» Romance » Run with faith, Maebell Cushner [children's ebooks online TXT] 📗

Book online «Run with faith, Maebell Cushner [children's ebooks online TXT] 📗». Author Maebell Cushner

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stepped out of the tent and smiled evilly.
“What are you wearing?! Where did you get that?” She was wearing tight black shorts that were very, VERY short and a thin black t-shirt that showed her mid-drift. Her smile got bigger.
“You like? There the clothes you gave me, I just had to…adjust them.”
~Karma’s P.O.V.~
I thought he was going to be mad but, he started laughing! Laughing!
“Wait, your not, not mad? I thought you’d yell and get angry?!” I’m so confused now. I thought he was really easily angered.
“No I’m a little disappointed but, I think it looks cute, just don’t come crying to me if someone tries to ‘make a move’”. He was full out laughing now.
“Ugh! I thought you were going to be mad.” I crossed my arms and glared at him.
“Well come on now, we’ve got a garden to see!” He walked forward and grabbed my arm, “You might want to hang on tight its going to be a bumpy ride!”
“wha-” Before I could ask he was in his wolf form and I was on his back. We were running very fast and everything looked like burry colors as we rushed past.

Chapter 4
“Wow this is…beautiful.” The garden wasn’t even really a garden, it was a meadow in the forest that was filled with the most beautiful plants I have ever seen. There was even a river that trickled down over rocks and through the meadow. There was purple, blue and the most amazing green flowers ever! I loved it! “Do you take care of it?” I turned to see him leaning against a thick tree with a smile on his face.
“No, but I own it. I come down here to think and to relax.” He walked out to the middle where I was, “Do you like it?” I could see the love for this garden in his eyes.
“Yes, I love it, it is amazing.” I put my arms out and spun around. The grass under our feet was over grown and bright green. There were no walk ways, but paths that had been padded down from use.
“It was my mothers. She use to bring me here every night,” He pulled me over to a clearing in the grass. It was the only place where the grass was cut down. There were two quilts laid on the ground in a semi-circle, “We use to lay here and count the stars. She use to point to certain ones and say, ‘J’tamie Camie’”. He smiled down at me, “It means I love you, in French. She called me Camie.” His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“Where is she?” I saw him tense and look away, “You don’t have to tell me…I was just, being nosing.”
“No, it’s fine but common lets sit down it’s a long story.” We walked to the quilts and sat down. “My family and I were walking in the woods near your castle and we decided to see if your castle was safe. As you may or may not know we watch over your castle, and by we I mean my pack.” He sighed and took a big breath forming his words. “We were young, my brother and I, we were about 8 and a half. You would have been six,” He smiled, “There was a vampire that was searching around the outer area of your castle. We say him and my mother went after him. My brother being older, told me to stay while he went and helped Mom. I didn’t agree with the thought of them fighting and me watching but I obeyed and watched as the vampire beat them. When the vampire hit down my brother, I had to fight myself not to help him and as he said, go get help. I ran as fast as I could and gathered the pack. We ran back to them but when we got there….” I could see the tears forming around his eyes, “It was too late for my mother and my brother was dying. There was another young man that I assumed was one if your staff because he was wearing your colors, he was also dead.” He looked away before looking back at me, “The last thing my brother said to me before he died was, ‘You obeyed in the toughest of decisions, this shall make you a great alpha.’ Now I’m the one giving orders, but I always take advise and I listen to my people.”
“That’s good, my mother use to tell us that listening to your people was the best thing any queen could do.” His face went from shock to sorrow in a matter of seconds. “What?” I asked
“Well I didn’t…well I knew that you would be queen and all but I…I guess it just slipped my mind,” He chuckled a little, “No offence but you don’t look like the queen type.”
“Neither do you Mister Alpha Pup.” I joked. His jaw dropped and his brows pulled together as though he was mad, but his eyes sparkled mischievously. I got up and laughed.
“Ha-ha, Na-na, Na-na-na-na!” He moved and I took off running. In knew he would catch up sooner or later.

