» Romance » A Cinderella Story: The New Way, Sequoia Gallatin [best ebook reader android .TXT] 📗

Book online «A Cinderella Story: The New Way, Sequoia Gallatin [best ebook reader android .TXT] 📗». Author Sequoia Gallatin

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for like ever!" Cici Squeaked.
Ally sighed. "Fine. But first I have to get past Marina."
" Okay! I know you can do it!" She could hear the smile in Cici's voice. She knew that she had to do this. For her friend.

David Monroe woke up in the middle of the night to discover his phone was ringing. He looked at it then groaned. It was Maddie Clarince. His stalker. Or so he was positive. He debated whether to just let it go to voice mail or not but he finally answered it.
"Yes?" He said, annoyed.
"Look out your window, prince charming." She said. He got up and peeked out of his window to see her standing there.
"Maddie! What the hell are you doing here?" He growled, closing his phone.
"I wanted to see you." She pouted. "Are you not happy to see me?"
He groaned. "It's 2 in the morning." He looked at his phone for confirmation. He was right. It was 2 in the morning.
"But David-" She began.
"Listen it's nice that you wanted to stop by and all but I need my sleep. Goodnight Maddie." With that he closed his door and walked back over to the bed. She was officially his stalker.

"Ally!" Marina walked down the stairs toward her. It was friday afternoon and the ball was tonight. Ally had gone this whole week avoiding David and he didn't even seem to really notice anyways. He was just hanging out with his best friend, Chase Rice, most of the time. "You have chores to do. What is this I hear about you planning to go to the dance?" She raised her eyebrow at her. Ally felt her heart drop. She couldn't go?
"Please Marina? I have already done all my chores today."
"Not all of them. I am having a party this weekend and I need every room in this house perfect. You haven't cleaned out every room."
"I'm not even allowed in most of these rooms!" Ally said, exasperated.
"Don't get sassy with me, young lady. Did you forget that I am the only reason why you can get into that stupid college you want to go to so badly?"
"Oh of course I didn't remember. You never give me a chance to." They both glared at each other.
"I will be home at midnight and this house better be crystal clear. Or else no college for you. Ever." Marina left. Ally fell back on the couch. She was trying to ruin her life. She had known it. She sighed then got up and started on the whole house.

Later that evening Cici called her.
"Cici, I cant go." She told her.
"What? Why?" Her friend squealed.
"Marina's making me clean the whole house."
"The whole house?" She screeched.
"Yup." She sighed. "So I cant come. I'm sorry."
"No, wait! I know how you can come! I have these friends that can do it all for you!" Ally could hear the smile in her friends voice.
"Really?" She asked, doubtful.
"Yeah! I will be there in 5 minutes. Get ready." Then she hung up before Ally could even say anything.

"Dude. Look at who's watching you." David's best friend, Chase Rice said, pointing towards where Maddie was standing with Maizy and Alissa Shance. He guessed she could tell it was him then. Or she was guessing it was.
David rolled his eyes. "That girl freaks me out." He told his friend. "She's like a little stalker or something."
"Yeah but she's hot!" Chase said, as if that wasn't obvious.
"You can have her then." David muttered. Suddenly something caught his eye. Three girls were walking down the stairs. There was one guy with them. They all had masks on, just like every one else. But the girl with black hair caught his eye. There was three of them. One had blond hair, one had brown hair and the other one had black hair. They approached the punch bowl which was where he was standing with Chase. the blond had her arm hooked through the guys so he was guessing she was taken. But the other two girls were alone.
"Dude." Chase said really quietly. Seeming to notice the girls too. David prayed that he wasn't into the black haired girl but he seemed to be looking at the brown haired girl. "She's hot. Well actually they all are. Oh, I see. You like her." He said nodding at the black haired girl. David just nodded. "Let's go talk to them!" Chase seemed a little too eager. David shrugged but he too was eager to meet his mysterious girl. They casually approached the girls.
"Hey." David said. They all looked up at him. "Nice dress." He nodded at the girls dress, a little embarrassed.
"Oh. Thank you." She looked down. Was she blushing? "Nice coat."
He chuckled. "Why thank you." There was an awkward pause which was when he realized that they were alone. "Uh, would you like to dance?"
She looked up at him then smiled. "I would love to."
They go out to the dance floor and he's pretty surprised about how good she is at dancing. "Do you do this often?" He asked. She looked down.

