» Romance » The Alpha's bodyguard, Cherrytop [books for 5 year olds to read themselves .TXT] 📗

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hallways, I began to quiver. I stood there, unmoving on the spot.
Adrian pushed me encouraging me to take the first step down. I took a deep breath closing my eyes for a ephemeral second before finishing on the last step and looking up at Markus. He seemed tremendously angry, just for one split second I had the sensation that he knew I was his mate. But how? The only people who knew about me were Adrian and Chelsea and they definitely would not say anything.
“Y-yes?” I asked a little startled as his glaring didn’t seem to transfer from my face.
“I called you back to my room yesterday, trying to find you and thinking you were absent, where were you?” Markus asked, furiously.
Shockingly I had not heard a single footstep down the corridor that night so I didn’t comprehend why I hadn’t overheard him. “I was in the garden, master,” I say, trying not to fiddle under his unbreakable stare.
“I see, “Markus said as he rubbed his clean shaven chin and gazed at me for a moment. “How’s that bruised arm of yours, may I see it?”
My eyes must have enlarged for a second before I took a step backwards. “No, it’s still enormously sore, don’t touch it!” I staggered backwards, Markus looked at me puzzled. Was he really this dense? I speculated.
“If it’s that bad, then I can seek medical help for it,” He said as his eyes slipped down to the non-existent bruise.
I shook my head. “I’ve already been to the nurse, she says that my arm will be okay in a few days,” I lied, if Markus understood why I was lying this much, I would be in severe trouble and even worse that these apparent bruises.
“How did it happen?” Markus asked as he sat down on the chair and looked up at me expectedly.
“It was…” For a moment nothing was coming to my head, almost like something was hindering me from my thoughts. “It was when I had bashed into the door frame,” I say rubbing my arm melodramatically. But I might just have to paint a few bruises on my arm just for it to seem truthful.
Markus nodded and muttered something as he rose from the table, taking out a spoon and dug it into his cornflakes.
I exited the kitchen room to be halted by one of the maids. “My lady, there is a lad outside who is demanding a match against the alpha!” The lady looked frightened as she began to panic, her eyes widened and her bottom lip trembled furiously.
“Calm down, I’ll take care of this,” I say as I push her off into the other direction and raced to Markus who was sat reading his newspaper like any other standard day.
“Master, it seems that there is an opponent outside who is challenging a match,” I sputter. Markus’s eyes switch from his paper and straight to mine, he snarls irately as he tosses everything he’s holding to the side of the room and pushes past me.
My legs begin to follow him on their own will. Markus rolled his neck and stretched his shoulders; he liked a worthy fight in the morning. He pulled open the doors, immediate sunlight flooded through the dark halls and the grimy corners.
I breathed in the fresh air; it had been awhile since I’d last been out, I was always devoted to this uncanny place. My eyes then promptly moved to the person who had dared Markus, generally I felt sorry for the guy, he unconditionally didn’t know what was ahead of him.
But I was awestruck as I saw my previous client standing with his head held high, a smirk spread across his face as he noticed me standing in front of Markus defensively, this person was more than dangerous, he was wild. That was the reason why I had decided to leave him and his out of control pack. He and his gang weren’t tamed; they’d kill anyone in their way. “Well, hello there Elisa,” Robert spoke out into the quietness.
I took a profound breath, pushing myself to tranquil the beast inside me that was trying to rip my walls down, trying to escape and tear his throat out, aggressive to pull limb after limb off his muscular body. I glared at him through my lashes, trying to control myself; it was just the simple word of hearing Markus’s command that would permit me to attack him. “Do you know this person, Elisa?” Markus asked with an eyebrow raced.
Not only was Robert my previous client, I’d also had a relationship with this man, we almost mated until I found out he had three other women under his arms. It was to be predictable from a rebel. “Yes,” I growled, trying to push the topic away for the moment.
“And how do you know this man?” Markus asked, staring down at me with those absorbing green eyes.
I looked away, staring down at the floor, unable to think of any excuses at this period, so Robert had to cut in at this point. “She was previously my bodyguard, we had a bond and then she left me,” He clarified.
A roar ripped from my chest, ringing against wall after wall of the mansion. “That is entirely wrong, I left you because you were cheating on me with three other women,” I hissed.
Robert snickered evilly as he glared down at me like I was nothing but a part of gum wedged up his boot. “I think you’ve forgotten this, but an alpha can have more than just one mate.”
I smiled. “I recall.”
“If you can get past her, then I’ll fight you,” Markus said, breaking the atmosphere between us.
Robert glared at me, his eyes seemed emotionless and precisely black, his talons began to develop, gradually. It didn’t matter if he was the alpha or not, they weren’t impossible to overthrow, though I had tried on Markus and had lost brutally with a lot of cuts and bruises.
My fangs slowly glided out, tearing at the fragile skin, my bones began to pop out of their sockets; this was the transformation of how the wolf inside you becomes you. Hairy and vastly ugly to anyone. Robert was just a bit larger than me, an instantaneous feeling of trepidation washed through my body. “And what would you want in return if you fight the alpha and succeed?” I asked inquisitively before we began.
Robert smiled, though it never seemed to touch those uncomfortable eyes. “That’s easy, I want to take over this place, control everything in it and personally make you mine again.”
I slashed my claws across his face, sending him back into the wall of the manor. He grunted roughly and stood back up onto his untamed claws, they gripped down onto the mud as his rage rose. “I will never be yours, “I hissed angrily, this was my wolf that seemed to be communicating at the moment, taking over my body.
Robert smirked, as if something was a joke in this matter. “We’ll see.” Was all he said before running at me, I clutched onto the roof of the house, a lengthy way down but a stable place to fight. Robert shadowed me, his heavy paws thumping along the bricks, his talons were the sharpest I’d ever seen and his teeth seemed to be flowing. I growled angrily as he came for me, pushing me down onto my back.
He looked down at me and sneered. His fangs were only an inch away from my neck, and I already knew what he was doing. “No way in hell,” I speak as I thrust him off. He slips, his claws grab onto the side of the roof.
I see him look up at me with pleading eyes, I will certainly not save him, particularly after what he was about to do. I stamp my paws onto his sharp nails, they crack beneath my grip. Robert howls out in pain, scrabbling and trying to move out of my reach. I let go and he goes flying to the ground. Whimpering as he breathes noisily. I jump down and turn back into my human form, smirking at his pained face, how pathetic.
“You lose,” I say before kicking him hard in the ribs. Chapter 4

