, “Not really, but they grow many white roses in Spain, like lots of bushes full of them and gardens too. That's why I want to go there”

Jake looked at her and smiled at her. She was busy staring at the poster when Jake leaned in and kissed her gently on her sweet lips.

Amelia was shocked, “why did you kiss me?”

“Sorry but I couldn't help myself. I couldn't resist. You’re just too darn cute”

Amelia blushed. Jake held her hand and looked at her happily, “after this month is over we should go on a vacation to Spain okay that sound nice?”

Amelia laughed. She knew that it won't happen but it was nice to have someone be kind enough to want to fulfil her wish.

Days went by and they saw each other less and less. Jake felt like he wanted to meet her and was confused why he hardly saw her. End of term tests were over and now it was the end of the month. It was a new term. After class the teacher called Jake.

“Yes sir?”

“Can you give this medicine to Amelia for me? Since you both are going out it would be better if you gave this to her for me”

Jake stared at the medicine bag in his hand, “medicine?” Jake was confused.

The teacher felt embarrassed, “I'm sorry I thought you knew since I assumed you were both seriously going out. She's going to be hospitalized tomorrow”

Jake sat by himself up the tree that morning when the same teacher came to him, “sorry to bother you again but there is a letter from Amelia. She had asked me to give it to you”

He passed Jake the letter. Inside the letter it read, “Dear Jake, In this letter there is your live concert ticket. I will miss you, thanks for taking care of me, for bringing back my smile. Thanks for everything. I hope that we can still be friends even though the month has ended. Good bye”

Jake was confused and sad and went to Amelia’s house but she did not come out of her room. Jake spoke to her mother instead, “what's wrong dear?”

“I'm sorry I came un invited but I have no mother as she passed away when I was young, so I wanted to talk to you”

“It’s okay dear tell me what you feel”

“I don’t want to be separated from Amelia. I don't want her to go away from me.”

“You like my daughter?”

Jakes eyes widened. Like? Does he?

“Why didn’t you tell me about her condition?”

Amelia’s mum frowned, “because she didn’t want any pity or sympathy from anyone”

Jake then realised it was why people found Amelia strange. She used to run out of lessons ans be sick sometimes. Some days she wouldn’t come into school and most of the time when she did, she worked harder than everyone else, but no one knew she was suffering all this time.

Jake then knew what he had to do.

It was winter so it was darker earlier. Everyone had left school but Amelia hadn't yet gone home as she stayed late to study and to get things from her locker when she noticed the courtyard a little dim. Where was that extra light coming from? Amelia went outside and looked up. She saw the huge tree covered in fake white roses and sitting at the top was Jake, “hey. Do you like my surprise?”

Jake jumped down from the tree and smiled at Amelia, “Happy Christmas, it’s the last day I can give you a gift since the one month dating is over today. I couldn’t give u real roses as it is winter so instead I covered the huge tree with fake white roses with every students name on each rose”

“Thank you”

“Amelia, I know about it. You have cancer that's why you said you said you are going to a strict place because starting from tomorrow you are going to the hospital right?”

Amelia looked down sadly, “yes it is true”

“I know why you chose me to date you, because I am stupid right and you thought I would never find out?”

“Actually no, once before you met me, before that day I asked you to go out with me,  I was sitting under the tree alone as usual when my hair pin broke and I had nothing to keep my hair from falling when you popped your head out from the top of the tree and smiled to me and you took out a hair pin from your pocket and said that it was your friend Amanda’s and that she gave it to you to keep for anytime she may need it but she never needed it so then you gave it to me. It had a small white rose on it”

She fiddled with her fingers and looked up to the tree, “That is the only reason why I want to see real white roses and that's why I love them. Also that is also the reason as why I chose you to go out with me. Ever since I found out about my cancer I lost my smile but then you gave me that hair pin and spoke so kindly to me so I decided that I wanted to go outwith you in my remaining one month before the surgery, I'm sorry”

Jakes eyes filled with tears and he hugged her tightly, “I'm so glad that we went out together and I'm so glad to have met you. Even though our one month dating is over,  I still want to be with you anyway. As soon as you recover I'm going to chase after you once you get back. Also after you get better, after your surgery then let's go on vacation to Spain like I said before okay”

Amelia smiled so happily like there was a new light for her and that there was something to look forward to. They stared at each other and forgot the world around them. Then they kissed softly as it became dark and the end of the day.

Two months later after her surgery was a success Amelia and Jake did go together to Spain and she did see white roses and brought some home with her. Even to this day they are together. That strange weird couple always together happily and in love.



                 xXx THE END xXx






Publication Date: 02-20-2014

All Rights Reserved

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