» Romance » Ana, By: Seery Awbrey [autobiographies to read .txt] 📗

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“Just a little fun huh?”

“yay man we just uh... lets go guys.”  

And with that they all...TURNED INTO GIANT WOLVES!

“AAAAAHHHHH!!!!” i screamed at the top of my lungs just before passing out...


Xaviers (P.O.V)

(starting when he first saw her so just bare with me)


Here I was again having to go out on baby sitting duty for my fathers idiotic pack members.  They are always getting into touble and with the feud going on between us and the red bark pack its not very good.  You see im next in line to become the alpha and when i was about one the alpha of red bark had his first daughter.  He and my father got together and decided binding the packs was a good idea and what better to bind the packs with than a mated pair.  Unfortunatly the red wood luna didnt want this binding of the packs and ran away with her daughter and hasn't been heard from since.

I must have really been absorbed in my thoughts because the next thing i knew i had bumped into something... or rather someone.  For a split second a sweet aroma seemed to fill and circulate throughout my entire body then all at once its gone.  I hear a slight thud and look down at the most amazing creature I have ever seen.

She had big grey blue eyes that seemed to pierce my very soul and long blonde hair reaching just above her waist.  She couldn't be more than a year younger than me.  Against my will my eyes started to roam her body taking in her slender yet generous curves.  I could almost feel my wolf trying to take over flooding my thoughts with what I could do to those curves...Oh god what am I thinking?

-You thinking all the right things trust me- my wolf said teasingly in my mind

-what do you mean?- I asked my wolf curiosly


And with that one word I knew I had found her.  I was never going to let her go again...






* Quick little note I'm not shure if I am going to contiue of not so if you like it and want me to continue please,please,pleas leave a comment?  Also thank you for reading my book it really means alot to me!*








Chapter 3: Waking Up

Ana's P.O.V


I woke up surrounded in warmth with hot tingles running up my back.  I tried to sit up but failed because of two strong arms wrapped tightly around my waist.  I sucked in a sharp breath trying to figure out what was going on.  Then memories of the night before started flooding through my mind.  Memories of my mother and the men and the boy...thinking about him gave me a strange sense of longing...but why?


I heard mumbling from behind me.  As I turned to look behind me the arms on my waist tightened making it harder for me to breath.  I looked behind me and my breath was him the boy from before.

He looked so peaceful with a slight smile on his lips.  His hair was messy and fell effortlessly across his face.  His lips looked so soft and.. No I can't think like this he KIDNAPPED me I don't even know him!  I looked back to his face and noticed his long brown lashes. I wish I could look at those deep blue eyes again... No what is wrong with me I shouldn't be thinking like this should I!?!

“Morning sunshine,” I heard a deep husky voice say “Sleep well?  I’m sorry about the guys they haven't been themselves lately.  What with the whole pack feud going on and stuff, but now your back and everything is good again.”

“WHAT! GET OFF ME!”  I push him away and jumped off the bed.  He just sat there with a surprised look on his face.

“You don't know do you?”

I sat there wondering what he was talking about.


“Aaaa!” I screamed

“Are you okay?”

-Listen up those ‘vitamins’ you have to take aren't really vitamins they somehow sedate me. By the way I’m Lilly I’m your inner wolf.  YOU are a werewolf deal with it.  Now start being nice to our mate or I will take over-

“Oh my god i’m going crazy” I sunk down to the floor leaning against the wall. This is crazy. I’M CRAZY!  This can NOT be happening.  What is going on here?

“Are you okay? you look a little pale.”

I looked up and inches from my face were those deep blue eyes.  The eyes that drove me crazy with...something I don't know what it was but they just seemed to draw me in.  

Befor I even realized what I was doing I leaned in.  Feeling our breath mingle and before I could stop myself,  I had pressed his warm soft lips to mine.  Deepening the kiss I snaked my arms around his neck grabing fist fulls of his soft curly brown hair.  He wrapped his arms around my waist and moaned allowing me entrance and my tongue made its way into his mouth till it met with his half way.  Our tongues played with each other trying to dominate the other.  It ended all too soon.  He pulled away quickly looking me in the eyes.

“We should go your dad is waiting downstairs.”

“I don't want to see that filthy piece of trash he hit my mother!”  I practically screamed in his ear.

