» Romance » you love me, layla evans [best historical biographies TXT] 📗

Book online «you love me, layla evans [best historical biographies TXT] 📗». Author layla evans

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a hot bath.And got dressed.I wore my white sparkling shirt,My skinny leggings,and my black flats.And I ran to wake up Helio. I slowly opened the door and He was already awoke.He was on the highest top of his room.I literally had to find him.When I came in he turned his head so fast he made me jump a little.Then he just stared again. “Um your m-mom sa-sa-id to tell you t-to get ready” I said stuttering. “Ok” He said softly shrugging.I didn’t even know he could talk he was always quiet.He jumped off the highest bed,and landed 3 steps away from me. “Excuse me” He said softly. “Oh yea” I said stuttering.I felt so stupid.I ran and woke up Isabelle. She woke up smiling and said good morning.After I was done waking up both of them,I did my hair,fed and walked my dog.I finally was done and I ate breakfast by the time I was done it was time to go to school.I ran to the car and sat next to Isabelle.I didn’t want to sit next to helio he was to quiet.I was mad he always acted like a had a problem. Every time I asked him a question.I thought to myself no realizing I was rolling my eyes.” “What is wrong with you”He asked me laughing a little.I puffed and looked out the window by my side.When we finally got to class everyone was starring at me. “Everyone this is emerald jones”She announced. “Oh Helio and isabelle,since emerald came with you,for all classes she is your partner for now on”THe teacher said to Helio and isabelle. “Ok”Helio said shrugging.Again I sat in the middle of both of them.I felt so awkward.I felt like a fish out of water. Then we had to an activity were we had to look at ingredients and every day life liquids like baby oil,water,corn oil,syrup and so on and so on.It was actually fun and helio is so funny,he had me laughing the whole time,and he smelled so good he had on calvin klien I could smell it so clear.It was finally time to go home and I was so exhausted.I did all my chores than I went to bed.I still was thinking about helio when I saw him in my room last night,so I read my book that I got from the library,about stuff like that.After I was done reading I screamed realizing that the coleman’s were vampires.I was so scared I wanted to cry. “I’m living with vampires”I thought.Suddenly I saw a bright yellowish/orangish light I decided to check it out.I soon realized it was coming from Helio’s room. I slowly opened the door and Saw that the light was coming from him. “He’s glowing” I whispered.He began to move and Backed up and I broke something.He awoke and I ran out the room.I thought I was going to be busted because he was running after me.I jumped in my bed and covered myself just in time.He bust in my room and made his way towards me,he jumped from my bed to the window and glared me.I was so quite that I couldn’t hardly could breath.He disappeared and my door slam,I uncovered my body and took a one long breath.I am so brave,way to go girl”I thought to myself.I woke up from the sun flashing through the windows.It was early like 6:00.I decided that I watch a little tv. One of my favorite tv shows came on After the tv show went off so did my alarm.I ran to wash up after I was done I did my hair and again came the hard part waking up helio. he was so frustrating.But when I came in this time he was jolly. “Good morning”he said jumping off the bed again.He walked past me before I could say another word.After i got him up I woke up Isabelle and I did my daily things like walk the dog and stuff.Then I ran to the car.It was all quite until Helio broke the silence. “You know yesterday someone came in my rome and gave my a visit I couldn’t get this person because they were to fast,put I wasn’t dreaming”He said glaring at me and isabelle.He stared at me like he knew I did it and I began to feel uncomfortable.I was happy to finally arrived I ran all the way to my classroom not even thinking about Helio and Isabelle.When they finally got in the classroom they looked at me with confusion.And to make it worse the teacher made the whole class sit in a seating chart of boy girl.And guess who I ended up with....Helio!How nice perfect after I broke into his room and ran from him you sit him with me. My eyes burned with madness.After the class was done I was the only one in the hallway “So how did you sleep last night”asked helio.I rolled my eyes and he smirked.Then all of a sudden he got really close and whispered in my ear saying I know it was you.My eyes begin to get wide and I begin to panic. “I don’t know what your talking about”I said trembling.He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a room. “How did you find out” he asked“I don’t know what your talking about”I said trying not to end up not telling him. “let me go you sick jerk”I said trying to get out of his hold. “Nope until you tell me”He said still holding on my wrist really hard. “Ok I found A book on your bed and I read it,and since I found out that you had all the symptoms I knew you were”I said lying. “Your lying,you would know that vampires can read your mind,because...He said looking worried he let me go and walked out slamming the door behind him.This time today he stared at me all day.Then he asked to talk to me again. “Look you can’t tell anyone about this or