"No. Actually this is the first dance I have ever been to before." Ally felt kind of embarrassed about having to tell this handsome stranger this. His eyes were on her the whole time.
"Really? I'm surprised. Oh and your a really good dancer by the way." He smiles down at her.
"Thanks." She smiles up at him. The music starts to get more dance-like and he turns her in circles. It takes her a few minutes to realize that everyone is watching them. She blushes but doesn't stop. This is what she lives for. Dancing and singing. They turn and spin. They dance and it's like she's never danced before. There was something about this guy that just made her feel more alive. It was so easy to dance and fall into with him. He made her feel so different then anyone ever has. People are clapping all around them and she can see a huge grin plastered on his face. Finally the music changes and they go sit down.
"Wow. You're amazing." He told her. She blushed.
"You too."
"I have never danced with someone like I did you. You're starting to make me remember who I am." He smiled at her.
"And who are you?" She asks, smiling back at him.
He looks around for a second then finally pulls his mask off. She gasps. David Monroe. She couldn't believe this. It was him! She had tried so hard to avoid him.
"Who are you?" He asked. She was just about to say something when suddenly the clock stroke 5 minutes to midnight. She jumped out of her seat.
"I have to go." She squeaked.
"Wait!" She could hear him calling from behind her. Suddenly a group of people swarmed him. She ran up the steps, looking back one more time to see that she had dropped her shoe. Oh my god, she thought, this is a lot like Cinderella. She ran all the way out to the parking lot and hailed a taxi. 5 minutes later she was safely in the house. She changed out of her clothes really fast and was just wiping off her make-up when the front door opened and she could hear Marinas heels tapping on the floor. She quickly raced out of the bathroom and was just finished with putting on her apron when Marina walked in.
"So. You finished?" Marina asked. Ally nodded.
"Yes mam. May I go to bed now? I'm exhausted."
Marina watched her for one minute then nods. "Fine. Go."
Ally ran out to her house. She was so relieved. She flopped down on her bed and squealed. She had danced with David Monroe! She couldn't believe it. A minute later, however she fell asleep.

By friday David Monroe was frantic. He had to find that girl. He was sitting at a table in the middle of the lunch room. There was a big sign that said "Are you my mystery girl?" and a huge line of girls trying to prove that they were his mystery girl. Even though half of them had the wrong hair color and everything. His test was first he would try the shoe on them then if it fit they would have to dance with him. He suddenly spotted a girl out of all the rest of them who was sitting at her table. Ally. He remembered her from those few times that they "Bumped" Into each other. He squinted. She looked about the same size and her hair was the right color. Her face even looked a little like the other girls had.
"Excuse me everyone." He said, grabbing the shoe and rushing by everyone. She was talking to her friends when he arrived at her table. She looked up, surprised.
"Uh, hi. Would you mind trying this on for me?" He asked, holding the shoe out. Her eyes narrowed but she let him slip it on her foot. It fit perfectly. But of course it did. He had thought that she looked a little like the girl. But he first had to try out the last test.
"Would you mind dancing with me?" He asked her. She swallowed.
"Um, listen. I don't think thats a very good idea-" She began.
"Please? It's really important to me." He begged.
Her eyes were wide but then she sighed. "Fine."

Ally couldn't believe that he had like figured it out or whatever. She had tried so hard to avoid him this whole week. She got up and he pulled her to him. They started dancing. After a little while he pulled away, grinning.
"You're her." He whispered. Pulling her close. Then he frowned. "Why didn't you tell me?"
She shrugged. "I'm a maid. Your some great pop-star. Somehow we don't really mix."
"I don't care that your a maid." He pulled her closer and suddenly it was like it was just the two of them. "You are so amazing. I could tell when I first met you."
She snorts. "Yeah sure you could."
"I could." He says, a little hurt. She looks in his eyes, trying to find any hint that he's lying. But she can't. Then she finds something else.

Publication Date: 06-30-2012

All Rights Reserved

To the people who made Another Cinderella Story. I loved that movie and I wrote this because it made me think of that a little bit! Thank you!

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