» Romance » As Their Blood Falls, Jachelle Ledford [inspirational books txt] 📗

Book online «As Their Blood Falls, Jachelle Ledford [inspirational books txt] 📗». Author Jachelle Ledford

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own mother because hey this girl is hot and MINE!!!

"way to go mom while your at it throw her in hell for a couple of days.or tell her soemone stole her favorite football."

"we have no time for her to get to like you so we needed to tell her now not later."

stella stirs on the bed and says something

"shit she waking up go get me some water for her."

'A son watch your mouth B here"

stella opens her eyes and looks around i go and look at her.

she screames and i didnt know what to do so i kissed her. a sec later she was kissing me back.

HOLY SHIT she is a good kisser



When i finally wake up im in a room and by the looks of it a guys room. next thing i know i see a pair of

green eyes watching me. i know those eyes so i scream. next thing i know im getting the best kiss i ever had and it was awesome so i kissed him back. mmmhhh BTW softest lips ever.



linda was watching them kiss then cleared her throat. they both jumped sky high. and a few cuss words flew outta both their mouthes.linda told jacob to show stella where she would sleep. but he just glared at her.

"um hate to interrupt but can he show me the bathroom im going to throw the fuck up."

"its down the hall..."

she didnt even have time to finish before jacob picked her up and ran with her. he made it to the baathroom just in time because she was throwing up bad when he set her in front of the toilet.when she finally stopped throwing up 10 mins later and just dry heaving he picked her up took her to the kitcchen and got her some water. she drank it like that. then he took her back upstairs. and laid her on his bed.

"ok love so until you stop throwing up you can stay in here and use my bathroom."

"whatever i really dont...."

she fell asleep. so she didnt feel when he put the blanket on her or when he slipped in bed and wrapped his arm around her and fell asleep also.

around 9:30 stella woke up and bumped into a very hard chest. she tried to sit up but saw jacob had his arm around her. she tried to get up without waking him but he woke up when she tried to move his arm.

"hey where are you going."

"i gotta pee. and i want food......please tell me you have food."

"we have food go pee then meet me downstairs at the kitchen love"

"um i have no idea where that is."

"just pee in my bathroom ill wait for you."

so she went pee and came back out he was still sitting in bed. he got up and walked to her.

"ready to eat love?"

"um are you ready to put pants on????"


"yes im ready"

"lets go" he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder damn he was hot.

flirtatious, and nakedness

 when he finally set her down he looked so serious she wanted to laugh in his face.

"so princess what do you want?"


"NO SHIT what kind of food?"

"hot cook food."

"you know what make ur own food."

"help me and ill make you some food too."

"ok what you wanna make?"

"what to you like to eat/"

"steak but you dont know how to grill."

"yeah i do "

they got the steak ready and started the grill by the time the steaks were on they had flirted alot. so when the steakes were done they brought them inside and ate them. then she leaned in and thought now or never she kissed him and he kissed her back. they kept kissing all the way up the stair to his room. finally he threw her on the bed.

"mmmmmhh making love before the marriage i like your style boy."

"you want to marry me?"

"why not now come here."

they had sex several times before they fell back asleep.


a week later

 jacobs POV

stellas in the bathroom throwing up agian i thought we fixed that because she stopped for the whole week. then all of a sudden while me and her went to go pick up wedding rings.she told me she didnt feel good, a min. later she is running to the bathroom. im sitting outside waiting for her. and i sent a lady in to check on her.


Stellas POV

OMG what the hell is wrong with me im just violently sick and cant do anything i feel week and jacobis outside waiting for me. i feel really bad because he sent another lady to check on me i try to tell her im fine but she doesnt wanna listen.


jacobs POV

we dicided to 

 take stella to the doctor and she was complaining the whole time like we could fix what is happinging. so now we are waiting for the doctor and she is really scared. next thing we know she is barely making it into a trash can to throw up and the nurse rushes her back becasue she wasnt going to stop dry heaving anytime soon.they allow me to go with her and the whole time she is throwing up or dry heaving telling me shes ok and that it will pass. then she tries to run and i catch up with her and carry her to where they want her. my baby is sick and i cant do nothig to help


Stellas POV

IM GOING TO KILL HIM he wont let me go and i really need to leave but he is holding down on the bed. so finally i calm down becasue he is telling me it will help my stomache and i finally decided to let them run test on me like a good pacient. im scared about what they will find.




we were waiting and jacob keeps telling me he loves me

"jacob please im scared just stop talking i feel sick again."

" its ok baby ill be quite.... i love you."

at that time the doctor office begins to play my heart will go on by by Celine Dion and i started to cry.

the song was stillin gplayin when the nurse came in.

"congratz your pregnate"

"What shes...... as in with a baby."

he scoops her up and kisses her they are both crying.

"im going to be a mom." i say crying

"and i am going to be the best dad ever."

they leave holding hands and you can tell they fell in love for real in that doctors office now they have to go tell their parents.........

"no she cant "

"why not thats my baby and she aint getting rid of it and you cant stop her."

they were aurging when linda came up beside her.

"if you want this baby you speak up before jacob gives up."

"hey guys................ HEY DIP SHITS"

they finally listen to her and she began to speak.

"im having this baby and no one is going to stop me all my life ive been hearing i cant do this or that but you know what its my damn body and his bady and im keeping my baby and you mother fuckers cant tell me other wise so shut the fuck up."

everybody looked at her shocked and stunned.After the shock jacobs dad spoke first.

"we are thinking about what is in your best interst and we feel..."

"how about what i feel did you think to ask me or how about jacob did you think about how your son feels he is going to be a father and since we have no say in getting married... you know what fuck it this is going to happen..."

"um i dont think.."

"jacob shut the hell i said this is what is going to happen im going to have this baby and before i become a mother i will become a wife and be HAPPY i was happy now im pissed off"

Jacobs dad and him stared at her in stunded scilence and muttered sorry.


The night of the unexpected

jacob and  stella called it a night at around ten thirthy and went to bed. they were cuddled close on jacobs bed when stellas stomache started hurting. she managed to pull out if jacobss arms and run to the bathroom before she threw up. jacob caught her hair up in enough time. afterwards she fell asleep in jacobs arms on the bed. 

by the time two thirty rolled around stella wasnt moving and was very still like stone. it scared the shit outta jacob he finally had the guts to wake his parents up. and when he told them what happen they came running bat outta hell.

"what the fuck jacob why did you wait to tell us this happend."

"tell you what happened?"

"that she is now turning into one of us."

after a long and confusing process that if i tell you i have to kill you (vampire code (: jk) stella is finally breathing normal again.

and the facr of the matter is she is now a vampire and the baby is safe inside her.


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