» Romance » Rosalina's Hope, D.D. Dass [great reads .TXT] 📗

Book online «Rosalina's Hope, D.D. Dass [great reads .TXT] 📗». Author D.D. Dass

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the storm. 


By the time I rose from the floor the sun was rising, its rays beautiful and brilliant. I decided to go upstairs then, when walking up the stairs I almost collided with my sister. Her dirty blonde hair was messy and she looked tired, but she smiled and continued down without questions. Brushing my teeth, I combed through my dirty blond hair before heading into my room. There I tried several attempts at why I shouldn’t wear the blue blouse, in the end my sisters feelings mattered more than mourning clothes. And I was still mourning, for myself, my sister, all the others.


Shaking myself I pulled on the blue blouse, not bothering with a tank top then slipped on black skinny jeans and my regular converse. Not daring to look in the mirror, since I no longer bothered with make-up either.


Breakfast with my family nearly never happened, although this morning my mother and father were wide awake. My mother was working on breakfast, while my dad sat at the table spinning a coffee cup in his hand. The resemblence between my father and me and my sisters never ceased to amaze me. With short blonde hair my father still looked younger than any thirty year old man I had ever seen. The blues of his eyes were brighter today, his smile smug.


Unsure I sat at the round cherry wood table, noticing my father’s eyes focused on me.


“Good morning,” he said before pulling out his phone and snapping a picture. Confused I covered my face with my hands.


“Oh come on Rosa! Let daddy have a few picture of your first day at school.” I flushed, hating the fact that he was acting like this was my first year of Pre-k.


“Marcus! Stop that, breakfasts ready.” My mother snatched the phone from his hands and I almost snatched it from hers, knowing the picture was terrible.


Iris appeared then, wearing a black pencil skirt and a Pink shirt she looked absolutely breathtaking. Iris had always been the more perfect of the twins, although she was cold when she didn’t like someone. My mother set a toast with jam in front of me, while also serving Iris and my father bacon and eggs. Only then did she sit down.


“Are you driving this morning Iris?” Iris nodded, mouth full. I’d never learned to drive, my doctor considered it too much of a risk. But this time I agreed, I froze almost as often as I blinked.


“Are you ready Rosa? You look very beautiful this morning, I like your shirt.” I looked up, surprised she was trying to have a normal conversation with me about something other than the kidnapping. Clearing my throat, I tried to smile, but froze up so instead swallowed down some orange juice.


“Thank you. Iris let me borrow it,” I mumbled, picking at my bread. My stomach was full of butterflies, nervous and fluttering.


“Have it,” Iris corrected. When Iris finished her breakfast I rose with her grabbing my plate and putting it in the sink. Then we exited, stepping into my sisters black Lexus, me in the passenger side. The drive was a long one to Boulder High School, but we made it early still. When we found a good enough parking space I was glad it was raining so my hoodie could hide my face. It was all so foreign to me, being in high school, yet familiar.


Carefully, I peeked through my hoodie at the different groups of people. Everyone seemed focused on conversation, completely ignoring me, which was a relief. We entered the cafeteria, it was a large place, with round tables, and packed lunch lines.


“Iris!” My sisters two year boyfriend, Josh, shouted from across the cafeteria. He was surrounded by jocks, none of which I recognized. Iris smiled, glancing from him to me, and I smiled reassuringly.


“It’s okay. Go on.” With a smile she handed me a pile of papers and sauntered off toward the jocks.
At the first opportunity I sat at a lone table, glad for a few minutes to myself, even over the cafeterias loud roars. Looking down at the papers in my hands I found a map of the school, and my schedule. My classes seemed easy enough: First block being AP Biology, Second block: French Two, Third block: CCC and Fourth block: Calculus. When someone sat in the seat beside me I tensed, and glanced up, noting with relief that I actually knew this person.


Mina Crept, newest captain of the cheer team, sat in her blue and white uniform. Her brown hair pulled back in a pretty ponytail and her brown eyes cautious. I’d always liked Mina, so I was glad she was voted captain.


“Hi,” I tried nervously.


“How’ve you been Rosa?” I smiled a little, at least someone called me by my name.


“I’m fine, how about you? What’s been going on with cheer? Won any competitions?” Mina smiled flashing a perfect pair of pearly white teeth, no more braces.


“Oh it’s been wonderful. We’ve won every single one so far. Listen about...” I stopped her with a shake of my head.


“Don’t. It’s done and over with.” After an uncomfortable moment, she bounced up, waving to a group of cheerleaders across the room, before grabbing for my hand. I dodged her hands pretending I was sticking them in my pockets. That’d been a close one.


“Come on! Let me introduce you to our new team.” Your new team, I corrected inwardly.


“How bout later, the bells about to ring and I’ve got to figure out where my classes are.” I pointed to the list in my hand. She snatched it away, frowning every so slightly.


