Operation: Loser, C. Joyce & Jessica Pham -or- Jessica Pham & C. Joyce [best motivational books for students TXT] 📗

Book online «Operation: Loser, C. Joyce & Jessica Pham -or- Jessica Pham & C. Joyce [best motivational books for students TXT] 📗». Author C. Joyce & Jessica Pham -or- Jessica Pham & C. Joyce
"Hi, honey. How's school?" my parents asked. I sighed, though it's not like I could tell them. It'd eat away at their souls and they'd want to do something major about it, and I wouldn't want either of those to happen.
"Perfect, as always," I lied to them in the most convincing tone I could muster, "I have homework to do."
"Doesn't the game end at about nine or ten? You're home early, it's only seven thirty-five," My dad asked sternly.
"Yeah, but as I said, I have homework to do," I fed them my lie again, kissed both them on the cheek and raced up to my bedroom.
The weird part is that my bedroom used to be Jake's room. Yeah, I know: talk about weird.
- F L A S H B A C K -
I was sat (used to be) bedroom balcony, seven years old, as I watched the removal people carry beds and the family's belongings into the house next door. A couple came out of a car, along with a cute little boy. His hair was black and he had the dreamiest, brightest blue eyes you'd ever see. Yeah, cute was the right description. My parents hopped out the house to greet them, and so of course I was forced to accompany them.
"Hello, we're the Willows! I'm Chase, and this is my wife, Arlene," Dad introduced us to the strangers who would soon be our neighbors.
Mom took my hand, pulling me out from my hiding spot behind her, "and this is our daughter Chloe."
"Nice to meet you, too, we're the Marshalls," the man chuckled, "I'm Jacob and this here is my wife Kaylee, not to mention our little boy Jake."
Jake's mom, Kaylee, interrupted him. "I must say, your daughter is just a plain cutie! How old is she?" the woman questioned, directing the question to me.
"She just turned seven," Mom answered on my behalf, as I had shied away to try and hide behind her again.
The Marshalls stared at each other in surprise and some kind of happy shock. "Jake is seven, too! Maybe they can have a play date?"
“We would love that!" My parents answered happily, not even bothering to check how I felt about that. Jake's face went all red; I don't know whether he was blushing or if he was upset.
"I don't want to play with a girl!" he said indignantly. So he was upset. His parents looked pretty pissed off at his outburst.
Kaylee kneel down to my height, "I'm so sorry about him," she said in a angel like voice.
"It's okay," I replied with my girly little voice, and I reached out, taking his thin little arm. He held quite a fight but since he knew he couldn't punch a girl, I won. I somewhat tortured him for what he had said earlier, by making him play Barbie with me. Surprisingly, he did as I told him too, though he was still pretty mad at me for making him play with dolls.
"I like you," I decided, "I'm gonna call you Jace!"
Jake just muttered a "whatever" in reply.
Those past few years were pretty good. Jake was always there for me, no matter what. He'd listen to my boy troubles, even though he hated it with passion, he'd hug me while I cried, and protected me from bullies. Bullies, such as the rich ginger girl known as Brittney Kingsley.
This time I really needed him. Why? Because my family was broke and the bank was kicking us out of our house. Again, why? Because my dad lost his job to... Jake's mom. That's right: his family was rich now, and mine was poor.
"Mom, I'm going to the park to see Jake!" I shouted, my hand on the doorhandle, ready to go.
"Okay, sweetie, stay safe!" she called in reply from upstairs, probably packing.
As I closed the door I replied, "I will!"
The park was just a quick five minute walk away. Upon reaching it and not seeing Jake, I took a seat on one of the swings to wait for him.
"Well, well, well. Look who we have here, a rat
” I froze at the sound of the icy, mocking voice. It was Brittney.
“L-le-leave me al-alone!” I stuttered, unable to speak clearly.
Brittney just fake gasped at me, "whoa, I'm so scared I'm peeing my pants!" Her 'friends' laughed along with her as she beat me up to a pulp. I lay on the cold, hard ground, knowing that my skin was already bruising.
Then I heard a voice saying, "leave Chloe alone, Brittney." I looked up to see Jake: my knight in shining armor. Wow, I watch to many Korean dramas. Hey, don't judge me, they're plain addicting!
"Jake!" I shouted. Brittney looked at me with a smirk as I yelled his name, transforming it into a genuine smile as she switch her gaze to look back at Jake.