It was yesterday that Robert was pronounced dead, advantageously not many people had known who Robert was, except for his pack, of course. They were furious with us and had sent us many revulsion messages. I smiled to myself; he had deserved it though, particularly after what he had put me through.
I hadn’t seen Markus all day, rumours had it he was on a professional trip right now and wouldn’t be back for another two days. “I wonder why Robert wanted to fight the master,” Chelsea voiced as she curled up onto the chair, her chin resting moderately on her knees.
I shrugged. “Probably wanted control,” I explained as I took a sip of the fresh orange juice that sat in front of me.
A man came through the kitchen, peering enthusiastically at both of us girls who returned his stare. “Yes?” The man asked crudely as he entered the room.
“Who are you?” I asked, shooting up protectively.
“I’m the masters office manager, here to arrange and rearrange things,” He spoke as he picked up an apple a took a colossal chunk out of it.
Chelsea was staring down at the floor, as stiff as a board, she seemed motionless. I nudged her shoulder, but only continued to act unobserved. She was gently trembling, her lips quivered and her nose seemed to keep sniffing the air like there was some powerful scent that loomed through the kitchen. “I’m Sam, by the way,” He said as he gave me a minor smile.
“Elisa,” I replied. “And this is Chelsea,” I pointed to the statue like woman.
Sam’s eyes slid to her, looking her up and down for a few seconds, like he was trying to figure something out. “Is she alright?” He asked, concerned.
I nodded. “Sure she is,”
“Maybe I should take her to the nurse, Sam said as he walked over to her. Chelsea scrabbled out of her chair, trying to escape him. “No, I’m fine!” Chelsea managed.
I stared at Chelsea in shock, what a scene she was creating. “Please, forgive her she’s a little nervous at times,” I spoke.
Sam nodded before he exited the room. I looked over at Chelsea, my eyebrows shot up. “Explain.”
“H-He is my,” Chelsea couldn’t seem to let the last words out for a few seconds. “Mate.”
I just stood there, looking over at the pale whiteness of her skin and her brown eyes as they pierced into the floor, her soft brown hair gently fell over her small back, she was rigid and looked terrified.
“Your what!” I shouted. Chelsea covered a hand over my mouth, looking over at the door, alarmed.
“Shut up!

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