» Romance » High School Bad Boys, Katy Wong [the reading list TXT] 📗

Book online «High School Bad Boys, Katy Wong [the reading list TXT] 📗». Author Katy Wong

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I probably look more like tomatoes than human.

"I'm Brandon." he said touching my hand. My head went completely blank. I can't think of anything - well maybe except the fact that a super hot guy (and the only guy in my 17 years of living) was touching my hand. My hand. My right hand.

"H - hi. I'm C - Candice Rose." I hope I don't sound as retarded as I heard myself.

Than he did the most surprising thing I could think of: he chuckled and walked away, just like that.

Is that what guys are always like? Make a girl feel retared because she couldn't talk to a guy properly and than just walk off? I thought. I thought for a few more minute before I shook my head and started my journey to find my locker.

Just than the bell rung.

"Oh no! Please, please, I can't be late!" I said to myself.

Just image what the teacher will think of me! I just can't be late today - I just can never be late! Ok, Candice, calm down and think. Think. Ok, think ... Ok, since I am going to be late, I don't have time to spare so I guess I would have to head start to class. 

And without a second thought, I turned my heels and hurried to class. I settled down just as the teacher walked in. I quickly got ready for class.

The first half of the day went by very quickly. I got through advanced math, advanced history, health and music; now I have lunch and after lunch I have gym, advanced science, advanced literature and sex ed.

I hurried to the lunchroom because I was starving. I could eat a horse and a cow. (See? Did you see what I did there? I mixed the metaphor of 'I could eat a horse' and 'I could eat a cow' together. Thank you, thank you.)

I went on the lunch line and saw that they were serving spaghetti with meatballs - my favorite.

"Um excuess me, but could you give me a lot. I am starving." I said to the lunch lady when it was my turn.

She gave me a look saying 'Who do you think you are?'

"Never mind." I said, "I was just joking." She handed me the plate, a fork and a knife.

I went outside on the grass and sat down to eat. When there was 5 minutes left, I quickly throw out my things and went to the locker.

"Ok, let's see, turn to the right to the number 36, than turn to the left to the number 7. Than turn the lock to the right two times. Than turn left to the number 59. Pound the center when you are done." I said out loud. I pound the middle. Nothing happened.

I pounded the center again and again and again. Only God knows how much time I pounded the center.

"UGHHH!!! Great. My locker doesn't work." I said.

I pulled the lock as hard as possible. "Open! Open! Open up you stupid locker!"

I got so angry that I punched the space right above the lock and it was a miracle that the lock popped open.

"Maybe violent does come in handy in some situation." I said as I shoved all of the unnecessary books in the locker.

I slammed my locker shut and dashed down the left hall to advanced literature.

I threw the door open just as I got there and immeditantly started to apologize; "Good afternooon Mr. Harris I am so sorry that I am late, my locker was jammed and - "

"Head to the detention room right now young lady!" he yelled. My eyes widen just as he spoke it. Those were the words that I never wanted to hear.

"W - wha - "

"Detention room." he said slowly, "It is room 620."

I am sooo dead! It is going to be on my permanent record! PERMANENT, PERMANENT, PERMANENT record!!!! I will never graduate high school and have a successful life. I will be doomed for the rest of my life. I will never make a good living and when I don't make a good living, I will die from hungier and sadness. Oh, what have a done to my life!! I want to - I thought, but stopped when I reached the detention room.

I knocked on the door.

There was answer.

I opened the door and peeked inside the room. Empty.

Of course, what did I expect, a whole bunch of people? Because people in Fortman know not to waste their education privileged in the detention room.

I was about to go look for the principal when the door flew open and I ran into a wall. 

No, my bad, somebody.

I looked up to see who I ran into and immediately my mind mumbled how handsome he was.

He was handsome. Very handsome. So handsome ... Woahhhh. I thought, awestruck.

But than, my mind jumped to conclusion that he could be the principal.


"Look, I am so sorry. I shouldn't have been late on the first day, I knew it. It was just that I was trying to find my locker and I got lost and I bumped into someone and my locker was jammed. And did I tell you that I am new here, you probably know, so please don't expect too much from me. Please don't make this detention go onto the permanent record. I am so sorry, principal - " I ranted.

"Are you done talking, yet?" he asked.

My eyes widened.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I am not the principal so I don't know why you are calling me principal and I don't care if you are late or whatever." he said. 

My cheeks grew hot, "Sorry, I thought that - "

"Save it for someone who cares." he said, walking pass me to get a seat.

My jaws dropped, "What is - "

"Yo Sebastian, did you see the janitor's face when - well, hello there. It seems like there's someone who arrived at the detention room before us." said a guy who just entered the room.

I frowned.

"I'm Brandon." he said, smirking at me.

"Hi." I said quietly. His smirk grew bigger. 

"Hey! I know you!" said another's voice. That voice sound familiar. I turned to see him. 


"Hey! It's you! That guy! I mean, I know you too." I said to that guy.

