» Romance » Help Me, Ivy Thibodeau [digital book reader txt] 📗

Book online «Help Me, Ivy Thibodeau [digital book reader txt] 📗». Author Ivy Thibodeau

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Chapter Two: You Start With Hi


~Kara's POV~


Logan has finally calm down, it took a lot. When he gets mad he likes to have sex, but he wouldn't have sex in his car, so he just roughly made out with me, so rough that he split my lip open, but no big deal, as long as he's happy, I like it when he’s happy.

I can't help but keep thinking about that kid. He was so kind, the way he stood up for me without even knowing me. But it doesn't matter, I'm with Logan and I'm never going to see that kid again. I just wished that I could find a guy like that, but only good things happen to good people, and I’m not one of those people.

I have been waiting for Logan to find something he is willingly to have people see me in around him, and so far nothing. I didn't realize I was that ugly, but I guess I am. I don't understand why he's with me, I'm ugly and fat, he could have any girl he wanted, but he's with me. I should ask him at some point, but not now, he's in a good mood now and I don't want to ruin that. I should just be happy that he’s with me, he’s willing to be with me when no one else does, I should be thankful.

Just than he walked up to me and threw a bunch of clothes at me.

"Go try those on now, I'm getting bored, and if none of those turn me on then that's it, you're not coming with me, now go." He said, sitting down in the waiting area.

I nodded and rushed into the changing room, setting down the clothes and looking at myself in the mirror. All I see is a broken girl. A girl with long dark hair that covers up her face, hiding herself from the world. A girl with a broken smile, a broken life. A girl who has nothing to offer. Pushing my hair back, I look into those broken brown eyes, and I see nothing, there’s nothing there. It’s said that the eyes are the window to the soul, but looking into these eyes, I see nothing that could give anything any, not happiness or sorrow, not sadness or hurt, just… nothing.

I turn away from the mirror, no longer wishing to see that girl. I grab the first thing in the pile and hold out a black dress, that's really short and would not be appropriate for school in anyway. It's a midnight black color and skin tight, showing everything. After I fight into the dress I call out to Logan.

"I-I can't go out in this." I say, looking down at the dress.

"What one?"

"The b-black dress."

"I liked that one, let me see it." He walks into the changing room and looks at the dress. "I like it, I'm getting it for you. Now take it off so I can pay for it." He started to walk out, but I grabbed his hand, stopping him.

"Logan? Do you love me?" I asked, biting my lip. I had to know, I had to know if he really wanted to be with me, or if he was just doing this no one else would and felt sorry for me.

"What kind of question is that? Get dressed and let's leave." He pulled his hand away and walked out, leaving me alone.

I took off the dress and walked over to Logan with my head down, handing him the dress. I followed him to check out so that he could buy the dress.

After he paid, he walked out of the store and back out to the parking lot, and as I try to keep up with him, I tripped. But before I can hit the ground, I feel arms around me and I think it's Logan, but when I look up, I don't see Logan, I see the guy from earlier today. He helps me stand up straight and I'm about to thank him, but then Logan yells at me, telling me to get my fat ass over to him. I look down and rush over to Logan before he get too mad.

“What the fuck was that about?” He asked when I got over there, gripping my arm.

“I-it was nothing Logan, I just tripped and he was helping me up, that's it, I'm sorry.” I say quietly, looking down.

“Whatever, just get in the damn car, now.” He said, opening my door. With my head down, I got in, not wanting to upset him anymore than I already have today.



When we got back to my house, no one was home thankfully. Logan was roughly pulling me up to my room, throwing the bag with my dress at me.

“Get dressed, it's going to take awhile to get you to look good enough to be seen with me at the party so you have to start early. Now change.” Logan said, laying down on my bed.

“Okay.” I turned to go to the bathroom, but Logan's voice stopped me.

“Where the fuck are you going? I told you to get dressed, not walk away. Now change.”

