» Romance » Clio, Jessica A [best story books to read txt] 📗

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for some reason

"I have news"


"were moving"

"WHAT" I felt like I had just been stabbed with a knife- a very sharp knife. I had heard that phrase in books about getting that feeling, and I just now realised what it truly felt like

"your dad kinda lost his job today"

"you mean were moving back now?"

"no, not yet"
     "so he just got fired?"

"no he went from senior manager to something we dont know yet"
     I didnt reply, I couldnt. I didnt know who or what went wrong. I didnt want to go back to Canada. I had something here. I had people who loved me here and I was just expected to leave it all?

I ran into the bathroom as soon as I got home and dialed Meg. I told her this and started crying really hard.

"what! so your just moving?!?!"
     "yes" I choked out between sobs


"I dont know, but it all depends on what job my dad gets and if he likes it."

"they cant do that!"

"I know"

"my life would be horrible without you... empty!"

"my life would too Meg, I just dont know"

"are you going to tell the others?"

"No, last time I did in October DJ spread it around school, just by telling one kid"
   We thought we were gonna leave in October, but we decided not to, and when I told DJ it was spread around school and everyone was bidding me there goodbyes.

"Ok then, its just between me and you.
    "yea" i had stopped crying, but my eyes were red and my voice was hoarse.

"Im gonna go now, get something to eat."

"okay, good luck."

"thank you"

and with that I ended the call.



Chapter 5

The next day I tried my best to act normal, but deep down I was hurting, hurting more than anyone could see or stop. I acted bored and like I just didnt care about what was gonna happen next. But inside I was horrified. I had grown to love it in this small town. Many people didnt like small towns, and had usually grown up in them and had dreamed of moving to a bigger one ever since. But not me. I had grown up in a big town, but never dreamed big or small. I never dreamed at all. I never dreamed there was a life beyond strict parents, strict teachers, a strict school. I never dreamed I would fall in love. I never dreamed I would have freinds. I just never dreamed. It was just boring Canada where nothing big happened despite its big crowds. 

I dont know how my parents could do this. Take me from my hurting and move me somewhere else. Somewhere where I could start fresh and start a new life, and after I did start a new life and actually liked it, They just had to snatch it from me. Like snatching a toy from a baby . Only this was not as simple as snatching a toy. 

Back in Canada lived my grandmother. The worst grandmother. She would always make me feel down. She had to shove in my face that I was fat, she had to shove in my face I was ugly, she had to shove in my face that I wasnt smart.

She used to call me fat more than anything, and since I lost so much weight and now I was perfectly skinny (thank puberty) she couldnt call me fat anymore, because I wasnt. I was thin now. 

She was the main reason I didnt want to move back. I didnt want to go back. I liked it here. I loved it here.


Chapter 6

It was now the end of february and I was still waiting. School was horrifying. Starting out with Mrs. Smith who had a sub cuz she was pregnant and decided not to come back since the baby was born. So we were stuck with Mrs. Moore. She wasnt that bad. I had her first and second period. Today something weird happened in that class. Jake- who usually never got out of his seat, or talked to anyone came up to me asking if I wanted to correct his paper. I said sure. But I found it kinda weird. We hadn't talked much since last year when we had Home Ec. together or over the phone. I didnt take it as a big deal, but I probably should have. I didnt tell anyone either. The rest of the day was the same. Once I got home I asked my mom when we were moving. 

"I dont know yet. Your dad should know by today.

The next few hours didnt seem to pass by enough. Which was shocking because time had been passing by way too fast since we moved here. Mostly because I was waiting for some sort of miracle to happen and some super attractive guy to love me. 

 My dad came home that day shortly after 5:30 

"hey dad"

"hi, how was school?"


"what did you do in math?"
He was clingy like that. Most kids got all the freedom they liked on weekends. But not me. I was stuck studying math with my dad.  

"uhhh triangles" I usually said something absolutely random like that

" did you find out anything?"

"no why? you wanna move back?"

my parents were also like that. They needed to know everything and said crap about everyone. They always made fun of what I said too.

"I dont care"

"okay then, can you go study now?"



I rolled my eyes. I was used to it. He always took my phone, then would give it back, then would take it again. Nothing out of the usual.

I called Meg after, giving her the updates.

I didnt text Jake that night. Which was okay. 
I went to the gym afterwards with my dad. I loved going to the gym. I felt good after working out. It took my mind off all the crap going on in my life.

Chapter 7

The next day was Friday. Then march would start on Monday. My birthday was getting closer too. I was turning 14. Nothing out of the usual happened. Over the weekend my dad made me study (as usual). 

On the weekend I was greeted with quite some news. Meg had gotten a boyfreind. She had met this guy named Devon over this dating website we both created over the summer of 7th grade. I barely ever went on mine. I just didnt want too.

Devon would be her second. She had her first somewhere in 5th grade. He cheated on her. So I was super happy to see her with someone else and she was happy too which was great. But their was one thing. She wasnt all loud and giggles and cheery anymore. She was more serious now. I was okay with that too. I was going to support her no matter what she changed into. I had too. She was always there for me. All my freinds were. 

The day was boring. It went somewhat like this:

1- getting yelled at in reading

2- getting yelled at in language

3- going to gym 

4- standing in the same boring lunch line that takes way to long to get through

5- failing my spanish test

6- getting yelled at in science

7- not doing my work and just playing candy crush the whole time

8- going to home room and playing on my laptop instead of homework

then walking outside to see my mom waiting in the car with my sister.

"soo, how was school?"


"what did you do?"


"guess what"

"your dad found out what job he has"

I sat up straighter "and?"

"he got architect manager"


"he likes it"


"I dont know anything else yet." my mom said "but we do know your staying for the rest of the school year."

I felt part of that weight fall of my shoulder. At least I was promised another 2 and half months. Which is better than nothing. 

Chapter 8

March flew by. I had my science fair and got eliminated on the first round. I dont know why. I thought I did okay. Joyce got eliminated too. I really liked her project.  But DJ was on for the next round. I stayed to support her and she won 5th place. I was happy for her.

Meg had her first kiss. She and Devon met over one weekend and had it there.

I was super happy for her. 

Maryanne and Javen were stilll dating. I was happy for her too. But I was also kinda jealous cuz Javen was super cute. 
And I was still forever alone. 
I talked to my design and modeling teacher about how I was single. I always did. It was just a thing I did. Just a thing.

I had also started dating 6 guys over that dating website. Cuz of this one guy I dated in the beginning of the school year. We barely dated for a day, so it doesnt even count. Plus he cheated on me. For like half a day. Well he was a huge cheater and I wanted to see if I could break his record, and I did. But I

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