» Romance » Just One of the Good Guys., Allie May [universal ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Just One of the Good Guys., Allie May [universal ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Allie May

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in front of him, turning from Carter to me. "Don't worry Cherry, I'm not an animal. Unless you want me to be."


My hair is a dark copper color rather than red, but Cherry was a common nickname people used to grab my attention. My friends back home called me it, my dad even sometimes called me it. But the way Gage said it, his voice low and raspy, made me blush.


"Oh, come on, Gage! You are the reason we have no friends!"


"I am not!"


Carter flashed him a stern glare, then turned to me. "Just ignore him when he gets like this. He can be an aggressive horn dog sometimes, but he's actually really nice, I promise. You'll see once he stops imagining you naked, and turns his attention onto some naïve freshman."


"A freshman?" Gage clutches his chest, faking hurt, "I would never go for a child. I like women, with strong minds, and long legs."


Carter laughs and rolls her eyes, in a way that made me believe the banter between them was a common thing.


"Hey Cherry." I looked up from my cafeteria tray and back into Gage's smoldering eyes, "Does the carpet match the drapes?"


My eyes went wide, and my lips parted in shock. Did he seriously just ask me that? I frantically looked around the room, trying to will my cheeks to cool down, to stop turning red.


Jesus Christ, maybe I was better off sitting with Ashley.



Chapter Two - Carter and Gage





On one hand, you had Carter, a petite gothic pixie who floated gracefully around school, wishing ever single person a good morning. It didn't take me long to realize that she was super smart, a straight A student. She loved to read, even carried around a Bible, not because she was religious but because she loved to study the passages. She was also very thorough and calm. She paid very close attention to detail and was very observant and never did anything without thinking it through first.


On the other hand, you had Gage. He was a horrible student, unlike Carter. Carter said it was because he didn't try, but Gage said he simply didn't have the brain for math after all the pot he'd smoked in middle school. He didn't mind, he was better with his hands anyway. He worked at the town's auto-repair shop every day after school, and he loved it. He wasn't that outgoing, unless attempting to pick up a beauty, in which case he'd totally break out of his shell and do everything short of picking the poor girl up and dragging her away. He was very persistent, and was quick on his feet. Then again he had to be in order to counter act his impulsiveness. According to Carter, you must be aware of Gage's location at all times, because he's a trouble maker, a prankster, and chances are if you can't see him he's up to no good.


The two of them are as different as they come. Carter is well-mannered and considerate, where Gage is notorious for saying the first thing that comes to mind, which is often unconventional and innapropriate. They're as different as black and white, and yet they compliment each other so beautifully. The way they tease each other, their closeness? It's the type of amazing friendship you see in the movies and wish you yourself had. They seemed so close even, that for a while I was convinced that they had a thing for each other, maybe even dated at one point, but Carter quickly shut my theory down with one sentence.


"Tatum, I'm gay." Well shit.


Three short hours with them, and I wasn't missing home. I wasn't even missing old friends. I was content, I was laughing. I was so comfortable with them, it was like the three of us had been friends for years, and I loved that.


It was the last class period of the day, and we were all sitting at a table in the library for what was called "study hall", a free period at the end of the day to sit silently, do homework, and study. Every high school students' wet dream...and yes, that's sarcasm.


Carter was napping. Her pale arms were folded across the table, her pixie face resting on them. Her black hair was fanned across her face. She looked so angelic, so at peace.


"So that's why you don't want to hook up with me." I looked up from Carter to meet Gage's eyes. His brows were wiggling, as if he'd cracked some puzzle.


I sighed and smiled, "What?"


"You're a carpet muncher. Just like real-life Monster High Doll over here." He whispered, pointing at the sleeping Carter. Only I guess she wasn't sleeping because without lifting her head or even opening her eyes, she lifted her hand into the air giving Gage the middle finger.




I bit my lip to try and keep myself from laughing obnoxiously. We were after all in a library, during study hall.


"No, I'm not lesbian." I corrected, plopping my last piece of mint gum into my mouth. I crumpled up the wrapper, and tossed it. The little scrap hit Gage in the forehead and bounced back onto the table. "I just don't think you're cute."


