» Romance » Dear Edward, Heather Parsons [best way to read ebooks txt] 📗

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at the end of the week.
Getting out her notebook, Brianna started writing the soldier's name at the beginning of the letter she was to write back but wasn't able to do more because the bell rang, ending the class.
Lindsey tapped Brianna on the shoulder, “Brianna are you okay?” Leaning in she whispered this.
“I think so. I just didn't expect anything like this to happen, that's all.” Brianna whispered back then stood up, gathering her things before leaving the room.
Walking together down the hallway was something they've done since high school and now wouldn't be any different. Expect Brianna wasn't paying attention, her mind kept going back over the letter she'd read and the pain in her chest grew stronger.
Their next class was Physics, one they both loved and couldn't wait to have. Sitting down next to each other again, they both pulled out their notebook and the first page Brianna saw brought on her tears. Reading his name she'd written nearly broke her. How does one write to someone they've never met but has a lot in common with? How does one start a letter without falling to pieces? And thinking this way had her running out the door, skipping the rest of the day and heading home.
Tomorrow, she thought, she'd face this problem tomorrow. Right now she just wanted to go home and cry.


The house that was once a home, filled with happy memories, stood silent now. Her mom, she could still see busying herself around the yard but she knew as well as everyone else that she wasn't really there. No matter how hard she'd hold on, the image, in the end would always fade away, leaving her longing for more. Desperate for answers.
Brianna was young when her mother was shipped off overseas but no matter how young she was, her memory never fades. The tears that now escaped her eyes when she remembered that fateful day, hearing a vehicle approaching on the dirt road just outside her house. With her eyes peeled out the window, she watched the car pull up to the front, two dressed uniformed military personal stepped out on foot, with the American flag flying on either side.
The military only paid visits when something was wrong and Brianna knew this. With sobs now escaping her lips, she jolted upright and racing to the front door. Christopher, her father was already standing in front of the opened door and look on his face, broke her spirit.
“Mr. Sampson I'm sorry to inform you that SGT. Sampson, Ella was killed in action. Her body along with her personal property.....”
Taking a step back, Brianna fell to her knees, not wanting to hear anymore and cried. Her mother the only one who she felt comfortable talking to about anything, was gone. “Why?” She screamed, her body shaking so hard, it would break.
Two weeks following the news of her death, Brianna walked outside for the first time, feeling a pull of unimaginable force towards the mailbox. Inside sat a single letter. With tears flooding her eyes, she peeled the envelope open and lost her equilibrium.

Dear Brianna,
I know times right now are rough for you but always remember I love you. And that no matter what happens we'll always be together.
The war isn't going as smoothly as planned but I will

make it home to you. I promise. Hearing about your days and school, are the only things keeping me alive. I miss you and your father dearly and I understand that being a teenage girl cannot be the easiest thing but I'm always here, if you need to talk. Your father will help if you'd only open up to him, trust him and remember even though he is a man, he'll always be there to help you.
I showed everyone here your picture and they all tell me I'm blessed. If you could only see the smile on my face each and every time I look into your eyes. Your my angel, my blessing, my breath. Keep safe and I'll return soon.
I love you,
SGT. Sampson, Ella