"So, you're the famous Jake Marshall? Wow, you're really hot," she purred lustfully. I was disgusted by how two-faced she was. "Why don't we just ditch that loser and have some F-U-N?"
Jake stared at me, and then back to Brittney, weighing up his options. Really? He's thinking about choosing a two-faced bullying slut over me, his best friend of seven years?! I tried to signal to him with my eyes, sending a message of 'please don't do this to me.' A second later, he offered Brittney his right arm, who gladly took it. As she walked away, she sent me another smirk: this one of self-satisfaction, pride and pure evil. As for Jake, his eyes held a message of "I'm so sorry" as Brittney's minions continued beating me up.
As they did so, one of them said to me, "did you actually think he'd like you? I mean, really. He's a hunk, and, you... You're just an ugly loser."
That day, I lost my best and only friend.
That day, I learnt the word "betrayal."
- F L A S H B A C K O V E R -
*Edited By LadyBlahBlah aka Amy on Wattpad*
~Jake's POV.~
"Bye man!" Nate pounded my back.
"Don't forget the game tonight." He reminded me.
"Dude. How can I possibly forget?" I asked.
"True." he admitted. I was the running back for the football team. He was our quarter back. And also my best friend since freshman year. Together, we ruled the school with our girlfriends.
Nate suddenly looked past my shoulder and smirked. "C' ya’." he waved and jogged to his car where he met up with his girlfriend and they both drove off.
Arms suddenly circled my waist as a seductive voice whispered in my ear, "Hey Jake."
I sighed,
"Hey, babe." She was getting WAY too clingy. Brittney pouted, "What's wrong? Do you want a ‘quickie’ in the car?"
"No." Usually, I would've been in the car, and out of my pants, but I haven't been feeling it lately.
She pouted even more, if that was possible. "Aww, come on. You know you wanna’." She hooked her right leg around my body and trailed her finger up and down my arm slowly. She nibbled softly on my ear lobe.
"I said NO." I roughly pushed her off of me.
Her face twisted into a sneer.
"Fine then." She marched off ‘Harrumphing’ loudly as she shook her hips.
I sighed and ran a hand through my black hair. I unlocked the car and got in. Brittney was TOO clingy. She treated other people like trash, and only cares about herself.
She's a bitch. I don't know why I even went out with her in the first place.
Maybe I should break up with her...
Maybe I should. She doesn't understand what a relationship IS. She thinks that our relationship is just for getting laid. And after that, she can just flirt with other guys shamelessly right in front of me.
No. I'm the commitment type of guy.
That's it. I'm breaking up with her, tonight. I don't care WHAT she does, I just can't stay with her.
The crowd was wild. Almost everyone in the school showed up, everyone was cheering. We were up against our rivals, The Archers. They were undefeated, like us.
I was sweating like crazy. It was hot. I stood behind Nate.
"And... HIKE!" he yelled. He threw the ball at me and I caught it and started running. A few players tried to tackle me, but I brushed them off. Then, this big, buff dude runs up to me and tackles me with all his weight.
I was crushed on the ground underneath him. And let me tell you, he needed a fucking diet.
A whistle was blew and the buff dude got off of me. I laid there, trying to breath again.
I caught my breath and got up. I ran near the benches, where Brittney was.
"How was I?" I asked.
She didn't answer me but pulled me closer and slammed her lips against mine. And out of habit, I kissed her back. I didn't feel anything. Not even a spark. Everyone started 'awe'ing’ and that's when I snapped back to reality. I shoved her away from me and wiped the back of my hand across my mouth and spitting on the ground beside me. Who knew where her mouth could've been!
Her face was like an open book, she was disgusted. I walked away from her and the whistle blew again.
I ran back on the field and continued playing the game.
The score was now 4- 6, the four being us and six being the other team. It was down to a few seconds. And they scored a touchdown. We'd lost. My team mates hung their heads as they walked off the field.
"Hey, it's ok guys! We did our best!" I complemented, trying to cheer them up.
"YOU GUYS SUCKED. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU TODAY MARSHALL?" The coach yelled. So loud that his veins were sticking out of his neck. Shut up. I tried my best, dickhead.
This happens all the time. The coach never picks on Nate. He always yells at ME. Even though Nate was the QB. I lost interest and looked around for Brittney. Guess where I found her? ON NATE'S FUCKING LAP! My nose flared as I marched over to where they were and shoved Nate, causing him to fall off the bench
"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Brittney shrieked. I just stood there, taking it all in and waited for Brittney to shut her pothole.
".... AND I
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