» Romance » Frerard, Skye Hudman [great reads txt] 📗

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Evan punched me in the eye too." "He is getting suspended." Ava, Skye and I looked at each other with big grins.  The Stupid Things Teens Do


I went home after the fight. I didn't know what happened after I blacked out. DING-DONG!! The door bell rings. Who's coming over at seven? "I'll get it honey." Mom said. "Okay, thanks." I heard her talking to someone. "He's on the couch." Then I saw Gerard, Ava and Skye come in. "Oh hey guys?!" I saaid shocked. Oh crap, Gerard was coming over, I forgot. "You okay Frankie?" Said a worried Gerard. "Just sleepy. Why is Ske and Ava here?" "We wanted to tell the story about what happened after you blacked out." Said Gerard. 



Ava, Skye and I told Frank what happened after he blacked out. He giggled and started to cry he was laughing so hard. "Okay wait, Skye kicked him in the balls!" Said Frank "Yeah, It was so funny!" Ava said. I broke out into laughter. "Hey, you guys want to sleep over?" "Um, let me text my mom Frank." Said Skye. "Me too." Said Ava. "My mom knows already. My stuff is in the car, be right back." "Gerard, get my stiff too. My mom said yes." "So did mine Gerard!" "Okay, okay! Ava come and help me then."  "Fine Gerard." When Ava and me came back, we all got into our pj's. I had my skeleton pj's on, Frank had skeleton pj pants and a black t-shirt, Ava had fuzzy black and white pants and a black sweat shirt and Skye had the same pj's I was wearing. "Oh my gosh Gerard, were twining." Said Skye. "Oh wow, thats funny." "TWINS!!" Frank shouted. "Frank, are you okay?" Said Frankie's mom. "Um and why are there girls in pj's here?" "I'm fine and there spending the night too!" Said Frank. "Frank come and talk with me." Frankie and his mom talked. Frankie came out and talked to Skye and Ava. Then Frankie came out. "Um, my mom said you guys can stay over for two reasins. One Gerard and I are dating and two you both are lesbians, right." "Yup, Ava and Skye looked at each other with grins. Skye and Ava talked for a minute. "Okay, Ava and me are dating." "That's cool! Me and Gerard are dating so were good." Said Frankie. I took Frankie and kissed him infront of them. Then I looked at his bright red face. "Nice Gerard." Ava whispered to me. I smiled at her. "Frank, me and your dad are going out until 11:00. I'll call or text you if were staying at a hotel or something." Frank's mom said. "Okay, bye mom." Frankie said. After they left we went to Frank's room and watched movies. Skye took Ava and kissed her. So me and Frankie did the same. 



I huged Gee as hard as I could with out hurting him when he kissed me. We finished one movie and went to another. I fell asleep but the others didn't. I had a dream that was horrible. I walked into Gerard's house after Mikey texted me. Mikey wasn't there. So I went to Gee's room and saw him making out with another guy. I screamed and ran out of the house and started crying hard. I fell on the lawn and currled up in a ball and cried. I woke up screaming. Gee, Ava and Skye stared at me. "You okay Frankie Baby." said Gerard with a worried face. "Just had a bad dream. "You wanna tell us Frank?" Said Skye. "Sure, I walked into Gee's house. I went Gee's room and saw him making out with another guy and loving it. I ran outside the house and cried myself to sleep on your lawn." I started cryng. "Frankie baby, sweatheart. I wouldn't dare hurt you like that. The only guy I would ever kiss is you." Said Gee. "Really Gee?" "Yes really." After that we all cuddled with our couples. I fell asleep again. 



After Frankie's night-mare, we cuddled. He fell asleep again. I went to go get a blanket. I tried putting the blanket on him when his arm shot out and hit me in the balls. "OWWW! Frankie, what the heck!" My scream woke up Frank. Ava and Skye started laughing. Frankie looked at me then the girls and started laughing too. "Frank can I have an ice pack?" "Yeah, one second. Sorry Gee!" "It's fine." Then we all fell asleep. I got woken up by Ava slapping me in the face. "What the heck Ava!" I yelled. "PILLOW FIGHT!" Frankie screamed. "Frank are you okay?" Said Frankie's mom. "Mom, I'm fine. We are starting a pillow fight." Said Frankie. I grabbed the closest pillow and hit Frankine in the face. "Gerard!" I walked over to Frankie to kiss him then he hit me in the face. "Oh, you little shit." I said. I smacked Skye in the face. "Gerard, you bitch." Said Skye. An hour passed and Skye and Ava had to leave so I stayyed with Frankie. "I love you Gee." Said Frankie. "I love you too, Frankie baby!" I said. 

