» Romance » The Murderer And The Human, Shannon Perkins [libby ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Murderer And The Human, Shannon Perkins [libby ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Shannon Perkins

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every time she went down on me; letting out soft whimpers of pleasure. She finally gave up and moaned loudly, riding me faster. We got closer and closer to our climaxes. Beads of sweat formed on our bodies, our breathing became labored. I finally reached mine; moaning as I let out my load inside of her. I felt her body tense up, her orgasm consuming all of her attention. She let out one last loud moan and collapsed on my hot body.
“I love you, baby.” I said to her. I brushed her hair back from her face.
“Love you too.” She got up and kissed me quickly. She walked up the stairs and left me lying there totally exposed and sweaty.
“You know, I heard everything.” The new girl said as she smiled wickedly at me. She had gotten free of her chains and had made her way up the stairs.
I hissed at her, got up, and stood directly in front of her. She stared at my naked body, interested by the muscles on me. I grabbed her face tightly and narrowed my eyes at her. I punched her in the face, bruising her cheekbone. She fell to the ground crying in agony. I drew back my right leg and kicked her down the stairs. I jumped down them, not bothering to climb down them. I picked her up by the hair and slammed her against the wall, right by her spot. I chained her up once more. I looked up to find her face inches from mine. I felt her hot breath on my face; her eyes were closed, covering her jade green eyes. I got up slowly and looked at her once more, then said the words I thought I would never say to a human before.
“I’m sorry.” I murmured to her. She smiled in approval. This would be the start of a new friendship.

“So I take it, vampires don’t like humans… Right?” The new girl, AKA Jessa asked. Somehow, she was turning out to be my favorite.
“Well, some vampires like humans. I am a vampire who does not. Nevertheless, with you… it is different.” I said to her. I sat in front of her and looked in her eyes. I never thought I would be doing this with a human. But two months after she arrived, she had changed me.
“Do you hate me?” She asked in an off tone.
“No, you are the only human in this world that I like.” I smiled a dashing smile at her and she blushed.
“And, you, Aaron, are the only vampire I like.”
“There’s something about you that just attracts me to you.” I got closer to her and toughed her warm, pale skin. She flinched away, but then returned the touch. She smiled shyly at me and looked down. I held her soft, hand with mine and looked at her lovely face. She looked up and looked me in the eyes; she leaned in closer, close enough where I could feel her hot breath on my face. I took my free hand and cupped her face, leaning in closer until our lips met. I could hear her heart pounding faster, her blood racing through her veins. She pulled back slowly, debating whether to kiss me again. She sat back again, looking me in the eyes.
“I’m sorry.” She said slowly. There was a hint of fear in her eyes.
“It’s okay. I wanted to.” I said to her. I smiled at her and took her hand in mine again.
“What are we now? There is no possible way we can be a couple…”
“We are a secret couple.”
“Aren’t you dating someone?” She tilted her head to the side.
“She’s nothing but a toy to me.” I replied dryly.
“We could never be together, Aaron.” She whispered; her eyes grew big and I could see the sadness in them.
“We could try.” I murmured to her, kissing her hand softly.
“Aaron that would be fucking impossible and dangerous. I love it.” She smiled widely at me and kissed my cheek.
I took her face in my hands and kissed her softly, my hands roaming her lovely curves. She threw her arms around my neck, leaning in closer to me. I held her tightly, nibbling on her bottom lip. She pulled away and nuzzled my neck. I held her, never wanting to let her go. She looked at me, smiling softly.
I smiled back, noticing that her eyes got big and she was staring past me and towards the basement stairs. I turned to see what she was looking at; it was Tyler. I got up quickly, dropping Jessa to the ground and stood in front of her.
“Holy shit, man!” Tyler yelled.
“Tyler! Keep it down!” I ran up to him and punched him square in the nose.
“You’re dating a human.” He stated; shocked by the scene he’d just witnessed.
“Don’t tell Ares.” I hissed at him.
“You’re fucking kidding, right? Of course I’m gonna tell him! If he finds out I have been keeping this he will murder me!” He backed away slowly, mouthing the word “Traitor”. He ran up the stairs, slamming the door behind him. I walked up to Jessa and picked her up, embracing her tightly. The other human stared at us with shock, maybe even envy.
“The only way we can save ourselves is if you change me.” She said to me.
“Jessa, it’s complicated.” I replied to her.
“No its not!” She scoffed.
“Jessa, it’s painful and I don’t think changing you would be the best idea.”
“Why not?”
“Because, Ares is already on his way down here.” I looked blankly ahead of me, letting the picture of him coming down consume my mind.
“Aaron! I hear him! Change me!” She screeched in my ear. I jumped at the sudden noise, making her jump as well. I looked in her eyes and kissed her passionately.
“I love you.” I whispered to her before bringing my lips to her neck.
“I love you too. Forever.” She promised. She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.
I kissed her neck before ending her human life. I bit down just enough to break the skin, and then focused all of my energy to give her the poison I had never needed to use on anyone. Her fists clenched up and she screamed in agony. I pulled back, emptying myself of the life killing poison. She fell to the floor on her knees, holding her bloody neck, and then collapsed on the floor, unconscious.
“Aaron!” My father roared. He was in front of me before I knew it.
“Father.” I greeted him calmly.
“Traitor!” He hissed at me.
“I am no such thing.” I replied, still calm.
“You dated that thing!” He pointed at Jessa’s unconscious body on the cold ground.
“She is not a thing! She was a living being!” I yelled at him, furious with his remark.
“Well you will pay.” He said, drawing back his arm, punching me in the stomach. I fell back wards onto the floor next to the girl of my dreams.
I got up quickly, heading towards him. I jumped up in the air, kicking him in the face. He drew back a few steps, furious now. He went to punch me but I dodged the attack. I kicked the back of his knees, causing them to give out. He crashed to the ground with a big thump. I crotched down over him, taking a fist full of hair and bashing his face into the concrete. I saw the venom ooze out his mouth, it was as thick as blood. I felt his body go limp; he was unconscious. I took his head in my hands and jerked it to the right, instantly breaking his neck. I turned it to left, making it pop of his neck. I threw his head across the room and sat next to Jessa. She stirred, making a little noise. I shook her gently. Her eyes opened up quickly, ready to ingest the new and defined world around her.

THE END Imprint

Publication Date: 09-29-2011

All Rights Reserved

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