» Romance » Full House, K. S [adult books to read txt] 📗

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smiled and joined us sitting to my right. Drawing a gaming console I saw Nathy’s grin grow. 


“So, Nathy, you will take his console and hold it out for him to get, he will run after you and you will not stop running, I’ll get the remote and watch TV, after Darren finally stops beating you up for touching  his stuff my show will be done.” Logan and Nathy both looked at me like I was crazy.


“What, no I want to watch TV.” 


Nathy crossed his arms on his chest. Ignoring him I went over to the living room to spy on my brother. I heard the front door open behind me but I didn’t pay any attention to it. From behind the couch I tried tickling him, but found none of the areas i tried got him ticklish. My smile slightly faltered as I realized, it’s been ten years, and even such a small thing had changed. 


 Feeling me stopped he looked over at me, but his facial expression quickly changed from concern to anger. I turned around to see several guys looking at me hungrily.


Startled I backed away and looked at my brother for reassurance. Nathy noticed the tension and walked over to me. When he saw me he laughed at my face, which caused me to give him my ‘don’t do that’ look. He stopped laughing in a mere second before turning serious. When he was standing next to me I poked his side in his pressure point causing him to jump and hold his side in pain. 


“You’re not helping,” I whispered to him and he looked at me confused. Then he looked at all the guys staring at me pervertedly.


“Oh ya, forgot, you guys this is Darren’s sister Valeria.” 


Everyone’s hungry looked turned into sadness, I guess everyone knows not to mess with my brother. They all went their separate ways, some upstairs, some to the kitchen, and most stayed in the living room. In a matter of seconds I was the only one left standing, I spun around not knowing to go. The couch that was once desolate was now brim packed. I pouted and walked over to Nathy debated whether or not to sit on his lap. After all I only knew him for less than an hour. Seeing no harm in it, I sat down only to hear his groan. Looking towards the TV I saw they were watching soccer and my eyes lit up, I love soccer. Brazil vs. Portland, Brazil is going to win clearly, I thought to myself as Brazil had the ball. Portland stole the ball and a second later Brazil easily got it back, Brazil scored. No one yayed or booed so I rolled my eyes.


“Brazil is going to kick your ass if you don’t cheer for them,” I stated simply and Nathy chuckled behind me.


“Oh ya, Darren did you get a new car, the Aston Martin,” a blonde guy asked my brother and he looked confused confirming that it isn’t his car. I coughed and everyone looked towards me, I looked back at them and gave them they ‘what’ look.


“My car is awesome, right?” 


everyone nodded frantically in response while my brother looked at me unsure. Giggling sounded behind me then a familiar laughed joined it. For some reason the sound made me disappointed and bummed out. I tried to tune it out as I got up from Nathy’s lap and walked behind the couch near my brother. While I was walking away I heard him sigh in relief causing me to stifle a laugh. 


“Darren do you have a room I can maybe just maybe stay in for now?”


.My brother looked over at me confused, but instead of asking he simply nodded. 

 Looking over at the TV I watched as Brazil made yet another score, they’re going to win, I thought to myself. Darren got up and motioned for me to follow so when he started walking up the stairs and I ran after him. While walking down the hall I looked at the pictures, I smiled as I saw my brother in different places with different people. During boarding school, my parents didn’t even give me any pictures of my brother. I’m surprised I even recognized him, I thought jokingly.


“I missed you Darren,” I admitted silently as he stopped at a door. He turned around and smiled at me, causing my eyes to get glassy again.


“I missed you to Val, don’t be sad.”


I hugged him tightly, and then he added “just don’t leave me again.” I nodded solemnly, it was my greatest regret, how could I ever do it again? He pushed me into the room before turning around. I swear I saw his shoulder lightly shaking and a faint hiccup as he walked away. 


“Night brother.” 


Turning around I saw the bed and laid on it. Slowly, ever so slowly, I lulled to sleep by the sounds of chatter.


Chapter Two


Groaning I awake at the sound of blazing music and sunlight peeking out of my window. Slipping out of bed I took the pillow and stuffed it under my arm. While walking out of the room I grumbled about how I was going to mess up whoever woke me. Banging on the room with the source of the music I waited till it opened. One of my brother’s friends opened up all jumpy and smiling. Too early, I thought to myself and threw the pillow at his face.


“GO TO SLEEP,” I grumbled but it was loud because I was trying to yell.


I yawned and held my arms out for the pillow that now laid at his feet. Instead of getting my pillow I got a hug. A frustrated sigh escaped as I pushed him back and gave him a pointed look. 


