» Romance » My Best Friend Boss 2, Beatriz Costa [best e reader for academics .txt] 📗

Book online «My Best Friend Boss 2, Beatriz Costa [best e reader for academics .txt] 📗». Author Beatriz Costa

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Asked Mia shocked.

- I don't know. It never came up.

- How was it? Was it good? - She asked curious.

- It happen a year ago ... I don't want to talk about it. - Answered Ailyn with a sad expression on her face.

- Ok. But one day you have to tell me how was it, you know. There's rumours about he being very good at what he does. - Said while stopping the car in front of Luke's house.

- Jesus, Mia. - Said opening the car door.

- I just know that he is acting weird ... around the time you left.

- I don't care anymore. Bye, thanks for the ride.

- Yeah, yeah. Bye.




# One week later #





After going to six job interviews in one week, Ailyn went to the last interview, but the art gallery is forty-five minutes from Boston by train. The interview took longer than she expected and she missed the last train. She called her father, but he is at work very busy and he can´t go pick her up, neither Luke. Her last hope was Mia.

- Mia finally, please tell me you're free.

- What happened? - She whispers.

- I lost the last train, can you come pick me up?

- Where are you?

- Belmont.

- That's like a forty minute drive. - Still whispering.

- Can you come or not, Mia. - She said desperate.

- I'm in a meeting right now. If you wait there I will pick you up.

- How long will it take, i'm freezing.

- I will be done in half an hour. Maybe.

- I guess I have to wait, no one else can come.


After twenty minutes of waiting in the cold, a grey Mazda car approach Ailyn, who was sitting down. They rolled the car window down and her entire body frozen when she saw who was it.

- I heard you need a ride. - Said Mikhael with a smirk on his face.

"Fuck Mia", she thought to herself. - You heard wrong. - She said.

- Get in. - He ordered.

- No, but thank you.

- Get in the car Ailyn. - He said calmly. - Are you gonna ask Mia to drive one hour at midnight, just because you don´t want to come with me?

She didn't say nothing and crossed her arms.

- You want to stay here at this desert area alone? ... Just get in, something came up she can´t come.

Ailyn just keeps staring at him, still without saying a word.

- Don't make me get of the car and drag you. - He opens the door when she doesn't move.

Ailyn rolled her eyes and said. - Fine. I´II get in the car.


After driving for twenty minutes without a word, Mikhael broke the silence.

- How was it?

Ailyn keeps staring out the window and doesn't answer. And Mickael grabbed her chin.

- What? - Said irritated.

- The interview. - Still grabbing her chin.

- Why do you care? - Takes his hand out.

They were interrupted by Mikhael phone. "ID Emily Scott"

- Is it done? ... Ok. - He hang up the phone.

- I would not ask if I didn't care. - Talking to Ailyn again.

She rolled her eyes. - It went good. Happy now?

Mikhael looked at her and said: - I was hoping it went bad.

- What? - Looks at him surprised.

He smirked and looks at the road. After another five minutes of silence he asks: - are you hungry?

- No.


Mikhael stoped at a gas station. - Last chance, are you sure you don't want anything?

Ailyn didn't answer. When Mikhael got out of the car, Ailyn took a deep breath and cleaned her sweaty hands on her short black dress. He bought two sandwiches, two bottles of water and one snickers bar. He opened the car back door, put the bag on the seat, stripped off his coat and took off his tie. He took out one of the water bottles, a sandwich and ate outside the car while looking thru his phone. After finishing got in the car, put the bag on Ailyn´s legs and started driving.

- You could at least open and see what's inside. - Says Mikael with a playful tone on his voice.

- If I open it could you stop?

He stayed silent while she opens the bag, when she sees what's inside a soft smile formed in her mouth. She took the chocolate bar and ate it..

After a long silent and boring ride, Mickael pulled up to the front gate of his big mansion.

- Here are we? Is this hour house? Why ...

He cuts her off before she can finish - I'm tired of driving. And my deal with Mia was to give you a ride, she didn't told me where to drop you off.

- I'm not ...

Cuts her off again - You can stay and William will take you home tomorrow.

- I'm not staying here.

- Why not? Are you afraid you will do something you'll regret?

- Pff... i'm not afraid because nothing will never happen between us.

- You're staying then? I mean if you are sure that nothing will never happen. - Smiles. - Huh?

When Ailyn didn't answered, Mikhael walked slowly towards her, getting closer and closer. Her heart started beating really fast when he put his mouth on her ear, cheek to cheek.

- I can assure you that i'm not going to do anything to you. I don't even need to touch you, for you to go crazy.

- Said Mikhael with a big smile.

Ailyn pulled him away and Mikhael laughs showing his perfect white teeth.

- Is this the talk you give to all your girls? - She asked. - Well it's ...

