» Romance » To Those Who Wait, Sarah Stoflet [reading the story of the TXT] 📗

Book online «To Those Who Wait, Sarah Stoflet [reading the story of the TXT] 📗». Author Sarah Stoflet

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Reels High a living hell.

I was in disbelief at the words on my computer screen. I knew there was something up with her fake attitude and preppiness.

I tiptoed on the carpet over to Hazel’s bed, and handed her my laptop, seeking advice.

“Listen to her.”

I stared at her for a second, confused.

“She really does have power. Stay away from Van, and whatever you do, don’t show anyone else this.”

My head began to go down, slumped. I finally got to talk to Van, and this girl was  now in the way of that. In the way of me and my forever-long crush.

“Listen, Korra. I know you like him, but you really do need to listen. If you don’t, you will regret it. She will make your life a living hell.”

“Why should one girl have that kind of power?” I asked, irritated.

“I don’t know, but she does. Listen, I know you don’t understand but you really do need to do what she says or you’re in for the ride of your life. And it won’t be a fun one.”

I dragged myself back to my side of the attic, and thought for a while, upset that I couldn’t even have a chance with Van. Eventually, I came to my own conclusion. I was not going to let her get ahold of me. I’m new at this school, and I am not about to let other peers control me. I will do what I like, and I sure as hell will not let some chick come between me and Van. I took a screenshot of the message, and sent it to Van.


My heart was racing. I could feel my pulse pumping in my chest. I was scared of what was going to happen at school, and more afraid of what was going to happen in the future. When I saw Van walk up to my locker, I became hopeful.

“I am so sorry about what she said. I am going to talk to her.”

“No, please. I just wanted to let you know what was going on. I really shouldn’t have even sent it to you. I-”

He grabbed my hand. “I need to talk to her. I’m done with her attitude. She can’t prance around the school demanding things from people. She’s gotten way out of hand.”

“Fine, just please don’t mention my name. In fact, just leave the message out.”

“Alright, I will. I promise.” He lifted my hand up to his lips and kissed it.


Everyone was looking at me strange. I began to have a feeling of curiosity, or maybe I was just creeped out from being stared at. I’ll say it was a little bit of both.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I heard an all-too-familiar-voice demand.

“To my next class.” I reply feebishly. I knew all too well what Brenna knew.

“You’re going to pay for what you did.”

“And what is that exactly?” I remarked. At this point I noticed everyone staring, shocked that the “new girl” was standing up to Brenna Aspin.

Her face was tomato-red. It seemed as if steam would come out of her ears, like in the old cartoons.

“Look, I don’t know who you think you are, but you better back-off.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You know perfectly well what I’m talking about. I told you not to tell Van.”

“Tell Van about what?”

“Don’t act all innocent. You know you caused me and Van’s breakup. You sent him the messages.”

I couldn’t help but smirk a little. Van broke up with Brenna for me.

“You won’t be smiling for long. You’re going to regret what you did. Just wait. You will get what you deserve,” Brenna threatened.

“What would that be? Have you considered that maybe Van broke-up with you because you’re self-centered and he is done with your games and how you treat others?”

“Remember, Korra. Lies damages relationships, but so can the truth.”

What’s that supposed to mean?

Chapter 5: The Note

The next day, the news of the break up and the conversation I had with Brenna had spread around the whole school (although, with it such a small school that wouldn’t be too hard to accomplish).

“So, are you going to homecoming?” Tess enthusiastically asked.

“I’ve told you many times before, Mac. I’m not into that kind of stuff,” I answered as I crammed my English book into my pigsty of a backpack. I wonder if they remember how clumsy I am.

“What if Van asked you?” She giggled.

Contessa just rolled her eyes. It's as clear as a crystal she’s not very fond of Van.

I just shrugged my shoulders. Honestly, I would say yes to Van right away, but some things are better left unsaid.

Tess, once again, rolled her eyes, not being very subtle about her dislike towards Van. Does she know something I don’t? I let my curiosity get the best of me and started wondering what turned her against Van. I shook the thought away, saving it for later.

Something was weird about the way they were acting. Just then the bell rang, interrupting my jumbled thoughts.