Then This Happened.......


I woke up by my phone ringing. I looked at the number and knew it was Gee. I grabbed my phone and answered it. "Hello." I said in a sleepy voice. "Hey, Frank. it's Mikey." Said Mikey. "Hey, why you calling on Gerard's phone?" "Sorry, I couldn't find my phone. Something happened to Gerard." "Mikey, what happened?" "Our dad abused Gerard and he got hurt bad. I'm at the hospital with him." "I'm on my way." "Okay, bye Frank." "Bye, Mikey." I hung up, put on some clothes and burst through my parents bedroom door. "Frank, what's the matter?" My mom said. "Gerard's at the hospital, can you drie me there?" "Yes, of course. Get in the car, just let me get dressed." "No, mom. Your just dropping me off and leaving so lets go." "Okay, Frank." I ran to the car and we head off. "What happened to Gerard?" Asked mom. "His dad abused him." I said. I started crying. "Oh Frank, it's okay." We were silent the rest of the way. Mom dropped me off and I headed in. "Hello. can I help you?" Asked a nurse. "Yes, where is Gerard Way's room?" I asked. "Follow me." I followed the nurse. "Here we are." I walked in. Mikey got up and came to me. "He's asleep." Said Mikey. "Why the fuck did your dad do this?" I asked. "I don't know?" I walked to Gerard. I sat down looking at him, I started crying. Is Gerard going to die, is he okay? I asked myself. "Frankie?" Asked a sleepy Gerard. "Gerard!" I yelled. I hugged him. "What the fuck happened Gee?" "My dad took a bat and hit me." Said Gee. "Why." "He said I was embarissing to the family." "That is not true. Did your mom care?" "No, she just lookd at me." I felt the tears rushing down my face. "I will never let him hurt you again, Gee." I said. "I know you will Fra-" "Whats the matter?" Then doctors and nurses ran in. "Whats happeing to Gerard?" "He's not breathing." Said one of the nurses. "Can you please wait in the waiting room please?" Asked another nurse. "Yes." I walked out and sat there staring into space crying. An hour passed and one of the nurses came out. I stood up right away. "Are you Frank Iero?" She asked. "Yes I am." I said. "There is bad news." "What happened?" "He went into a coma." I was shocked. I started crying. "It's okay, you can vist him now." "Okay." I walked to see Gerard, with all thoose tubs, one down his throat to help him breathe and others. I sat next to Mikey, he was crying. "It's okay Mikey." I said. I let Mikey cry in my shoulder. Another couple hours passed. "Mikey, if you need me text me with Gee's phone and tell me what happens." I said. "Okay, I'll tell Gerard you love him." Said Mikey. Then I left and skipped school the next few days. I pulled out a book full of pictures of me and Gerard at home, then I saw this picture of me and Gerard. I looked at it and started crying.



 I remember when I first saw Gerard, it was amazing. I remember once I was sitting behind him in Math and saw him doodling. I grabbed a sketch book and drew him and me and what I saw him doodling. He was doodling me and him hugging each other. I worked for two hours on that memorie drawing. "What's that Frank." Asked mom. "Oh, just a memorie of me and Gerard." I answered. "Are you okay honey." "Not really." "How is Gerard doing?" "Not good. Mikey texted me saying Gerard was getting worse and he wouldn't get out of the coma soon. I started crying and let mom see he darwing. "Aww, Frank thats cute." "Thanks mom. Can I cry in peace now?" "Sure honey." Then mom walked out of the room. I heard dad yell at her. Everytime they fought, I would think love didn't exist. I fell asleep until dinner, then went back to bed.                                                    Just the drawing of the amazing memorie.

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