“Your name?” 


As I walked into his room uninvited I picked up my pillow, then headed towards his bed. Sitting on the edge of his bed I stuff my head against the pillow yawning once again it’s too early. 




He maneuvered over and sat next to me. Looking up from the pillow I studied him, green eyes, short brown hair, and muscular. I listened to the blaring music and then searched for the real source, I will kill it! Doing a double take when I saw the iPod dock, I started to seeth in hatred. Jumping off the bed I nearly tripped but balanced myself as I reached for the iPod then started to lower the volume. It was still hearable just not headache-able. Sighing internally I turned around to see Dave sad with puppy eyes looking at his iPod dock. Laughing at him I gave him the ‘you crazy’ look and he rolled his eyes. Ignoring his grumbles I went back to sitting on the edge with the pillow to my face. 

“I really hate you with a passion Dave, you woke me up.” 


He ignored me and then suddenly his eyes brightened. My gut started to squirm as I realized something bad was going to happen.


“You guys wake up.” 


I nearly jumped up because he yelled straight into my ear. Lifting my head from the pillow I smacked him hard with it. 


“Idiot,” I murmured as he rubbed his unharmed arm. It’s a pillow for goodness-sakes. Shooting daggers at Dave with my eyes I saw him fake pout and the guys came into his room looking as tired and grumpy as I was. 


“Dave, what the hell do you want,” Logan grumbled and my heart skipped a beat at his voice, but I kept my face stoic. Dave’s song that was playing was now stuck in my head and my bad temper got the best of me and I threw the pillow at his iPod. He looked at me with the same ‘you crazy’ look that I gave him but I held my scowl. 


Getting up I collected my pillowed and almost tripped over a wire on the floor but I regained balance quickly.


“Also, you keep making me trip, Davit I’m out to get you,” I growled with a grumpy face. He nodded and then hid behind a few pillows. Good choice hide when I’m watching you. Shaking my head at his stupidity I realized they all saw that.


 “Is he always this stupid?” 


Nathy nodded and smiled at me, which I graciously returned. 


“Hey Nathy.” 


He laughed then turned around probably heading towards his room so I decided to follow. Following him to the living room I was sad, here everyone can see me. Nathy laughed at my sad expression. Seeing this I sat next to him grabbing the remote quickly as an act of revenge.


“Take it and I’ll break your hand off,” I taunted then turned on the TV .


Clicking on a new channel I smiled and leaned into Nathy, he’s a comfy gay person. As I was comfortable and half-way through the episode I felt someone trying to slip the remote out of my hand, looking down I saw Nathy’s light tan hand then bit it. He yelped and half of the guys came stomping down the stairs. 


“What,” my brother asked and Nathy stared at me waiting for an apology. 

“EH, ya right, I warned you.”


 I took myself and the remote to another spot on the couch. Dave came into the room and his bottom lip was still pouted so I felt bad then I looked over at Nathy still mad. Letting out a frustrated breathed I scooted over to Nathy and hugged him then handed him the remote. Getting up from the couch I ran to Dave and hugged him tightly.


“I’m sorry for killing you in my mind,” I grumbled into his shirt. I was pushed back and then I started laughing at his sad look.


“But, for real, I’m sorry,” I told him and he nodded rolling his eyes. 


“What did you do to Nathaniel,” Darren questioned and I bit my lip from laughing. Darren knowing well enough even though it’s been 9 years looked at Nathy’s hand and saw my famous teeth marks.  


“Only you Val,” Darren pointed out and I nodded, still smiling while biting my lip. All of the guys were up I noticed and then as I thought why were they standing all of them discarded to the living room attacking it. I was about to jump onto Nathy’s lap while he was talking to Mike, I think that’s his name, when I heard heavy stomps on the stairs and checked it. The person coming down the stairs with disgraceful loudness was Logan’s not girlfriend. Looking away I found my mood was ruined and decided to just sit on the floor leaning against Nathy’s legs. He looked almost relieved I didn’t try anything. I let out a small huff and furrowed my eyebrows.


“Nathy, I’m not that fat am I?”


I pointed at his relieved face to prove he thought I was fat, but it changed to one that was now amused. 


“Are you kidding me, you’re like a feather, it’s just weird having you sit on my lap.” 


I nodded then turned my head back to the TV. I scanned the room for the remote and Nathy noticed taking cover, I coughed up a laugh and then noticed it was by Dave. Standing up, I walked over to where Dave was. I discreetly reached over to the side table and quickly snatched the remote before going back

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