“We’ve got Computer Careers together, but that’s all. First block, by the way, is over on the third floor, first hallway, class rooms on your right.” I smiled gratefully, waving goodbye awkwardly.


The bell rang then, an annoying ring, ring, ring, ring in my ear, but I ignored it, pushing my way through the crowded hallway. Somewhere during all the pushing, my hoodie got knocked down, I didn’t realize until people started staring. I blushed scarlet, one hand pulling to keep my backpack on my shoulder, the other reaching back to pull my hoodie up. I stumbled a little, wishing I were anywhere but there when the whispers began. Breathing hard I finally made it in the classroom handing my teacher my schedule in a rush to be seated.


“Rosalina Payne?” Awareness lit his brown eyes, and I nodded a little, waiting for him to hand the slip back, after what seemed like forever he did.


“Welcome back. You may take a seat in the middle row, third stool.” Nodding I raced to my seat, pushing my backpack onto the floor and the hoodie off my head, hoping if I looked a little normal no one would notice me. The class began to fill up, one blond boy sat beside me on the right side while a redheaded boy sat on the other side. I kept my eyes down, unable to meet their eyes. Mr. Clatt didn’t make me stand up in front of the class but instead announced my presence to the whole class. I didn’t look up to meet their stares either.


“Are you alright?” I looked up, into a pair of green eyes. A friendly face smiled at me, no accusing, no wonder, just concern. I wish, I thought with a smile.


“I’m fine.” The boy’s smile deepened to where it looked like he had dimples. It was the type of smile no one could resist but smiling back to. And I did smile back, happy to meet someone who treated me normal.


“I’m Isaac. Don’t worry, I know how it feels to be the new kid, I just arrived two days ago.” From then on we talked the whole class period between work. It was easy to talk to Isaac, like talking to a teddy bear. They didn’t judge you, just listened quietly. When the class period ended I packed my bag, allowing Isaac to walk me to class. He was a chatty guy, all about conversation, and I liked that, not having to say much. When we reached my French class, he left claiming to be in a hurry for technology. With Isaac gone I felt alone again, so with big steps I made my way into the class, greeted by a friendly strong French accent. My teacher, Mrs. Dev, she called herself, took my slip, quickly handing it back to me.


I slipped into a seat at the end of the room, happy to see as the class filled, no one else sat beside me. Slouching slightly I laid my head in my arms, squeezing my eyes shut. The late bell rang then, and everyone went silent for half the class period, listening to a lecture I all but ignored.


The door opened and closed but I paid no mind to anything, only when the seat next to me was pulled out did my eyes snapped open. I watched silently as the boy or man sat beside me. He was large enough to be a man, at six foot one; he had a muscular build and was dressed in a white button up shirt. His hair was black and shoulder length, darker against that pale skin. I could only see one side of his face since he was facing the front of the room. His face was strong, his nose aristocratically straight and his cheeks sharp. I had the strangest urge to suddenly run my fingers down that set jaw. It terrified me since I never wanted to touch anyone.


“Mr. Lacriox nice of you to join us.”


“My pleasure mademoiselle,” he replied easily, and my breath caught at the strong French accent.
He looked down at me then, his deep hazel eyes curious. I had to look away, unable to comprehend how gorgeous a person could be. Throughout the class, I kept my eyes strictly away, not wishing to make myself look like more of an idiot. The teacher began instructions, handing me a worksheet with French fill in the blanks making my head hurt. I never learned French one, instead I’d had Spanish. Sighing heavily I peeked up at him, only to find his eyes on me. Swallowing down my nervousness, I slid him the paper.


“We’re supposed to do it together, but I’ve never had French so…” I sounded stupid, even to my own ears. I expected him to roll his eyes but he didn’t instead he smiled a little before he began writing. I didn’t speak again but I watched his elegant writing, it matched up to mine and that was shocking since girls usually had the more legible penmanship.


“It’s good that I’m French then huh?” A very late reply. I nodded a little before looking down at my intertwined fingers. The classroom was large, yet not enough kids filled it, making me wish I would have chosen the empty desk on the opposite side. My teacher, preoccupied by another teacher at the door ignored the students who obviously weren’t talking about French.


“So you’re new, yeah?” With a sigh, I turned my head to him, secretly glancing at the worksheet which to my surprise was completely filled. All fifty questions done in less than five minutes, yeah, he had to be French.
“No, I’ve been here before. Just been…away for awhile,” I sounded like an idiot again, but it was better than the truth. Anything was better than that. He nodded; his eyes roaming over my body, making me a look away, my body all too aware those eyes.


“Weren’t you dressed in something else earlier?” I was surprised at how good his accent could be covered, it almost sounded like he had no accent at all, except the little Z pronunciation. When he said something it sounded like somezzing. 


“You must have seen my sister, Iris…” He opened his mouth to answer, but I saw the realization hit those hazel eyes. I waited for the question that never came, just as the bell rang.


I sighed, saved by

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