» Romance » Found me, Kate [book recommendations for young adults .txt] 📗

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/> “Madeline can I talk to you alone,” Noah asked me and I nodded. He took my hand and led me away from everyone else. Once we where alone in an abandoned room he didn’t let go but stood there probably mastering up words to say to me.

“Um, this will sound very odd and unbelievable but I’m a werewolf,” he said unsure and dropped my hand. I took his hand in mine and hugged him, I know werewolves already.

“Well considering my father is a werewolf, I believe you,” I told him about to pull but from the hug back he only pulls me back in and hugs me tighter.

“Wait why are you telling me this,” I questioned sort of scared of what the answer might be. He opened his mouth then closed it twice. This can’t be good I told myself.

“You’re my mate,” he confessed after a moment of silence. I stood there unsure of both what a mate is and if it was bad or not. He saw my unsure look and took a deep breath.

“Just think soul mates, means your meant for each other, only that we are exactly that made for each other and only for each other.” I let out a confused breath and looked at him he looked like he was telling the complete truth.

“Okay,” I said still somewhat unsure. I was about to talk again when Noah’s lips crashed onto mine. I responded to him by kissing back and wrapping my arms around his neck, while he wrapped his around my waist.
chapter two

He pushed me against the wall and continued to crash his lips against mine sending sparks coursing through me. His tongue ran across my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gave, his tongue meet mine halfway and the sparks only flared up even more. Playing with the hair at the nape of his neck I noticed how much I was enjoying this. Hadn’t I just meet him, I thought to myself unsure. I don’t care, I argued with myself and pulled Noah closer to me. We continued to kiss until I heard a throat clear. Pulling away from Noah I turned my head to see Bambi grinning widely. I heard Noah sigh and I internally laughed but waited for Bambi to talk.

“Your turn in the ring Madeline,” she told me keeping herself from squealing in happiness.

“Who am I going against,” I heard Darren’s voice call and I froze. Looking over at Bambi I pushed her towards the ring with wide eyes.

“What’s wrong Madeline, are you afraid,” Darren asked leaning against the rope grinning at me. Scowling at him I walked and jumped up to the ring. Shaking my head I starred at the ground, why does he always do this, I asked myself. The announcer called our names and everyone ran over to watch, the two best boxers in a match. Woo, I thought to myself sarcastically.

“Why do you look so bum,” Darren questioned his voice high pitched and sarcastic.

“Pardon me for my lack of excitement but I’m not entirely thrilled,” I answered and shook hands with him. Wiping my hand on my shorts I heard Bambi’s laugh. Darren lost his grin and was now mad, the ref counted to three and when he got out of the way Darren tried to hit me. I dodged it and kicked him in his side. Growling he swung at me again, and yet again I dodged it. Yawning I was bored of him, he tries and tries to take me down. Punching me in the stomach he pulled back his hand and held it. Holding my stomach, I watched as he shook off the pain. I wondered when he was going to give up like he usually did halfway through the fight. Below the ring I heard Noah asking why I disliked Darren so much, Bambi just whispered I don’t know or something like that. Shaking my head I concentrated back on the fight and dodged Darren strike straight towards me.


Publication Date: 11-27-2011

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