"I'm Valentino." he said.

Valentino. Valentino, oh so lovely. I cooed.

"Hi, I'm Candice." I said,blushing, "Thank you for helping me this morning."

"Oh, it's nothing - "

"Since when do you help anyone - "

Someone cleared their throat. I spun around. The principal.

Ellen Lambert, Principal her golden name tag printed.

I ran up to her. "Principal Lambert, I can explain why I am here." I said, quickly, "I am so sorry, don't mean to be late. I am was just trying - "

"Ms. Rose, come to my office where we can talk - "

"Please Principal, I promise I - " her glare stopped me from speaking.

"You too Mr. Blake."

Oh God, I am so doomed. First I was late, than I was sent to detention and now I got myself into more trouble by talking to Mr. Rudehead. What have I done to myself? 

"Have a seat." the principal said. I gulped, I took a deep breath, I am ready for it.

"Ms. Rose, the reason that you're here is because I am going to ask you a favor." the principal said.

"A favor?" I asked.

"Yes." she said, nodding.

I relaxed a little.

"I want you to tutor Sebastian." she said.

" ... Sebastian ... " I said, turning my head slowly to look at him.

"Yes." she said.

" ... In which subject?" I asked, I was already dreading this.

"All." she said.

"All?" I squeaked.

"I realized that asking you to do such a big favor, I think I should do something in return. I thi - "

"There's nothing that I want more than to have that detention mark on my permanent record off." I said instantly.

The principal paused looking at me as if to decided if she should do that or not. I banged my head against the wall mentally.

"I can't guarantee anything right now," she said slowly, "but if Sebastian improves on his grades than I will do as you wish, how if you don't you know your consquences."

I nodded. My record will have the word 'detention' written big and bold. 

"Ok, than that should be it," she said, "you may go to your last period class."

"Thank you, Principal Lambert." I said as I got up to leave.

"You're welcome, but hurry along." she said.

I nodded.

Thank the Lord that I have a chance to remove the mark from my record, now I just have to take it very seriously. I can't messy up or - 

"I'm movin' in." Mr. Rudehead said as the door closed behind us.

"What?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows together.

"I'm moving in." he said slowly.


"I am moving in with you. ARE YOU DEAF?" he said, raising his voice on the last part.

"Who are you and what's your name again?" I asked him.

His jaws dropped as if to say 'This - girl - doesn't - know - my - name? - Where - has - she - been - living? - Under - the - rock?'

"You don't know my name?" he asked.

"Yo Sebastian, is everything alright?" Brandon shouted in the hall next to Valentino. I jumped at his sudden presence.

"Yo Brandon, this girl right here doesn't know who I am." he said pointing at me.

Brandon and Valentino smirked, shaking their heads.

"I'm Sebastian Blake, Sebastian Blake. Remember that." he said, "All - star athlete champion of this school, Quarterback of the Tigers, Captain of the - "

"I don't care." I said.

His jaws dropped again.

"She doesn't care, man." Sebastian said to Valentino and Brandon.

They let out a small chuckle, smirking at me.

"Are you even a girl?" Sebastian asked.

"Do I look like one to you?" I asked.

"A little." he said, smirking. Now it was time for him to make fun of me. "Just a little bit undeveloped in some areas."

I grew red.

"Ok, but that's not the point. The point is that you are a stranger to me, we've only meet each other for about," I said and looked down at my watch, "two hours, 36 minutes and 51.3 seconds. And I am not allow to live with any boys or anybody in general without my parent's permission."

 "Unless you want to not tutor me and have that detention mark on your record, than ok." he said, turning his heels while starting his way down the hall to last period class.

And without thinking, I grabbed his arm and said, "Wait."

He spun around.

"Yes?" he asked with a smirk on his face, but inside he knew what was going to happen next.

I looked at him and let out a deep breath, "Fine."

"That's why I thought." he said.

"Don't make me take back what I said."

"Don't make me take back my offer."

I rolled my eyes as I croosed my arms.

"I'm going to class." I said, turning my heels and started down the hall.

"Wait," Sebastian said. I spun around to face him.

"I'm moving in tonight." he said.

I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off. "Good bye." He started walked down the hall.

"Hey! Hey!" I shouted, "I'm talking to you. Hey!!"


I turned the keys to open the front door. Exhausted from the long school day, I threw the door open and dropped the keys down on the nearby coffee table.

"Awh! It's good to be home." I said sitting on the edge kitchen island, eating a banana.

"Fuck this!" a vioce shouted. Getting startled by the sudden knowledge that another person is also in the house with me I choked on the banana. " Hey you, come over here!"


"You don't have to shout! You startled me!" I shouted back as I followed his voice into the living room. "On day I will -" I stopped.


"That 'thing' that you are talking about is a XBox 360 and I obviously brought it from the store and by the way a new TV is coming."

"WAIT, what?! A new TV? For what? This TV," I said walking over to the TV and patting it on

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