My Best Friend Boss 4, Beatriz Costa [world best books to read TXT] 📗

- Author: Beatriz Costa
Book online «My Best Friend Boss 4, Beatriz Costa [world best books to read TXT] 📗». Author Beatriz Costa
Ailyn got home, took a quick shower and began making dinner. At eight o'clock her father knocked on her door.
Ailyn smiled. - Hi. Come in.
- It smells good in here. - He gave her a kiss on the cheek. - What's for dinner?
- Pasta, your favorite.
- What's the occasion? - He asked taking a seat in the little table that only fit two people.
- I need to talk to you. - She said taking a seat.
- For the look on your face it looks serious.
- I don´t know where to begin. We promised never to talk about this again.
- Then don't talk about it. - He said staring at Ailyn.
- Someone found out ...
- Who? - He cut her off.
- You don't know him, dad.
- I don't understand. Someone found out but I don't know him, that´s not possible, just explain, please.
- I met a guy and we dated, but his uncle doesn't like me, so he did a background check on me and every one around me. Two months ago the uncle approached me and he knew about you and me, and made me steal something from the guy I was with. - She paused. -I wouldn't care or say anything to you but I found out that I'm pregnant ... I can´t take care of a baby alone, I mean look were I´m living ... If I tell him the thru, his uncle ...
- I don't know what to say to you.
- I'm not saying anything to anyone without your consent. - Ailyn said.
- I need some space to think. - Her father said living the house.
Two hours later someone knocked on the door, Ailyn went to open thinking that her dad came back.
- What are you doing here? - Ailyn said shocked.
- I warned you ... - Said Mikhael uncle, grabbing her by her throat pushing her against the hall.
Ailyn tried to get free from him but his grip was very strong.
- I ... can't ... breathe. - Ailyn said gasping for air, tapping on his hands.
- Good. - He smirked. - You've been busy lately, going around talking to people, your mom, the driver, Mikhael, Luke and now your father.
- Pl ... ease. - She begged.
- If your thinking about telling him, you should forget about it.
- I ... won't ... please, let go.
He let go of her neck, Ailyn lost the strength on her legs and fell on the ground.
- Have you been following me? - She asked.
- What do you think. I wish you didn't do anything stupid again and make come all the way to this dump.
- I think you should leave. - She said, her voice still weak.
- I'm going to. And since you already down there you should clean the floor. - He said smiling and left the house.
Ailyn stayed on the floor, without moving a inch, crying.
Her father walked through the door that was still open.
- Ailyn? What happened? - He asked.
- N... - she couldn't speak.
- Who did this to you? - Her father asked looking and running his finger thru her red neck.
She didn't say anything, looking at the floor because she could´t make eye contact with him.
- Who did this? - He raised his voice, making Ailyn shrink.
- Go ... leave. - Ailyn said.
- I'm not going anywhere, until you ...
She cut him off - I don't need your help, all of this is because of your mistake. Just leave. Please.
Her father got up. - Fine... I'm sorry, ok? I didn't want any of this happened to you.
- Please dad, go.
- I'm leaving. Lock the door.
He left, Ailyn got up, locked the door and went to her room locking the door to.
Two days after what happened, Ailyn´s mom showed up at her house, saying that her dad told her everything about what happened eight years ago. Ailyn hugged her mom, that was crying saying sorry.
Another month passed, Ailyn hasn't talked with her father since that night. Her mom asked for the divorce, but her father didn't want, he wanted to work thru the problems. But her mom didn't, so her dad left the house.
During that time, Ailyn moved back to Boston, she changed jobs. A professor from her art class call her saying that he knew a design company that was looking for a person to draw. Ailyn thought about it and took the job because was close to everyone she knew and the salary was good. And in the company she would do what she loves, that is drawing. With her salary she could afford a nicer apartment and take care off a child.
After being there just for three weeks, one monday morning her boss called her to his office.
Ailyn knocked on the door.
- Come in. - Said her boss.
- You called?
- Yes. I need you to do me a favor. - He said in a hurry.
- Ok.
- Rosie, called in sick, she was supposed to meet a buyer today.
- Do you want me to go meet the buyer? - She asked.
- I can't go and I don't have anyone else available. You can think of it, has a experience. If you do good you can get a raise.
- What do I need to ...
