» Romance » Mr. Jerk face, Please Marry Me, C. Joyce [iphone ebook reader txt] 📗

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it was theirs'. I mean seriously, the school's parking lot is huge. The people I almost made into pancakes; weren't really happy about it. They kept swearing their butts off and shit. I mean, Calm the fuck DOWN. At least I didn't hit ya.  I finally parked my motorcycle in a teacher's lane, frankly, I don't care.

Oh, and I almost ran over Peyton Parker. Now before, my life turns into a cliche teen love novel. Yes, Peyton's a blonde chick with 'looks', yeah she's on the cheerleading team. B-U-T Peyton's my best friend and no doubt she isn't a villian in my life. "Celtial Bay Jaqui! You almost hit me!"

I laughed at Peyton and put my arm over her shoulders. "BUT I didn't, now, did I?"

"Yeah," Peyton snatch my arm off, "but you were an inch before crashing at Bree!"

Bree, Bree, Bree, that's all she talks about now. "Bree Harrison? Huh-damn it, I should of!"

Peyton's mouth dropped to the parking lot's ground. "Celtial! RUDE, to the captial 'R'."

"Really?" I said with annoyance and boredom. "You're going to talk like a preppy, text talking cheerleader."

Seriously? What happened to my twin to another mother?! My bestfriend that was a rule breaker tomboy buddy?! "DUH! Cause I am one!"

That just made me snapped. I was about to yell at Peyton for acting like that; till the Preps showed up. The Seniors and rulers of this school, seriously. You got the 'Power Couple': Ethan Sky, also called Mr. Jackass or Mr. Jerk face. With his lovely and bitchy GF, Bree Harrison.

Ethan Sky, my former best guy friend before he ditched me for Bree. Ethan Sky a guy that's all sports and kinda grades. He has spiked black hair and shiny sky blue eyes. Ever since he ditched me; I've hated him ever since with pure hatred.

Bree Harrison, head cheerleader and poms. She does other sports too, but who cares? Barbie like-check, blonde hair-nope, make it brown, and with grass green eyes. Besides cliche novels-Bree isn't a slut nor whore. I mean, Bree is the nicest cheerio ever. I can feel it's fake though.


Bree and Ethan walked up to where me and Peyton stood. Ethan had the looks to kill me, no, really. He was giving me a death glare, Bree saw it and lightly punched him in the crest. "Ethan, behave."  

Bree had a fake smile and her eyes looked to be deceive, "Hey...Peyton. Really for practice later?" P

eyton's eyes were shining with happiness. "Oh-Oh yeah! What time is it? Cause, I might hang out with Celtial today." I smirked at that fake cheerleader.

She didn't looked like she cared about me, "Who?" 

"Me, you fake bitch." Once again, I don't care what people think about me anymore.

"Listen here you-"

"You what?" I interrupted her, "Awesome, better than you, that would be me?" 

Ethan, being cocky of himself, had to stood up for his girlfriend. "You're just jealous of Bree, Celtial." I rolled my hazel eyes at him, jealous? Fuck no. "You're just jealous of Bree being the head cheerleader and poms. And she's probably 10 times better than you. You know what-she's even a better friend than you'll ever be!" Ouch. "So why don't you stuck in your selfish ass, and let it go."

I just laughed at the dumb ass, "One. I'm not jealous of Bree. Two, I don't give a shit if she's a head cheerio. Three, I'm wayyy better than that fake bitch. And four-I don't give a single piece of crap about our former 'friendship.' Who knows- maybe Bree is a way better friend than you were to me. And you know what, at least I maybe selfish but not a cocky ass-like you."

Chick and Bro Fight

I was ready to take my clenched fist and wipe that damn smirk off of Ethan's face. Sadly, the stupid bell rang. The bell that caused my fist to stop midway before colliding to Ethan's shiny blue eyes. I can't believe he was my best friend...time's had changed, I guess. I can't help but to think of the times we hang out together, we shared and fought over the same teddy bear as children, and we even played as a married couple. You know, what little kids like to do? 


