» Romance » Angel Of Mine, Amber White [best reads of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «Angel Of Mine, Amber White [best reads of all time TXT] 📗». Author Amber White

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let it fall on his hair. He had dark hair almost black, when the light hit it just right you could see red coming out of the dark hair. Her eyes went from his hair to his long muscely arms, then his chest. Then finally his stomach, she could hardly breath. He was drop dead gorgous. He always had been. She was so distracted she hadn't even realized he had stopped working. She looked
to find him staring at her. SHe looked at his eyes, his beautiful eyes. They were green, a dark green like the moss in a rain forest. She used to get lost in those eyes, like she was about to now. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked him. Thats when she saw the change in his eyes. When he got mad his eyes always got brighter. They were doing that now, they were turning into a bright green. "What?!" He practically yelled at her. "Why do you think?" He got louder. She just looked down. She hated that she cryed so easily. "I don't know." She barely whispered. It was so quiet that Chase almost didn't hear it. His eyes went back to their mossy green, as he stared a her. Then he turned around and left the room. She heard the slam of his bedroom door. She just sat on the counter for awhile, she has no idea how long she sat there. But she slowly slid down
and went to his bedroom door. She opened the door just a crack to find him sitting on his bed with a picture in his hand. He slowly fell onto his bed and layed there it sounded as if he was crying. She didn't want to make him mad, so she slowly closed the door and went back to the coach to lay down. She was so tired that she could hardly keep her eyes open anymore.

Chase layed on his bed having no idea what to think. He just stared at the picture he was holding. It was a picture of him
and Angel at graduation the last picture they took together. He picked up another picture of them sitting in the tree they always went to. They would sit on that tree for hours talking about anything and everything. Well not everything, she would never talk about how she got the bruises. All these memorys just came flooding into his head. Memorys of her, memorys of both of them together. Chase could of layed in that bed for hours, but when he looked at the clock.
He realized he had layed in his bed for hours. He slowly got up, he couldn't face her again. He grabbed his keys, wallet and jacket. He left his room and was about to leave through the front door when he heard a whisper. "I'm sorry." he pause but he didn't stay he kept walking. He went to where he knew he could forget all about everything that had been going on. He went to the bar down the road.

While Chase was gone Angelica tryed to clean herself off. She didn't want to use his shower, she felt like she was invading his life. She used a rag with soap on it. It had been awhile scince Chase left she was getting worried. She had no idea where he went, so she couldn't go find him. It was getting late and this was all her fault. If she wouldn't have came here, or made him mad this morning her would still be at his house safe. She heard banging at the door it scared her. She grabbed the baseball bat that was sitting in his living room and went closer to the door. When the man at the door came tumbling in she dropped the bat and tryed to catch him but he was to heavy for her to hold. She fell to the ground with him he lay on her bloody and very, very drunk. Atleast he was back to his house safe now. She wiggled out from underneath him and tryed to get him to the bathroom to clean him up. She barely got him to the bedroom she pulled him up onto his bed. She ran to the bathroom
to get a rag to clean the blood off of him. She came back to the bedroom and sat next to him on the bed. She carefully wiped the scratches on his face until there wasn't any blood left on his face. She started to get up when she felt a hand grab onto her arm. He started to pull her down onto the bed. She was pulling against his hand. When she heard him say something "Please, just lay next to me tonight. I need to know your real." She was confused but the pleading look on his face had her climbing in next to him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. She layed her head on his arm and felt the warmth from him seaping into her. She fell asleep easily.

