» Romance » The Christmas Thief, Melissa Willingham [motivational books for women .txt] 📗

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of us. I began to regret that we hadn’t thought of it sooner.

Later that night, we took two steaming mugs of hot chocolate into the den and sat down in front of the fireplace. The heat emanating from the hearth knocked the chill out of the air and spread throughout our bones delightfully.

I reached over to flip on the radio, sending some soft Christmas tunes spilling into the room. As we sipped on our scalding brew, we alternated between gazing into the fire and peering at one another. Every time our eyes met, there was a distinct sense of mutual attraction radiating back and forth amongst us.

With a serious expression, Larry watched me intently. “Karen, I was just thinking about a couple of years ago. You and I went out a few times, yet nothing ever came of it. What do you suppose happened?”

“I really don’t know. We seemed to get along well and we had good times together. All I can guess is maybe our work schedules were in conflict. That’s what I seem to recall.”

He seemed to consider my statement for a moment. “You know, I believe you’re right. At the time, I was on call twenty-four seven. It didn’t allow much room for dating or a relationship,” he surmised. “I’m sorry about that. I do have more time off now though.”

“Wonderful! I’m sure you need a break sometimes. And if you find someone special, you’ll be able to see them more often,” I added.

Once we’d finished our cocoa, I suggested we check on the safe. After ascertaining that it hadn’t been tampered with, I opened it up and presented the contents to him. He examined each item carefully, as he made notations in a small notepad, to inventory each piece.


Day three brought more adventures out in the crisp air and milky white drift. We conducted a search through the woods, in the vicinity of where I’d encountered the Christmas thief. The ground seemed relatively undisturbed. Either the guilty culprit moved on elsewhere or he just hadn’t returned as of yet. Possibly he still lurked around undetected and the snow simply covered up his tracks. It was my hope that he’d never show his face around here again.

Returning to the house, we dug out an old sled stored in the crawlspace and took turns pulling each other along in the yard. This resulted in peals of laughter resounding from both of us. Silently, I realized my home had seemed so empty and lonely before Larry arrived. I just didn’t notice it before.

He brought a new vitality, a refreshing energy to my humble dwelling. It was funny how I’d failed to recognize the potential, as well as the magic that existed between us. Perhaps he missed out on the connection we shared, too. Or maybe it just wasn’t as evident back then as it was now.

Later that night after our evening meal, we grabbed two thick blankets, along with our mugs and refilled them. The snow fell heavily outside, blanketing the earth even more. We both desired a closer inspection of this breathtaking event, so we ventured onto the front porch to recline in the porch swing.

I stared at the white frosting floating downward from the sky for several minutes. Soon, I found my gaze drawn irresistibly toward Larry, only to find he was looking at me also.

“I just love it out here. The snow is so beautiful!” I remarked wondrously.

“Yes, it is a gorgeous sight to behold, just like you are. I can’t decide whether you are more radiant in the moonlight or the sunlight, the firelight or the candlelight. I think it’s a tie for all four,” he decided.

His charming words took me by surprise. No one had ever spoken to me in such a way before. For a moment, I didn’t know what to say in response. “Thank you. You are very handsome yourself,” I managed to reply.

I could feel my cheeks flushing with a redness I hoped he didn’t notice. The feeling stirred within me that perhaps we were kindred spirits, even soul mates. But I didn’t want to get ahead of myself by presuming anything so romantic.


On the fourth day, we frolicked and played in the snow once again. As dusk drew near, we made our way inside and changed into more comfortable clothing. After sauntering into the kitchen, we jointly prepared a meal, as we had the three previous nights. Tonight we would be having a roast with vegetables and hot rolls.

I peeled carrots, potatoes and onions, while Larry sliced meat and then buttered the rolls. Soon, a pleasant aroma wafted throughout the house. My stomach growled in hunger when I caught a whiff of the roast cooking in the oven. I rubbed my hands on my apron and started preparing sweet tea.

Larry stood by the stove, periodically checking on our dinner. Suddenly he stiffened and rose up to his full height. “Did you hear that noise?” he asked in a whispery tone.

I shook my head. “No, I didn’t hear anything. What was it?”

He motioned for me to follow him quietly through the doorway and into the front room. It was hard to see anything because darkness had settled. Inadvertently, we’d neglected to turn on the lights in some of the other rooms. The window directly beside the door was open, the curtains billowing in the icy wind. But, it was supposed to be closed and securely locked.

I glanced around as my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, my heart pounding with excitement. I didn’t know what to expect. All at once a dark figure dressed in what appeared to be a Santa suit made a mad dash for the window.

Larry lurched forward and yelled, “Oh no, you don’t! Stop right there, pal!”