He cut her off - First off all is our number one buyer, second he's not easy to deal with and last you can't mess up. - He paused. - Go to Rosie desk get the folder and everything you need to know is there. You can go. The meeting is at one o'clock, don't be late.
- Ah ... I need the name of the ...
- Mikhael Stark Company. - He said cutting her off.
- Stark? - Ailyn said shocked.
- Is there a problem? - He asked looking at her.
- No - she hesitated - no problem. - She left his office and went to Rosie desk get the folder.
After reading and memorising the highlights, she walked to Stark Company.
- Good morning, can I help you? - Asked the woman at the entrance.
- I'm here for a meeting with Mr. Stark.
- I'm here for a meeting with Mr. Stark. - She said looking around, thinking of the reason for so many security was because what happened.
- Rosie Miller? - She asked.
- Yes. - Ailyn said nervous. If she said her name there was no way she could get in there building.
- You can go in, 40º floor.
- Thank you.
All her body was shaking when the elevator doors opened on the 40º floor. She looked around looking for Mia, but she didn't see her.
- Rosie Miller? - A woman asked.
- Yes.
- Please, come this way. - She pointed out the way.
- Mr. Stark will be here in a moment. - She said opening a door to a big conference room.
- Ok. - Ailyn said sitting in one of the many chairs, taking a big deep breath.
At one o'clock on the dot, Mikhael opened the door.
- Good afternoon, Miss Miller.
At one o'clock on the dot, Mikhael opened the door.
- Good afternoon, Miss Miller. - He said closing the door, Ailyn had her back turned to the door.
- Ah, Rosie couldn't make it today, so I ...
- What the well are you doing here? - He asked surprised and pissed off.
- I work at ...
He cut her off again - You work for Mark?
- Yes. - She said still sitting down.
- Since when? Are you planning to steal from him to?
- I'm here as an employee, not as ...
- As what? - He asked still furious.
- I'm here to do business. - She tried to calm him down.
- I'm not doing anything with you. - He raised his voice.
- I'm sorry for what i did, ok! Maybe one day you'll understand my reason.
- What was the reason? - He asked and sat down at the end of the table.
- Can we just talk about the new design?
- I told you, I'm not doing business with you. - He grabbed his phone and called someone.
- Hello, Mark. I can't do business with the person you sent here.
- What are you doing? - Ailyn whispered.
- Let's just say, she not trustworthy. - He kept talking on the phone. -That´is good to know. I will call you later.
Ailyn smirked. - I don't care if you treat me like that, I know I deserve it. But I'm not leaving until you see the drawings. - She took the drawings and lined them up on the table.
- Fine. Let's do business, show me what you've got.
After half an hour of talking. - Are you done?
- Yes. - Said Ailyn.
- My answer is no. - Mikhael said cold.
- You're doing it on purpose.
- I told you I would make your life a living hell.
- You know what ... I'm done. - She said, getting up for the first time.
Mikhael jaw dropped when he saw the bump under her casual black dress. He looked at her while she gathered the papers from the table. Without saying a word.
- Goodbye. It was nice doing business with you, Mr. Stark. - She sarcastic walking towards the door.
- Do you have anything to say to me?
- No. - She answered with her back turned to him, ready to open the door.
- I will see you very soon.
Ailyn hearing that, opened the door and disappeared into the elevator.
- Tell Alex to come to my office. - Mikhael said to the secretary.
After ten minutes, Alex came to the his Mikhael.
- Did you call? - Asked the man at ease.
- I need a favor.
- What?
- Remember Ailyn Smith? - Mikhael asked.
- Yes, the girl I did the background check.
- I need to know the name of her doctor and contact.
- Ok. I can do that. How long do I have?
- One hour. - Said Mikhael.
- That's short.
- And I thought you were the best. - Mikhael joke.
- I am the best. I just need half an hour.
- See.
Ailyn returned to work after going to lunch.
The next morning, Ailyn´s boss Mark called her to his office.
- I don't know if you knew this but Mikhael Stark bought this company three years ago.
- I didn´t know. - She said.
- He called me last night, you're moving there.
- What?
- He liked what you showed, so he wants you to move there to draw for the big games.
- I cant ...
- You don't have a choice, Ailyn. - He said firme.
- Grab your stuff and move there.
- Right now? - She asked in disbelief.
- Grab your stuff today, you start there tomorrow. Same schedule, money, lunch time.
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