» Romance » Teenage Love, Jade Collins [reader novel .TXT] 📗

Book online «Teenage Love, Jade Collins [reader novel .TXT] 📗». Author Jade Collins

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I mean who needs to know this shit if you ain’t gonna do it when you’re bigger” I did agree with his point but didn’t bother to answer him and just carried on explaining to him. After a while I realized he wasn’t even listening to me and he was day dreaming and then I asked “Is there something more important I’m missing out on that you aren’t listening to me?” “Oh! Uhh... no I’m so sorry you know what how about if I come to your house after school it’ll be easier to concentrate” “ I doubt it but yeah its cool you can come to my house after school “. Very big mistake as i got into the car I told mom about Rick and she said its fine but I noticed dad and her hadn’t talked the whole ride home it was as clear as daylight THEY HAD A FIGHT. To top it off Ruby and Natasha were still fighting with each other on how to sit in the car. I was so embarrassed and I think Rick noticed and whispered in my ear “ Its ok I get embarrassed when a pretty girl like you comes to my house” and I made a small smile. WAIT! Did he just call me pretty after a second of processing that thought in my head I was blushing and my face was a shade darker than a tomato and I hid my face in my hair? The tutoring carried on for the first semester and after the mid-year exams I was so relieved it was finally spring break. Chapter 6 ........ Spring Break

It was the first day of spring break when I was in my room doing nothing. My mom and dad went on a weekend get-away because my mom won two spa treatment tickets and decided to go this weekend, so obviously I was stuck babysitting my sisters luckily for me they only begin waking up at 12 pm and it was only 8 am right now. I was starving so I went downstairs and had breakfast took a shower and went to go and watch television. I was flipping through the channels when there was a knock on my door and it was Rick and his friends (whose names are Kevin and James) I invited them in and Rick refused but asked “Do you want to come to the mall with us?” “Oh, sorry I’m babysitting my sisters” I replied “No it’s cool” he turned around and walked away “let’s go guys come on hurry up”. Spring break went by faster than I expected and before I even got to have fun it was over. My days were mostly spent like my first day but who cares at least there wasn’t any school.

Chapter 7 ........ After Spring Break

It was the first day of school after spring break and after the first period before I left the classroom someone pulled me aside and crashed their lips on mind I wanted to open my eyes and see who it was but I couldn’t because it was so enjoyable, I mean every girl would say that but this guy’s lips were heavenly. I forced myself to push away and saw that it was James and when I noticed someone in the side of my eye I turned around and saw Rick. You could that there was sadness, anger, frustration, jealousy and a lot of other emotions boiling in side of him. I didn’t know what to say or what to do but James ran after him to see what was wrong.


After class I see Justine being pulled back in class so went to go and what was wrong and when I saw James kissing Justine and Justine enjoying his kiss I was shocked slowly the anger, jealousy and all emotions I hadn’t felt before were boiling in me and then they stop and Justine notices me. She looks shocked to see me but I just walk away then I hear James running after me and calling my name so I stop and look at him.” What’s wrong? Why are so pissed?” “Because Justine is mine I told you I liked her from the first day I saw her” and after I said that I didn’t what got into me but I just punched him. Everyone was staring at me and James and then I got so frustrated I just walked out.

Chapter 8 ........ The truth comes out

Justine’s POV

After Rick came out of the principal’s office I asked him “what’s wrong?” he sighed then started explaining “remember the first day I saw in the office I couldn’t keep my eyes off you, you were so beautiful and then when the teacher assigned you next to me I couldn’t help but hate the teacher for doing it because I knew I was going to be so nervous around you but after I got to know you better it just seemed like everything is the way it’s supposed to be. Now when I saw you with James my heart just dropped and I got really but I didn’t know why and then I realized that I had fallen for you.” We were quiet while I was processing these thoughts and then I smile and hug Rick as tightly as possible. Oh man I’ve only dreamt of him saying that now he was here and he liked Me.” finally I was really scared to tell you how I feel but now that said it first I feel the same way.” Then Nina comes up to me from behind Rick and smacks me across the face she only came a second ago so she didn’t hear what Rick had said and after she slapped me she said” how dare you steal my man away from me!” before I could even open my mouth Rick turned around and said “ how dare you hit her and when was I ever yours I never liked you I’ve always liked Justine not you haven’t you noticed!?” now you could see the tears building up in her eyes and she just ran towards the bathroom with her friends trying to console her by saying mean nasty stuff about me. I looked at Rick and all of a sudden Rick kisses me in front of everybody and we only stop because the teacher pulls us apart when she came out to see what the commotion was.

Chapter 9 ........ Mine Only

The next day when I got to school I went to my locker to put my books away and suddenly someone grabs me by the waist and turns me around obviously its Rick “hey babe looking gorgeous today” a blush little and he notices so he whispers in my ear “you don’t have to blush anymore and act shy around me “and he kisses me on the cheek than kisses me on the than the bell rings he pulls away and we walk to class together, holding hands. Every time I walked past Nina she always sneered at me but only when Rick wasn’t there, when he was there she always tried to persuade him to leave me and go out with her. One day she came in front of Rick and me and told Rick “Why are you even going out with this whore all she does is flirt with guys” I got so angry I retaliated “ the only whore here is you and you’re just pissed at me because you weren’t Ricks type and he chose me instead of you!” when she heard that she smacked me and to my advantage the teacher came in the hall at that time and saw her smack me and took her straight to the principal’s office. She looked back at me and I mouthed to her “mines only” while holding Rick with a smirk on my face and she just burst in to a fit with tears and disappeared around the halls corner with the teacher.


Chapter 10 ......... The Date

The next day Rick came up to me “hey babe, you doing

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