“I-I was going to go change in the bathroom.” I said looking down. “Sorry.” And with that I started to get undress. I hated stripping in front of people, but Logan always had me do it. I hated my body so much, it was awful, I was so fat, but it doesn't matter, I have to do what I'm told. If I don’t than I’ll get yelled at and get punished, I hate it when he does that, I hate doing wrong with Logan. He’s so nice to me, and all I do is get in trouble and make him mad.

So I stood there in my bra and underwear, about to grab the dress when Logan jumped off the bed and pinning me to the wall. “L-Logan, what are you doing?” I asked, panicking.

“I'm horny, so we're going to fuck then you'll get ready.” He said, kissing up my neck.

“B-but we just had s-sex this morning, you've never wanted i-it twice in one day.”

“Yeah, well I'm horny as fuck. So either let me fuck you or I'm leaving and finding some hot chick to bang.”

I looked down, I didn't want him to leave me, but I didn't want to have sex. In the end he won, he always wins.




After I had gotten ready, we headed out to the party, but I really didn't want to go, I knew something bad was going to happen there, something bad always happens when he makes me go to parties with him. But I never say anything, I mean, what can I say? I'm just some girl he keeps around for a good time, and by that I mean sex.

I think I finally realized that he doesn't love me, he’s always flirting with other girls, like right now. He’s grinding up against some blonde girl. But I won't say anything, I'm lucky I have him, no one else would want to be with me.

I walked away, not being able to watch him grind against someone else anymore. I walked into the kitchen, looking in the fridge, hoping to find something other than alcohol. Not finding anything though, I walked out of the kitchen, and rushing out the back screen door, not wanting to be inside anymore.

The heat and loud music was starting to get to me.  My head was pounding, I don't understand how everyone can listen to that music, it’s so loud.

As I was walking around, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Scared that it was someone who was going to hurt me, I jumped back, looking at the person in a panick. But once I turned around I saw that it was just that guy again.

I just stared at him, not knowing what to say. Logan can't see him with me, he'll get mad.

He smiled at me. “What, cat got your tongue?” He chuckled softly. “Here, let me help you. You start with hi.”

Chapter Three: Leave Me Alone




This party is so boring, and it's just my first one here. I don't understand how a party can be so boring as this one is. I’ve been to better one’s where I use to live, in Texas, now they knew how to party.

I was walking around, sipping on my beer, wishing to just get drunk off my ass already. Then maybe, just maybe I'll be able to forget about that girl. I still don't know her name, I've seen her twice today, and have yet to be able to really talk to her. As long as he is around her, we’ll never be able to talk.

I still can't believe the way he was treating her, and she wasn't doing anything about it, just taking it. It's wrong, no girl should have to be treated like that. If she was my girl, I would never treat her like shit, like she's less than me, because she’s not, we’re equals.

But of course she’s not mine, and I have little say in the matter. Yet at the same time, she deserves better than that asshole. Maybe if I could talk to her without that guy, Logan, around, I could try to get her to understand that she shouldn't stay with him, but he always seems to be around. I started walking to the back door, I needed some air.  

When I got outside there was no one from what I could see out here, but then I looked off to the side and saw her, the girl that’s been on my mind all day. Looking around once more to see if Logan was around, I couldn’t see him. This was my one chance to talk to her without him.

She was wearing a black skin tight dress, I could see all of her curves. She was such a beautiful girl. I walked over to her and softly placed my hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump and spin around to look at me.

She was just staring at me, shocked, and maybe a little scared. I couldn’t understand why she would be scared.

‘Why isn’t she talking to me,’ I wondered.

I started first, smiling, “What, cat got your tongue?” I softly chuckled. “Here, let me help. You start with hi.”

She just stood there, looking at me, confused at what I had said, like she hadn't heard me. I was about to repeat myself when her eyes got wide and she looked around like she was scared of something. “You can't be talking to me. Logan will be so mad if he sees you with me.”

I looked around, not seeing Logan anywhere. “I don't see him, so I'm sure it's safe to talk.”  I looked back at her, only to see her still looking around. “Hey, it’s okay, the last time I saw him, he was inside rubbing up against some girl.” The look on her face just dropped.

“Oh.” Was

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