"Now that's bull shit. You haven't talked to me all day without blushing."


It didn't take long for Gage's awkward charm to grow on me. Throughout the whole school day he complimented me, teased me, made sex jokes, like the little perv he was. And every time my skin would grow hot, and my cheeks would flush, and I'd get tongue tied for a good few seconds. He was incredibly good looking, and he made me laugh. But I wasn't about jumping into anything when I just moved here, specially with one of the first friends I made.


"Whatever, it's not going to happen." Was the only response I could muster, since there was no point in trying to deny my attraction to him.


He shrugged, and offered that devilish smirk that he was known for around school, the same one he flashed when I first met him at lunch. "We'll see Cherry."


"Did you forget my name already? Is that why you insist on calling me Cherry?"


"Of course not!"


"What is it then?" I said, leaning forward and narrowing my eyes at him, challenging him.


Gage leaned forward and narrowed his eyes, mocking my intent stare. "It start's with a T."


I nodded.












"What? No." I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my chair, amazed. "You are hopeless."


Gage leaned back too, and watched me, hazel eyes soft and amused. "Of course I know your name. It's Tatum. I'm just playing."


"Do you ever get tired of playing games?"


"Not really. Can I have a piece of gum?"


I was no longer staring at him at this point. I was reading 'Of Mice and Men' for an English report that would be do in a month. I spoke to him without looking up, "No, that was my last piece."




"No," I looked up, and opened my mouth to show him the chewed up piece of mint in my mouth. "That's my last piece."


Gage closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip and let a seductive groan come from his mouth, "Oh, baby, open your mouth wider."


"Oh my God." I couldn't even attempt to hold back my laugh this time. My head thrashed backward, my own copper hair slapping me in the face. The librarian glared and "Shhhhed" me.


"Come on, my breath stinks. I need gum."


"Stop talking shit, and you won't have that problem."


Gage just folded his arms and stared at me. I tried to stare back at him, as intently, but I inevitably became uncomfortable due to the dirty thoughts and images of Gage naked that kept appearing in my mind. I shook my head and sighed, "What do you want me to do Gage, that honestly was my last piece."


"Give me that one then."




"Give me the piece in your mouth."


I stared at him for another short moment, one eye brow raised. No way would he actually go through with this. "Fine!" I mumbled, spitting the gum into my hand and outstretching it to him.


Sure enough, Gage snatched the gum from my hand and shoved it in his mouth. He chewed, the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face. He looked so proud of himself.


I immediately began to laugh again. "Are you serious right now?"


Gage, just shrugged, and pretended he was invested into the nearest textbook when the librarian stomped over to our table.


She was very disproportionate, with small legs, and a big belly. She was wearing a sweater and pencil skirt that was in no way flattering, or even comfortable looking. Just waddling over to our table seemed to take way too much effort out of her. Her brown hair was pulled into a lose ponytail at the nape of her neck, and her glasses barely clung to the tip of her round nose. She stared at me with angry black eyes. "What did I say Miss. Dunn?"


"I'm sorry," I uttered as I stole a look at Gage. He was looking up at me from under his long brown hair, trying so hard to hold in his laughter. "It won't happen again."


Mrs. Miller didn't say anything in response. Just stumbled away, while huffing angrily.


"You're such an asshole, I hate you!"


Gage just chuckled and held an arm in front of his face to block himself from my angry slaps. "Cherry, you couldn't hate me even if you tried."


I said nothing. Just stayed silent and continued to pretend to do homework, because even though I'd only known him for a few hours, I knew with every inch of my being that Gage was completely right.

Chapter Three - Friday Night





Turns out one of the few things that Carter and Gage have in common are the fact that they like to party. Gage because he likes to get dressed up, hit on girls, and get trashed. Carter because it's one of the few times she's able to relax and let loose.


I completely understand how drinking and partying seems attractive to teenagers who want to escape reality and be crazy. But for me personally, I don't really like it. Drinking with a small group of friends on a Sunday night surrounded by a fire? Sure, I'll do that any day. But being stuck in a crowded house, everyone accidentally dumping drink after drink down my shirt? To me, partying on that big a scale isn't a fun time. Specially because whether I take one shot or ten shots, I'm puking in

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