The man wearing the red and white costume kept making for the only exit in sight, as Larry grabbed at him. It was to no avail, for the thief side-stepped the tackle attempt and continued advancing. My poor detective missed by inches and grasped at thin air. This threw him off balance and sent him toppling forward, landing right on his knees in the middle of the living room floor.

By now, I was ticked off at this mischievous Santa impostor. I quickly fetched a fly swatter from a nearby table. Just as he tried to ease back out the same window he’d entered from, I caught up to him and lashed out at his rump with whacks. “Take that, you bumbling idiot!” I screamed at him. “You stay away from my house, do you hear me?”

 I threw the fly swatter down and grasped at his clothing as he kicked and slipped through the window. He slid easily from my grip and glanced back triumphantly with a laugh. “Ho! Ho! Ho! And away I go!” he bragged confidently.

Just then, a loose nail on the edge of the windowsill caught hold of his red pants and ripped a large hole in the seam, down the middle. I could see the white of his underwear exposed. “Woo hoo! It’s cold out here!” he exclaimed in surprise. He covered the opening with one hand and ran off down the driveway, like a wounded animal.

 I began to chuckle hysterically over the play of events. I turned to face my hunky detective, who’d risen to his feet. He followed my cue and threw his head backwards, roaring with unbridled laughter.


The fifth day brought us into the enchanting hours of Christmas Eve. Since I had no close neighbors to speak of, we couldn’t go out caroling. Leaving the house was out of the question anyway, with that thieving rascal hovering around, just waiting for a golden opportunity.

Instead, we chose to sit around the Christmas tree and sing festive, merry songs. It was such a blissful sense of joy and cheer that I felt coming over me. Having Larry there with me for company brought out a brand new side of me I hadn’t been aware of.

We lounged side-by-side, sipping on spiced apple cider and munching on Christmas cookies. Between bites we continued to serenade one another and croon together harmoniously. Our sounds of merriment echoed along the cozy walls and resonated within each room of my happy home.

A couple of hours later, we traipsed through the snowy winter wonderland outside. Larry and I discussed the true reason for the season. The birth of Jesus Christ, God’s son, His present to the world for our salvation, was the greatest gift of love.

Again we inspected the ground for further signs of the Christmas thief. But the bountiful flurries already covered up all tracks of the uninvited guest from last night. One curious thing that puzzled me was how

Ragsdale managed to get inside the house, since everything was locked up tight.

Larry carefully examined the window the perpetrator used for his entry and subsequent getaway. The catch on the lock appeared loose and slightly bent. Evidently, a slim tool had been inserted into a gap in the windowpane, which he’d shaken until it came unclasped. This explained the mystery of the slick varmint’s intrusion. After all, he was known for being an expert lock-picker.

We fastened the lock as best we could and prayed it would hold. A close watch would just have to be kept on it for the next two nights, since local shops were closed. The day after Christmas, we’d be able to load up the valuables from the safe and head into town for repair supplies.

As the evening wore on, Larry and I began to formulate a plan to capture our little visitor. Should he return for another round, we’d be waiting for him. Hopefully we’d be able to nab him this time. Even if he managed to escape once more, we felt certain he’d decline to tangle with us again.

After a scrumptious meal of Greek meatballs, Greek lemon chicken and vegetables with pita bread, we retired to the den to watch some television. I put Larry in charge of the remote, since I knew that to be a man’s domain. He selected a sports channel, much to my feigned surprise. I suffered through it for an hour and he must’ve sensed this, so he handed the remote to me, with a grin.

With the coveted device in hand, I let out a triumphant victory cheer. I then chose a romantic comedy, blended with a touch of mystery. The irony of the movie genre, compared to our real-life escapades of the last few days, proved to be rather amusing. In the characters of the hero and heroine of the film, I couldn’t help but think of us in those roles, too. We’d been having more excitement and adventure than my usual day job of caterer ever provided on a daily basis.


Whenever the movie was finished, I suggested we make a palate of blankets and pillows on the floor, in front of the fireplace. He wore an undershirt and a pair of boxers. I was clad in a silky nightgown and housecoat. Our intentions were honorable and perfectly innocent. The goal was to remain in the den overnight, so we’d stand a better chance of nailing our adversary, if he tempted fate.

The fire felt so inviting, its warmth spreading throughout the room. The flames danced beautifully, casting shadows upon the walls, mesmerizing us with their flicker. I found myself spellbound, captivated by the images created within that glorious source of heat. I wondered if my companion felt the same way also.

I took a stealthy glance in his direction and saw him watching the lovely flames, as I had been. His gaze met mine and held it for a moment. Within his brown depths I recognized a spark of desire. Then a passionate awareness came over me that I longed for his kiss, his touch. I wanted it more strongly than anything else I could think of. It was plain to see he yearned for my caress just as much.

Larry slid across the blankets, coming closer to me, until we were almost

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