Chapter 5
~Carmen’s P.O.V. ~
“Neither do you Mister Alpha Pup!” She laughed and propped her self up on her knees. I tried my best to look angry but I knew that she could see I wasn’t. “Ha-ha Na-na Na-na-na-na-na!” She got up and ran and my instincts took over. I jumped up and ran after her. She made my inner wolf go crazy. I had never felt this for anyone before it was as if all my life I had lived with only half a heart and now the other half was alive as well. I ran after her for about three minutes letting her think she was fast before I takkled her to the ground. I rolled over so that she was sitting on my stomach. I stared up at her and she stared back. Our gazes locked for a while until I broke it by looking down at her lips for half a milla-second. She tilted her head to the side and smirked, she must have seen my hint. I mean smile…I…Why would hint that?
Maybe you LIKE her
Oh shut up mutt
You’re an idiot, because you just called yourself a mutt.
She leaned down and closed her eyes. I could feel her breath on my face and my eyes widened. She got closer and closer. I closed my eyes. Her lips brushed against mine…and then they were gone. I felt her silent laughter shake through her small frame. I opened my eyes and smiled at her, I gave her the same smile that my dad use to give my mother. I heard her breath catch and couldn’t help but smirk. She hit my shoulder and rolled off onto the ground. It was getting cold and tiny snow flakes fell from the sky.
“Hahaha, Com’on lets go back. It’s getting kind of cold.” I got up and offered my hand to Karma. She smiled, got up on her own and walked past me. I couldn’t help but notice how she swayed her hips more purposefully as she walked. My inner wolf fought for control. I really need to get her longer pants.
“Camden!” My Beta Sam called me. Karma turned around and looked at me as if to see who I’d follow.
“Go on to the tent I will be there in a while.” She waved at Sam and then left.
~Karma’s P.O.V. ~
Wow Hahaha I had him wrapped around my finger. I swayed my hips as I walked. I could tell that he liked me and that made me happy…well happy that I could use that against him! I mean I …I wouldn’t, I couldn’t he’s a warewolf! His people killed my sister!
I stepped aside two little kids weaseling They most have been vary young because their tails were still attached to their bodies as if they didn’t fully make the change. Their were many people out and if I didn’t know their secrets I would have loved to talk to them. A pair of what seemed like older teens walked up to me one on either side. “Well, hello there!” The taller one said, Who are you?”
“I’m Karma, who are you?” I said with a hint of laugh in my voice.
“I am Sterling and this is my friend, Josh.” The corners of his mouth pulled upward into a smirk as he took me in, “So what’s a little human girl like you doing out here?”
“Well Camden to-” before I could finish my sentence he cut me off.
“Yo-Your Camdeden’s?” Both boys stopped and stared at me.
“Well jeez you make it sound like I belong to him! Its not like I picked him to kidnap me!”

Chapter 6
“So you’re not-together?” The shorter one finally spoke up. They looked at me with a quizzical look.
“Ew! No, No Nooooo! Ha-ha wow and you-hahah-thought!” I grabbed my stomach as I doubled over, laughing, “ We were-haha-oh boy, that’s rich!”
“ Well you said Camden So, I thought, I mean he has been looking for a mate.” Sterling’s face turned red as he stuttered over each word.
“Ok well I’m not his.” I used my hands to quote the word his.
“Well in that case…” I heard josh say from somewhere behind me. I turned around to see where he was and got pelted by a snowball.
“OMYGOSH!! I cannot just believe you did that!” I grabbed a hand full of snow and threw it his way.
“Haha! Your gonna do better than that!” He ran into the trees next to me and I turned to see Sterling laughing at us. I gathered snow, aimed at my next target and fired. It his Sterling right in the gut!
I laughed as he fell to the ground in a dramatic display. I heard footsteps coming up behind me and was about to turn around when Josh tackled me to the ground. We rolled over so that I was on top of him. As soon as I sat up I was forced off of him by a huge blond wolf. I assumed it was Sterling because he had the same eyes and hair color. He licked my face and wagged his tail. I rolled him over so that he was right next to me and rubbed his head. “Aww! You look like a puppy!” He laid his head down on his paws and looked at me as if to simulate a little baby dog. Josh walked up to us and shook his head.
“Well you were right S! Girls really do fall for the little puppy act!” He laughed and plopped down next to Sterling, resting his head on his back.
“You make us sound so gullible.” I said. I continued petting Sterling.
A few minutes passed by and Sterlings parents called himin. I waved by to him and looked around for josh, who had some how disappeared from my side. I felt something cold hit my shirt. I looked down to see snow. “HEY!” Josh was balling up another chunk of snow but this time I ducked. I jumped behind a tree and balled up my own snow. When I looked around the tree I could see josh trying to locate me. I ran toward him and launched my snow ball. It hit him in the face. “Bull’s-eye!!!” I yelled. I ran the opposite direction just to be pounced on by what I
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