Chase woke up with his arms around something. He opened his eyes to find Angel snuggled next to him. She was sleeping so
calmy that he didn't want to move. He was content with laying there with her in his arms. He looked down at her. She was still in that raggedy dress, she looked a little cleaner but not much. She had bruises and some cuts down her arms and legs. Her hair was still as blond as it used to be, it was dirty though. She turned in his arms and he could see her face clearly she had a bruise on her cheek, and a couple cuts on her other cheek. It made him mad. He wanted to know how this happened to her or who did this to her. He also wanted to know how she was laying in his arms right now when she was suppose to be dead. He rubbed his nuckled on her cheek and moved the hair off of her face. She was just as beautiful as she used to be. She stirred and opened her eyes. Her eyes were a brilliant blue. Gosh, she was beautiful. She looked startled for a moment but then she calmed down and layed her head back down on his arms. "Good morning" She whispered. "Good morning, Angel." He replied. He started to get up from the bed, she was still laying there. He came around to the side she was laying on and
reached out his hand for her. She reached out and grabbed on. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up." he said to her. She stopped following him. "You don't have to do that, I should prabally be going." He turned and looked at her. "Where are you going to go?" She looked down at her bare feet and whispered. "I don't know." "Then your staying here" he replied to her. "Now like I said before, lets get you cleaned up." Chase heard the water start up and went to the kitchen. He was starving, he went to the pantry to look for something to cook for breakfast. He ended up making eggs and bacon.

Angelica got out of the shower. she has no idea the last time she had one. She felt like she was invading his space. She pulled on a towel and looked for her sundress, but didn't find it anywhere. She wrapped the towel tightly around her. She slowly opened the bathroom door and smelled something amazing. She followed the smell to the kitchen. She walked in to find Chase making eggs, he was standing over the stove. He made the kitchen look small he was tall, he had grown scince the last time she saw him.

Chase heard her walk into the kitchen, he turned and looked at her. She was standing there with just a towel wrapped around her. She was so small it didn't look like she had eaten in a awhile. Her cleaned up, was a little better now all there was was the bruises. Her hair was very blonde now and wet hanging around her shoulders. She looked down at her feet as if she was embarrarresed. She looked up "I couldn't find my dress." She said to him. "Oh yeah, I took it." She just stared at him. "Why would you take it?" "I'm washing it. We need to get you something else to wear and some shoes anyway." She looked down again. "You don't have to do that." He starting putting the eggs on two plates. "Yeah, I do." he said. "Theres a robe you can wear in my room, when you come back the food will be ready." She came back in wearing his black robe it came almost to her ankles. He smiled at that. He sat the plate in front of her "Thanks." She said to him and then smiled up at him. He set down across from her. "So I have some of my moms clothes here, you can wear something of hers for now. We can go shopping after breakfast." He
saw her start to say something. "Before you say no, just let me do this for you okay?" She picked at her plate. "Okay" She replied. Chase looked at her and then asked without thinking "Who did this to you?" She looked up startled then looked back down. She didn't say anything. "I know someone did this." He waited a little bit. "Was it your dad again?" She looked up with tears in her eyes and he knew he was right. "You told me he stopped, you said that he was getting help! Why didn't you come to me for help!" She started to cry. "He was getting help, he had stopped. I promise he did." He just stared at her. "Why didn't you meet me?"

A memory hit him again.

They were sitting in their tree. It was after graduation, they just sat there for awhile in silence. Then Chase broke the silence. "Lets run away." She looked at him. "What?" She asked him. "Yeah, lets do it. Come on, lets run away together. Will get out of this town. Away from my protective parents and most off all away from your dad." She looked at him and then she smiled. "Okay, I will. Lets run away together." She had reached over and hugged him. They decided to meet at that tree the next day at 5 in the evening. She hopped down from the tree and smiled. "I'll see you later." He smiled back down at her. "Tomorrow, promise?" She looked up and said "Promise."

Chase looked up to find Angel staring at him. "I'm sorry, I couldn't." She said to him. "You couldn't? Why couldn't you? I waited for hours for you!" She looked down and started to tear up. "I know...I know you did." He just stared at her until she whispered "They found out." She looked up at him. "Who found out?" He asked. "I don't want to talk about it right now." "Fine." He said to her. "But we will talk about, but it can wait until after we get back." She let out a breath. "Thank you." He started to pick up the dishes and took them to the dishwasher. "Where are we going?" She asked as he was rinsing off the dishes. He looked over and grinned at her. "Shopping of course." she groaned. He laughed she always hated shopping. "Fine, lets get this over wiht." Chase laughed again. "Lets go pick out some of my moms clothes for you." They walked into his bedroom and went to a drawer he pulled out a sundress. It was yellow and it had white flowers all over it. He
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