I took a deep breath to calm myself down. "Come on Peyton, let's go," I said in a emotionless tone. Peyton look nervously back at Bree and back to me. She did that before deciding to wave goodbye to Bree and ran to catch up. 


"You okay? Celtial can be rough at times." I could hear Ethan comforting little miss Barbie.


I glance back at them, Bree caught my eyes and gave me a glare. "I can't believe you used to talk to that loser." I stop my steps and just stood there; Peyton keep telling me to calm down and let it go.  


Ethan sighed, "Celtial changed..after her family died in the car crash."


Peyton's eyes widen, she knew me too well. "Celtial, don't." She kept whispering me not to lunged at him. "Please don't. Please don't." I tried to clam down as Peyton told me to. Don't think about it Celtial. Don't think about it. Don't you dare remember whose family killed yours. You'll go to jail if you plan to murder.


I was already on the edge when Bree said something at made me snap. "It's not my fault her family died." Yes, it was. Bree's green eyes darken with enjoyment; she wanted me to react. "It's better that HER family died instead of mine-" SNAP.


 I lost my conscience.  I finally let my hatred, pain, and suffering control my body for me. I lunged at Bree like a lion, a lion that wants to kill it's enemy. I don't care about my life anymore, I can go to jail for all I want. A crowd started to form, circling us four. I sat on top of her, punching after punching after punching. I managed to give Bree a black eye and cut on her lip (due to my ring that I was wearing).Ethan tried to pull me away from Bree. I accidentally fell on top of him; we started to fight each other instead.


The group in the crowd kept yelling out:


"My money's on the chick!"


"Nah man, that's Ethan Sky."

"Well than Ethan's ass is getting beat up from a girl!"


"That chick's hot, how come we never saw her before?"


"Isn't that Celtial Jaqui? The girl whose family died in a car crash?"


Now you might be wondering, Ethan made a mistake by teaching me how to fight. But that was when me and him were still 'besties.' "OK! Break it up!" Steven's voice rang throughout my ears...wait Steven? Muscular arms grab me from Ethan and placed me behind me. "Woww bro, your ass was getting kicked by a chick. He slowly turned to face me while I quickly tried to cover my face. "Celtial?"


Ethan's face was full of confusion. "You two know each other?"


Steven grimace and he placed one of his lungs around my shoulder, "Oh yeah. Me and Celtial go know each other a loooonnng way back."


I smug, "By long way back you mean, this morning?"


"That too. Hm." Steven look around to see the crowd. "Go to class, you dumb asses. Do you all really want dentition?" The crowds' eyes widen and ran off to different classes. Now we were all alone, just us four-ok 5. 


Ethan questioned, "Care to explain how you two know each other?" To my eyes I caught Bree eye raping Steven. Well. Well. Well.


 I snapped back at him, "Care to explain why the hell you would care?" I copied him but in  a bitcher tone. 


"Now babe," Steven eyes drawn into mine; at the same time they said 'Just go with it', "you don't want you're future in-law brother to get mad right?" 


I smirk back, I'm starting to like this dude. Steven and I are like one of a kind. "You're right babe." I pretended to flirt with Steven. My hand was on his arm, my fingers slowly making their way to his face. Once on his face, I pulled his face close to mine; our lips only a centimeter apart. I stop right there to face Ethan, "Sorry for beating up your ass, future brother." 


Text: ©Copyright 2012-2013 C. Joyce [Some ideas come from Enagaged to a jerk and the biggest one at that!!!!!!!!!!!by: I forgot but its on bookrix]
Publication Date: 01-25-2012

All Rights Reserved

Readers!!!! =D Which is you! And one of my friends Hannah and Kaila, I think I spelled that wrong...sorry about that... =3 P.s. Chapter Cover Page Each!

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