» Romance » Care To Dance?, Reylinn Sutcliff [accelerated reader books txt] 📗

Book online «Care To Dance?, Reylinn Sutcliff [accelerated reader books txt] 📗». Author Reylinn Sutcliff

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The First Look

"Why are people so messy? Is it really that difficult to clean up after yourself when you are done eating?" Luka grumbles to herself while cleaning off one of the tables in the diner she works at. She hears a giggle behind her and looks over her shoulder. Luka's best friend, Miku, tries to conceal another giggle with her hand, brushing some of her teal hair out of her face while she sprays some cleaner on the table behind Luka. She looks up and locks eyes with Luka for a second, before they both burst out laughing.

"It's not funny, Miku! People are seriously gross!" Luka says, still laughing lightly.

"Oh, come on, Luka. Lighten up. You work at a diner, for god sakes. Get over the messy people! Because there is a lot of 'em!" Miku says, grinning while she cleans. Luka looks back down at her table, going over it with her rag one last time.

"Yeah, I know. But you would think they would have a little consideration for the people who have to clean up after them." Luka replies, standing up straight and wiping her hands off on her stained, white apron. Miku shrugs and gets back to her work, after one last giggle and shake of the head. Luka walks past her, pulling her long, thick, light pink hair up into a pony tail. She sighs as her bangs fall out and fall around her face. She pushes hair out of her eyes and walked behind the counter.

"Hey, I am going on lunch break, could you handle my shift for about ten minutes?" A girl with short brown hair and a red shirt says, running up to Luka. Luka sighs softly and shrugs.

"Sure Meiko, why not? Not like I have anything better to do, like wait on the people in my section." Luka says. Meiko squeals, obviously not catching Lukas sarcasm.

"Thanks! You're a life saver!" She says, running out of the back door. Luka walks back into the kitchen, rinses her hands at the sink, and then grabs her small notepad. She spots three guys sitting down at Meiko's section and she rushes over to see if they are ready to order. As she walks up, she realizes that one of them is the owner of the famous Italian resturant about a block away. His long purple hair is in it's usual pony tail, and he let's out a deep laugh, apparently finding something that one of his friends said humorous. Luka takes a deep breath, then walks up to the table.

"Hello, my name is Luka, and I will be your waitress! Can I get you something to drink?" She asks in the fake, peppy voice she uses with customers. Two of the guys quickly order beers, barely glancing at Luka, but the man with the purple hair stares at Luka, a look of awe playing across his face.

"Sir? May I get you something?" Luka repeats, her phony smile faltering. 'Jeez, this guy is kinda creepy.' Luka thinks to herself.

"My name is Gakupo, and I would be honored if you could get me a Cola, please." He says. His voice is deep, soothing, and soft. The other two guys give Gakupo weird looks, their features twisted into confusion.

"Yo, Gakupo. You okay buddy? What's with the whole 'I would be honored' thing? She's just a waitress. You don't even know her." One of the guys, a man with dark blue hair and a matching scarf, says. Gakupo faces his friend and sighs.

"S-sorry.... I must have lost myself for a second." He says. Gakupo looks back at Luka.

"A Cola, please." A light blush brushes across his face, and Luka finds herself smiling.

"Two beers and a Cola, coming right up." She says, turning on her heel. She walks behind the counter and into the kitchen, walking towards the fridge in the back.

"Oh. My. Goodness. Who in the world is the hottie at the table you are waiting?" Miku whispers loudly, running up behind Luka.

".....which one?" Luka asks.

"The one with the dark blue hair!" Miku replies. "I am gonna have to get his number." She says, talking more to herself than to Luka. Luka rolls her eyes and grabs two beers and a Coca Cola, placing them on a tray. She grabs the tray and walks out of the kitchen and back behind the counter. She sets the tray on the counter top and leans over the counter, staring at the guy with the purple hair. Gakupo.

".......You like Gakupo, don't you?!" Miku says, her voice getting all high pitched. Luka's face gets red, and she shakes her head.

"Absolutely not. He creeps me out a little." She says indignantly Miku smiles.

"He likes you. It was obvious. Ask him out!" Miku urges Luka. Luka sighs heavily and picks up her tray.

"No. He is rich. Popular. And way better than me. He doesn't like me. He just thought I was hot. Most guys do. That's all they ever see." Luka says. "Now, I have to go give them their drinks."