How can this be? The letter trembled in her hands, clutching it close to her heart and creating more tears than ever before. Brianna sat in the drive well into dusk, not moving an inch and staring at the letter in disbelief.
Christopher had gone to work, busying himself with whatever he could to keep his mind off everything else. But the pain etched in his heart, shot splinters throughout his body, aching every muscle and dropping him to the ground. His cries he'd kept to himself thinking he had to be strong for his daughter now released themselves. Screaming out her name and looking upwards, he cursed God for not saving his wife and bringing her home safely.
Everything he'd ever believed in, suddenly didn't matter anymore. Sodden and broken, he let all his dreams escape, turning to drinking to make the images dissipate. He no longer cared for the things that used to make him smile and his daughters cries, made him grab hold of the bottle longer. Clutching in his hand, he swallowed hard and numbed his nerves.
For the first week, he'd tried to soothe Brianna's fears, telling her of all the happy things in their life. But now hearing her cry, he couldn't think of anything that would make them better. Their family was broken, never to be healed and never to be whole.
Without Ella by his side, life was empty. Filling himself everyday and night with the warm liquid so he could sleep without dreaming, helped for awhile.
Now Brianna shook her head and climbed the steps, entering her house, entering the misery and memories that flooded her thoughts. The letter she'd read in class only reminded her of her own letter she'd received weeks after her mother died. All the emotions she'd been able to hide inside herself, to make life for her and her father better, suddenly and completely unexpectedly came forth.
Running for her room, she threw herself on her bed and screamed into the pillows. The blame game was never a game she'd played but now, screaming, she blamed everything around for what happened. Cursing and screaming to every name she knew for what had happened. Asking why? Not only for her mother but for every other soldiers that was fighting and didn't have anyone who cared enough to tell them, they mattered, that they were loved too.
Hours had passed and her eyes had dried up, the tears that fell soaked her pillow. Sitting up she stared down at her backpack, laying on the floor and told herself once again, more convincing this time that she could do this and give back.
Grabbing her notebook, opening it up to the beginning of her return letter, she stared down at his name and began writing.

Dear SPC. Carter, Edward,
This letter although it may seem easy, isn't. It's been years since I've written to anyone, in the military or otherwise. I am thankful for what you are doing, giving us the freedom to live our lives without fear.
I'm a junior in college, studying for my bachelor's in journalism. One day I hope to make a difference, the same way you have. Although I believe what you are doing will mean more than anything I can ever accomplish.
Your strength and willingness to fight for what's right means more to me than you can ever imagine. I do hope that your able to keep you head up and keep strong until the day of your return. Please for my own sanity, keep writing back, it will mean more to me if I know your still alive and breathing, if you write back.
Brianna Sampson

Several times her eyes betrayed her, tears fell on the paper and soaked into her words, smearing the letters and blurring her sight. Looking down at the completed version of what was more wholehearted truth, she broke again. Would he understand what she meant? Would it matter to him, the words she wrote were from her heart? Would he even care?
Christopher walked in the house around the time he normally did, drunk as usual and stumbling all over. “Brianna, honey are you home?” His slurred words made sense to him but to her, she couldn't make them out.
Climbing off her bed, she made herself smile, wiping the fresh tears away and entered the living room where he sat, in front of the TV like every other night. The smell of booze waffled the air causing her to step back, grab the wall and brace her head.
“Yes, dad. I'm home.” She said in a calm collective manner. Her head spinning with the mixture of alcohol, smoke and something else she couldn't determine but all emanated around her father. If he thought coming home everyday drunk would help, he was mistaken, she thought. Once not that long ago, he'd been loving and caring and soothing but now he didn't seem to exist. Not only was her mother dead but she felt, her father died that day too. And this man that sat in front of her, wasn't and never would be again, her father.
“Yes, dad. I'm home.” She said in a calm collective manner. Her head spinning with the mixture of alcohol, smoke and something else she couldn't determine but all emanated around her father. If he thought coming home everyday drunk would help, he was mistaken, she thought. Once not that long ago, he'd been loving and caring and soothing but now he didn't seem to exist. Not only was her mother dead but she felt, her father died that day too. And this man that sat in front of her, wasn't and never would be again, her father.
“No, I didn't hear you, sorry. What were you saying?” Brianna whispered, afraid that he'd hear her pain if she said it louder. But seeing the bottom of the whiskey bottle up in the air, she knew whatever she'd say from now on wouldn't register with him. He was too far gone to see what he was doing to her, to himself.
“I don't know.” He said and slipped back against the chair, hiding himself from her view and letting the tears present themselves. Knowing she wouldn't come around to stand in front or question him further. And he knew that he'd be in the same position, sitting in this chair, in front of the TV and she would be gone again in the morning. Every morning was the same.
Tears welled up in her eyes, seeing her father waste his life away and knowing nothing she'd do would change him. Taking in

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