» Romance » My Sexy Alpha Bad Boy, Darlene Gibbs [novels to read for beginners txt] 📗

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more problems! I would handle this, she had told me never to transform into my wolf, and now I learnt that she had been right. I started to sneak up the stairs, my legs feeling wobbly; I bounced against the wall and stopped.
“Tessa!” Mom shouted, “Is that you?”
I wiped a tear from my face and fought to put on my bravest voice.
“Yeah mom!”
“I thought you were asleep?” She yelled.
“I…I…forgot something at the bottom of the stairs so I just came to get it!” I yelled back, willing my weakened legs to hurry up the stairs before she came to check on me. I hated lying to my mom, but I didn’t see how I had any choice now.
“Oh…” She hesitated, “Okay.” She said; as if dismissing any doubt she had about my explanation.
I hobbled up the balance of the stairs and into my room, and went straight to the bathroom and washed and washed and washed, hoping I could completely wash his scent off of me. But it’s so hard to wash away those things that are not only on the outside but on the inside as well!
Chapter 2
The next morning I woke up to the annoying ding of my alarm clock. I crawled out of bed and stumbled over to the mirror. I felt just as bad as I looked. I stared at my reflection, then stared harder. Oh my gosh, that jerk left a mark on my neck! I rubbed at it, but it didn’t move. It looked like some kind of a tattoo, but I knew it was something he had done when he had bitten me, right there on my neck. I patted my stomach gently, finding myself wondering if I might be pregnant after last night, I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I was surprised at my own state of calmness, I wondered if the wolf in me was helping me to deal better with this situation.
I sighed, somehow it would work out, right now I had to face the challenges of today. Today was the first day of University in our new home; Mom’s research had indicated that the University was for students from sixteen upward – it seemed to be some kind of strange mixture of college and university. I didn’t much feel in the mood to meet a bunch of new kids, but I knew staying home without an explanation was going to be out of the question. I hurried and bathed, then looked at the scar on my neck again in the mirror, I grabbed a scarf from my wardrobe and wrapped it around my neck, covering the mark.
By the time I got downstairs, Mom had breakfast ready and was looking all cheerful and bright – almost made me puke!
“Why are you walking like that?” She asked me as I grabbed a bagel from the plate.
I blushed.
“Scratched my leg, feels a little sore.” I lied.
“Put a bit of antiseptic cream on it honey.” Mom suggested, I just uh huhed. I would definitely have to make a conscious effort to not walk as if I’m sore, even though I most definitely was!
It turned out that the GreenRidge University was almost five miles from my home, the nearest bus stop was a mile away and the buses ran by the hour. Fortunately Mom was taking me this morning; she pressed the money for fees into my hand as we reached there and told me I should call her if I had any problems. She was headed into town to see if she could find some work. I pressed my lips to her cheek and braced myself.
I headed off to the Principal’s Office for registration, a slender pleasant looking girl offered to show me where it was – maybe the school won’t be too bad after all, I thought.
“I’m here to see Principal Gilbert.” I said as his secretary glanced over her glasses at me.
“What do you need to see the Principal about?” She questioned.
“I’m Tessa Campbell – I’m a transfer student. I’m supposed to be starting here today.” I informed her. She pulled a register from her drawer and flicked it open and leafed through it.
“I’m sorry; I don’t have any registration for you.” She said, sounding any thing but sorry. I sighed, can my life get any worst??!
I pick up my cell phone and called Mom.
“Yeah, they’re saying they don’t have any registration for me.” I said, my voice sounding short and abrupt, I was already in a crappy mood – what with the Alpha and all.
“I sent the text and faxed the documents and everything.” My mom was saying, I could already hear panic starting to bubble in her voice. Mom wasn’t very good at working under pressure.
“I…I….I don’t know what could have happened.” She was saying, her voice going up an octave.
“Never mind, I’ll handle it.” I muttered.
“You want me to come back?” She asked.
“No, I’ll handle it; if I don’t get it fixed I’ll call you back!” I insisted, hanging up before she could say anything else.
I sighed, I didn’t really have a plan, but I just didn’t need the drama today.
“Could you please check again for my name, Miss, I’m sure I must be in your new registrants?” I pleaded.
The secretary completely ignored me, not even bothering to raise her head from the paper she was looking at.