our life is over”He said pleading.I promised that I wouldn’t tell anybody and we left out.Today I had to stay after school,so I walked home.When I got home it was dark and no one was there.I decided to just do my chores and go to bed then.I ran upstairs to go to bed then I saw Helio. “Emerald I love you,please take this ring”I slowly began to walk towards him when someone bursted through the door “Emerald no!He bursted through the door,pushed out the way and picked up his twin and through out the glass window.I was hurt glass went flashing throw my skin, I was depending on him to help me,but when helio turned around he had fangs and his eyes turned green. I began to scream and I ran out the room knocking down glasses and plates. I could hear screaming my name right behind me.I ran out the door across the street,Climbed the Stairs,and jumped over the fence. “Ow” I cried out loud with relieving pain.I ran to the woods not stopping to breath it was a killer chasing me.He finally caught up with me and tried to pick me up I slapped him across his face and screamed for help.I couldn’t run anymore,I couldn’t bare this pain.I was running around with glass in my leg and every step I took,it went deeper and deeper in my skin.I began to feel scared because I didn’t see Helio anywhere,he disappeared.I heard the sound of acorns rolling but I didn’t know what is was coming from.Suddenly Helio from behind me and grabbed both of my arms. “Emerald stop it,I won’t hurt you I promised that” He said quietly.He let my arms go and put me over his shoulder knowing that I couldn’t walk anymore.When we finally got home he laid me on my bed and told me a doctor was coming to fix my leg.He smiled and said goodnight.For the first time ever he was nice.This time this night I saw him. “What are you doing in here”I asked. “Watching over you,and making sure your ok”He said smiling.I smiled back and went to bed.When I woke up he was sleeping on my couch.I took a cold bath and woke him up.he awoke smiling and saying good morning,and saying happy birthday. “What are you talking about,my birthday is on may 17”I questioned. “Today is May 17”He said smiling. I smiled back and grabbed my stuff and walked out the room.School was fun today and everyone sung happy birthday even though they didn’t even know me.After school I had fun with mrs coleman,to my surprise Helio and isabelle told me to get dress so we could go out to eat,Oh yea my best friend from 1st grade came.when went to olive garden. “Mam how many people are with you”THe server asked. “Eight”I replied shyly. “ok It will be 24 dollars and I’ll show you to your table”She said smiling.As soon as I was about to reach in my pocket and get my money out,Helio took my hand out and told me he was paying for me.I blushed so hard and it felt like my cheeks burned.We finally got to the table,and as Soon as we got there Helio grabbed me and helped me into the seat then he sat next to me.When it came to ordering I only ordered a little because I was trying to act skinny. “Girl if you do not order something other then soup I will grab you so quick”Helio said laughing.I laughed back and acted like ordering saying “Excuse me mam can you give me everything on the menu.Everyone laughed and laughed.I was so in a great mood everyone was having a great time and Helio had his arms over my shoulder.It was finally time to go and everyone came to spend a night at the coleman’s it was nearly the best day ever.Than it was present time I opened all my presents.After I was done helio pulled me to the side And asked if we could take a walk outside. We walked around laughing and finally we sat down by a nearby ben. “Oh yea,I got something for you”He said pulling something out his pocket.It was a silk box,when I opened it. a sparkling heart locket twirled,and glistened even though it was no light what so ever. “Oh thank you so much it’s beautiful”I gasped.

just to see her face light up like that made me feel amazing,she so beautiful,I wonder if the light will glow when she puts it on,because that’s shows that she loves me back.

“Oh this is so pretty helio”I laughed. “so are you going to try it on”He asked laughing. “I’m going to need your help”i smirked.He grabbed the necklace out my hand pulled up my hair and slowly hooked both sides of the chains together.I slowly turned back around and smiled back.then the necklace began to glow,He cupped up my tiny hands in his huge hand and smiled softly.He slowly let go my hands and cupped his hands around my face and slowly got closer and closer.The perfect moment almost happened until someone called me. “Um I have to go”I said stuttering.He slowly let go my hand and I ran off. “Emerald over here in the woods”Someone yelled out. I walked towards the woods and someone grabbed me and knocked me on top of my head.I screamed for someone to help me but no one came. “shut up”the person said cutting me with a knife. I screamed even louder because the person starting sucking the blood drips off my hand. “Please let me go”i begged crying. “I will only let you go if you break helio’s heart,by giving back the necklace”The vampire cackled. “Ok”I cried.He untied my and pushed me. When I got in the house everyone was laughing having fun.I went straight past helio and his came from happy to worried.I ran upstairs and before I could go in he grabbed me. “What’s going on emerald and what
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