“No not him your real dad..look its a long story..and he should really be the one to tell you.”


Xaviers P.O.V


It was so hard to pull away from her but I knew if it continued I would lose it and mate her right then and there...That would NOT be good.  I would probably hurt her and her father would most likely kill me.  The worst part was the shock and sadness that shone in her eyes.  All I wanted to do was hold her in my arms forever and never let go.

“We should go your dad is waiting downstairs.”

“I don't want to see that filthy piece of trash he hit my mother!”

“No not him your real dad..look its a long story..and he should really be the one to tell you.”

I stood up and offered my hand.  She took it and I yanked her up.  Unfortunately she was slightly lighter than I thought and she practically fell into my arms.  Letting my wolf take in her beautiful scent of honey and lavender.  Practically driving him crazy.

-Who cares anymore! MATE! Just do it take her now!-

Thank god she got her footing and took a few steps back which didn't help much but was enough to restrain myself...for now.


*Sorry this is a kinda short chapter.  If you like it please comment.  Also if you have any ideas as to what you might like to see happen next please comment it.  THNX for reading it this far! hopefully more soon!*












Chapter 4: Meeting daddy

Xaviers P.O.V


I grabbed her warm soft hand which fit perfectly in mine, and we started walking to the door and out to the hall.  It didn't take long to get to the living room from my room.  It was just down the stairs and to the left off the hallway that led to the kitchen.  I walked her to the doorway and stopped when I felt a tug on my arm.  I looked back to see her staring at something in the room.  I looked to see what it was and noticed my father was sitting with alpha redbark...who looked happier than i'd seen him in years.  When they noticed us standing the my father motioned for us to come in.  

“Its okay.  Nothing bad will happen i promise.” I whispered quietly into her ear and could see her visibly relax.

I tightened my grip on her hand slightly and walked us over to the smooth leather couch opposite my father and Robert (Alpha RedBarck).  

“Ana.” Robert breathed as though relieved to see that it was true, that she was actually here.  

-Ana what a beautiful name don't you think-

-You really are a strange wolf you know that right?-

-Sorry I couldn't stop myself-

Ana scooted closer to me and I could tell she was confused.

“He’s your REAL dad” I whispered to her.

We all just sat there in complete and utter silence until my father finally spoke up “I think it would be best if we left then alone for a little while.” He said to me in a demanding yet calm voice.

Ana gripped my hand tighter. “I don't think that would be for the best.” I said in a monotone voice.

“Let me rephrase that,” he got up walked to the door and opened it. “out.”

I sat there still not moving from my spot.

“NOW.”  He said in his alpha voice which no matter how hard I tried I couldn't resist.  

Reluctantly I got up giving Ana one last sorry look before exiting the room.


Ana’s P.O.V


I sat on the commfy leather couch waiting for the man (suposedly my father) to speack.  

“Wheres your mother?” he asked out of nowhere


“Where. Is. Your. Mother.”

“Shes at home I guess.”

“Wheres home?”

“Why would I tell you?  You kidnapped me and are holding me hostage here.”

“Who said we were holding you hostage?”

“Well can I leave on my own free will.”

“Ummm... Not exactly...” he said rubbing the back of his neck.  He looked nothing like me.  He was tall Probably around 6ft 9.  He was obviously strong and had dark black hair.  The only thing that might possibly make us look related would be his eyes.  Unlike my mother's dark muddy brown they were the exact same shade of grey blue as mine.

“So I am a prisoner.”

“Technically you are my daughter.  That is why I said not EXACTLY.  I am alpha of red bark pack and you are my daughter and only child.  You will take over the red bark pack when I am gone.  You are also the mate to that boy.  Xavier is his name.”

-aaahhh what a wonderful name don't you think- my wolf said wistfully


-I know you were thinking the exact same thing-

“ahem” I was dragged out of my conversation.

“Anyway as I was saying before your wolf so rudly interrupted...”

“Wait how do you know about her,” I asked with a sense of urgency.

“Don't worry were all wolves here... Anyway as I was saying Xavier is your mate.  He is the son of the alpha of moon creek pack.  He is also going to take over his fathers pack.  Once you two officially become a mated pair you will bind the pack forever.  Making a bigger and stronger pack then there has been in

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