“I’m sure you can find the young lady’s name on new registrants if you look hard enough!” A deep voice insisted from behind my head. I spun around and found myself face to face with a goodlooking young man – probably nineteen years old. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes, and was about six feet tall, he was dressed in a brand name dress shirt and jeans pants – which looked very good on him! If it hadn’t been for my experience last night, I would definitely have been putting him on my hot guys list, but as it stood, I didn’t even want to see the name ‘guy’ on a piece of paper!
“Oh, Stephan…..I’m….of course. I can add her name to the list right now.” She muttered, pulling a registration form from her desk and passing it to me. “Just, complete that, we can have all the documents worked out by the end of the week.”
Half and hour later I was leaving the Principal’s Office with Stephan by my side; an almost fully registered student.
“Thanks, I really don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come along.” I muttered.
“You should be thanking my contacts, that’s what it’s all about in this one dog town.” He said bitterly.
I ignored his comment and glanced down at the list of classes on my schedule.
“Mythical Science.” I muttered, screwing up my face – what the heck was that!?
“Yeah,” He peeped into my hand at my schedule, “We have the same class, I’ll show you where to go.”
“Thanks.” I muttered and followed him along the corridor.
He pushed open a door and strolled in, and I walked in behind him. Everyone glanced around at us when we entered. I looked around for a seat.
“You can sit over here, next to me.” Stephan offered and I nodded. I didn’t mind the seating, we were in the back row, and today I didn’t much feel like listening to a teacher, so this would be perfect! I sat down, slipping my book bag over my chair, I didn’t have any text books to work from, I hoped Mom would be able to get some organized as soon as possible!
Three minutes later the teacher walked in, she was pretty young – maybe twenty five or so, and she was quite pretty. Quite a few of the boys in the room stared at her from the time she came in.
“Good morning class.” There was an inaudible grunt of good morning in response. “Aahh…I see we have a new student. Stand up please.”
I got up, feeling a little embarrassed as all eyes stared at me again.
“Come and introduce yourself.” She said, smiling brightly.
I guess she was pretty cool, but going to over thirty schools in my life and always having to get up and do the whole introduction thing was starting to get tired.
“My name is Tess Campbell – I travel around a lot, so I couldn’t say where exactly I’m from, and I’m glad to be here in your beautiful town.” I said and sat down. Yeah, you guessed it, that was my standard speech each time I was asked to introduce myself.
“Oh…am…well I’m Miss Goodlin, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She said. I nodded, resting back in my chair, and mentally hoping that I wouldn’t be called on to introduce myself in all the other classes!
She picked up the chalk and started to scribble on the board.
“Today we will be covering an introduction to the myth of ‘The Ogre’.” She said, scribbling the word on the board.
I pulled a pen and paper from my bag and placed them on the table.
“Perhaps I should explain, for the new student what this class is about.” She said. I glanced up at her, but then the door swung open and a guy walked in. He was easily six feet five or six inches, broad shoulders and he was wearing a black hooded jacket that almost completely covered his face and dark shades.
He strolled through the class room, with two tough looking guys following him, as if he owned the place and went and parked himself on a chair in the corner of the room and rested his foot on the table. There were a few snickers around the room, I glared over at him completely amazed, then looked at Miss Goodlin, who seemed to be struggling to find something to say.
“Jake Greenidge! Class started almost fifteen minutes ago!” She said. He shrugged his shoulder, which was followed by giggles from the class.
“In future, please respect my time!” Miss Goodlin insisted, clearly fighting to regain control of her class.
“I respect lots of things about you, Miss Goodlin,” His voice was smooth, deep, controlled and totally sexy, “But you’re time isn’t one of them.”
There were hoots of agreement from the boys in the room; I noted that only Stephan appeared unmoved by the exchange. I watched as a faint blush tinted Ms. Goodlin’s cheeks.
“Please remove that hood and shades – so we can get on with our class.” Ms. Goodlin said, turning around to face the board again.
“Are you sure that’s all you want me to remove?” Jake asked.
“Remove everything – if you care to!” Ms. Goodlin snapped.
I watched the Jake guy get to his feet, okay, maybe he was six foot seven, I reconsidered. He slipped the hood from his head, revealing curly black hair that reached pass the nape of his neck, he unzipped the jacket and slipped it onto the back of his chair. I could see his profile clearly now, strong masculine jawline that added to the strength of his profile. He slid the glasses from his face and rested them on the table. I barely caught a glimpse of bright green eyes, twinkling with amusement.
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