He cuts her off again. - Let me guess, it's not going to work on you ...I don´t need the talk, because it already work on you. Remember?

- I must've been fucking blind when that happen.

Mikhael perfect smile disappeared when he saw a tear formed on her beautiful big grey eyes.

- Can you do me a favor? - She asks gently.

- What is it? - With a worried voice.

- Leave me alone. Get off my life - she raises her voice. - Please. - Soft voice.

Mikhael took a few steps back puts his hands in the air, turns around and walks away. Ailyn stands in front of the big black gate and watched him closed.




# Next morning #




- Sleep ok? - Asked Luke.

- Not really.

- Everything, ok?

- Yes. Is fine.

- Are you busy today? - He asked.

- Yeah. I have a last minute job interview and dinner with Mia. Why?

- I have the day off. I thought we could do something.

- Sorry. - She apologized.

- Next time?

- Definitely. I have to go I'm already late. See you later.

- Good luck. - Said Luke.

- Thank you. Bye.

After going to the job interview, she goes to Stark Company to meet Mia.
- I'm a little late, I'm sorry. - Says Mia on the phone.
- How long will you take?
- Maybe twenty minutes. Come up here.
- Not a good idea. - Said Ailyn thinking she would find Mickael.
- There's no one here. Come up.
- Still. Not a good idea.
- I'm alone. He's not here. Come on.
- Fine, fine. I will go.

Ailyn leaved the elevator and walks toward Mia at her desk.

- Please, don't be mad at me. - Mia says with puppy eyes.

- I could kill you right now. You know that?

- Was that bad, ah?

- Next time I need anything, I won't call you.

- Give me twenty minutes. And we can go, ok? - She winks at Ailyn.

- Ok. Can I look around?

- Of course. Just don't touch anything.

When Mia finished what she was doing, she went to look for her best friend. Ailyn was standing still where she spilled coffee on Mickael.

- Good memories? - Asked Mia.

- Not really. - Ailyn gave her a weak smile.

- I'm ready. Let's go.

- Yes, please.


They left the company and went to SUBWAY for dinner. During the meal Ailyn decided to tell Mia what it was like to have lose her virginity with her boss, how he is always giving her orders and the conversation they had the night before.

Next they went to the club with Luke, Mia's boyfriend, Susan and other people from school. After having too much to drink Luke was completely drunk, he approached Ailyn and told her that he was in love with her, in fact for some time now and leaned in to kiss her. Since she was a bit drunk to, she let him kiss her. She started to play with his hair in one hand and the other on his back to pull him to her. He put both his hands on her waist, pulling her against his hard manhood and playing with her tongue.




- Here's your coffee. - Said Luke handing Ailyn the cup of coffee.

- Thank you.

- What do you think about me cooking for you later - gave her a kiss on the cheek - and after grab a couple of drinks.

The train arrived.

- It sounds good - she gave him a kiss on the lips - I'll see you later.

- Do you want me to come pick you up later?

She nodded. - I'll walk home.

- Ok. - He kissed her again. - Have fun at work.

- You know i will. - Said while walking away.


- Hi. - Ailyn answered the phone.

- Hi stranger. Where are you? - Asked Mia.

- On the train. Come on, it wasn't been that long.

- Two months? Since we hangout.

- I've been busy with work, you know that.

- Work? Is that how is called nowadays. - Says Mia playful

Ailyn laughs.

- Is that going smooth?

- It's going fine.

- Are you happy?

- I guess ... - she paused.

- Ailyn? I guess? What's the problem?

- Exactly, there´s no problem. I love my work, I have the best friends ever ...

- An amazing boyfriend. - Added Mia.

- Yeah, he's great but ... - she paused.

- But what?

- I really like him alot, his amazing ... I'm happy, but i have the feeling that something is missing, you know.

- Babe. - Said Mia worried.

- And i thought that if I gave him a chance it could work with time ... but I can´t be in love with him.

- Because you're in love with my boss.

- Why did I fell in love for an asshole like him?

- I have a theory. Do you want to hear it?

- Sure.

- Ailyn, you hate boring stuff, you love excitement. Luke is a great guy I kwon, a bit sexy, a little hot but a little boring. Mikhael is very hot, not that great of a personality, for what you told me he knows how to play with you, making you want more ... he is everything but boring. Are you still there?

- Yeah.

- It's something like that, am I right?

- Yeah. - Said Ailyn.

- Shit, devil is calling me. Have to take this. I'm sorry, call you later.

- Don't worry. Bye.


After a long day at work, arranging things, handling paperwork, Ailyn is walking home and hears heavy footsteps behind her and her heart starts to beet really fast.

- Hi, beautiful. - Luke jumps from behind.

She jumps and looks back - fuck ... what the hell.

- Did i scare you that much?

- Never do that again. - she punched him

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