On my way to the lockers, I noticed it wasn’t just Mac and Tess. Everyone was acting strange.

Once I got to my destination and spun my combination, I noticed a rose and a ripped piece of paper peeking out of the slits of my locker. On the front was a piece of our recent chemistry assignment, but on the back was a note: Call me after school today. ~Van (546) 236-9894


I ran into the house, tracking mud behind me but sprinting too fast to notice it splashing on the back of my jeans. Nobody would be home until late that night, with everyone having their own special commitments. I dropped my backpack at the foot of the bed and sat in my rocking chair. I reached in my pocket to grab my cell-phone and the slip of paper. I typed in his number into my Samsung, and pressed call.


“Hey, Van, it’s Korra.”

“Hey! Looks like you got my note? I was wondering if you wanted to go with me on a date tomorrow at 6:30 and see a movie? We would get dinner before, of course.”

I suddenly got the chills and moved to the other side of the room, by the fireplace. I stared at the orange flame for a few seconds, before finally responding.

          “Sure,” I said, trying to keep my cool, although I probably already lost that by leaving a huge gap between his question and my answer.

“Cool! Im excited. See you at school tomorrow?”

“Yeah, of course. See you tomorrow.”

I heard the line click. I set the phone on my night stand and debated whether it was reality or if I was dreaming. I gave it approximately two minutes and started screaming of excitement.


Chapter 6: The Date

When I awoke the room was cold I didn't recognize where I was, right away. I slowly removed the floral comforter from my skin, revealing the goosebumps covering my limbs. It wasn’t until I smelt the fresh aroma of bacon and eggs that I realized I fell asleep in the family room, somehow. I dragged my feet into the kitchen.

“Morning, sleeping beauty,” my aunt taunted. I slide up on the barstool as she sets a plate down in front of me. I picked at my eggs and then checked the clock and realized I was late. I scarfed down the food, the eggs burning my throat, but I was in too much of a hurry to care. I slipped on some jeans and a black-and-white blouse. I ran the comb through the snarls in my red hair as I brushed my teeth.

I was prepared for another day at Reels High.


The day went by with the snap of my fingers. Before I knew it, I was in Van’s car, on our way to the restaurant. I was nervous. I didn’t even know what to say, and I’m just going to come out and say it; I’m completely out of Van’s league. His Toyota pulled into the fanciest restaurant in town, Creek Side. A rose and a lightly lit candle, only at our table, supporting my belief that this was not a restaurant friends go to, but one for a couple.

I recognized our waitress as a junior named Victorria. When she comes to take our order, I almost say I’m not hungry. I hated the thought of Van spending money on me, but I couldn’t deny that I was starving. Van orders for the both of us, and Victorria leaves, flashing a winning smile. I hated how obvious it was that she was flirting with Van.

We finished our meal and sat outside, to enjoy the creek.

“What are you doing next Friday?” Van asks. He dips his fingers in the creek, as if testing the temperature of the water. I just shrug. Part of me is nervous about why he asked, but a majority of me has a feeling that I’ll be satisfied with whatever will happen.

“Just say it!” He murmured to himself. Was he nervous? This made the butterflies in my stomach flutter even faster. “Will you go to the homecoming dance with me?”

“Yeah, sure,” I say. I didn’t question it, that just wasn’t what I thought he would say. To be honest, I completely forgot next week was homecoming.

“You sure?” He asks. His eyebrows are furrowed. I am at a loss for words, so I just nod and smile.


I walk in the door at eleven o’clock on the spot. The lights are off except for the occasional flashes from the TV in which Shay fell asleep in Parkers arms. I pushed the power button and tiptoe up the stairs.

“Where have you been?” Hazel asks.

“Hazel! You scared the crap out of me!”

“You still never answered my question.”

“I was at the movies, okay?” I turn and go to my bed.

“With who?”

“Why do you have to be so nosy?”

“Again, never answered my question.


“I wouldn’t go out with him again. You will come out of this relationship with a broken heart, Korra. From either Van or Brenna.”

          I turned to my laptop and sent a message to Mac and Tess.

          K. Grace: My house, tomorrow, one PM! Bring sleeping bags and pillows.


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