Luka walks out from behind the counter, leaving Miku alone with her day dreams about the blue haired man. She makes her way over to the table and bites her lower lip. I don't like him. Do I? No. I just met him. But maybe..... Luka fights with herself in her head all the way to the table. The blue haired one and the other one- who was blonde- take their drinks thankfully. Gakupo takes his drink, and when Luka starts to pull away, he grabs her by the wrist. His hand is warm, and Luka feels goosebumps spring up all over her body.

"May I ask you a question?" He asks.




(A/N: I feel as though this chapter was slightly lame. *sighs* Way to start off a fanfiction. But everyone who proffread it said it was great so.... leave me reviews in the comments and tell me what YOU think. Thanks for reading, guys~ Chapter Two should be out within the next day or two.

Disclaimer: I do not own Vocaloid, Miku, Luka, Gakupo, Meiko, Kaito, or Len. I just like using them and all other Vocaloids in my fanfictions.)

The Accidental Date

 Luka looks into the violet eyes of the man who just stopped her.

"What is it, Gakupo?" Luka asks, her voice sounding quieter than usual. Oh no. He is going to ask me on a date. I am going to have to break his heart.... or say yes. Luka thinks to herself. She braces herself for whatever comes next.

"Do you have any straws?" Gakupo asks, his eyes wide and innocent. Luka, shocked, laughs nervously.

"S-straws? Oh of c-course we have straws? I mean, who wouldn't have straws at a diner? I'll go get you one, hehe." Luka babbles. Gakupo raises an eyebrow at her, and the blue haired man chuckles, glancing at the blond boy who sits next to him. Luka quickly walks away from them, working her way back to the kitchen, where she leans against a counter and sighs heavily.

"Smooth, Luka. Real smooth." She mutters to herself. Miku skips into the kitchen, then stops when she sees her pink haired friend sighing gloomily.

"I just got the blue haired guys number! His name is Kaito, and he is super dreamy. And I think he likes me! H-hey, something wrong, Luka-chan?" Miku asks, cocking her head to one side. Luka shakes her head.

"I am fine. I have to go figure out what Gakupo, Kaito, and that blond kid want to eat, though, so I can go home and drown myself in anime." Luka says. Miku stops her.

"Wait! You should come to the party I am throwing tonight! Please. I know you don't like parties, but it will be fun. And besides, you need to stop being such an introvert and go make some friends." Miku says. Luka shrugs.

"I..... I don't know. Maybe." Luka says, walking away and leaving her friend behind. She grabs her small notepad and walks back to Gakupo's table.

"Are you ready to order?" Luka asks, looking down at her notebook. When she looks up, though, all the boys have left. She picks up a rather generous tip of thirty dollars and stares at it for a minute.

"Well I'll be...." She whispers to herself. She stacks their cups together, puts her tip in her pocket, and walks back behind the counter. Lost in thought, she sets the cups down in the sink, hangs up her apron, and then grabs her hoodie from the coat-rack by the door. "Okay guys. I'm leaving for the night! Bye!" She yells to her fellow workers. A chorus of "Good-bye's" answer her, and she pushes the door open, walking outside into the cool, autumn air. Then she hops in her car and drives home.






Luka stands in her walk-in closet, her head cocked to one side, her arms crossed, and her face pulled into an expression of deep thought. She decided that Miku was right- she should go to the party.

"What should I wear?" Luka says aloud, flipping through her clothes. Her hand lands on one dress, and she grins. She takes the dress off the hanger, walks back into her room, and slips into it. It is a clingy black dress, with spaghetti straps. It stops right above her knees, and makes her look sexy and classy. She smiles at herself in the mirror and pulls her hair out of the high pony tail that she wears to work and school. Her hair billows down around her, and she brushes a comb through it a few times, smoothing it down. She pulls on a pair of black shoes with a small heel, grabs her jacket, and the runs out the door.

Once safely inside her car, she pulls down the visor, opens the little mirror, and applies black mascara, silver eye shadow, and light pink lipstick. She puts the visor back in place, and then heads to the party.






"Oh my gosh, Luka! I didn't think you would come! You look amazing!" Miku announces the moment she opens the door. She wears a teal party dress with a black sash around the waist. Luka smiles graciously and nods.

"You look like a million dollars, as well, Miku!" She says, stepping inside. The music is loud, with bass that practically shakes the house. The house has very dim lighting, with many colored strobe lights that flash on and off repeatedly. Luka walks over to a table that has assorted snacks and drinks on it and picks up a Cola can, popping it open and taking a long drink. Meiko walks up next to her, wearing a very short red dress and drinking what Luka believes to be a bottle of sake.

"Oh Luka. I wanted to..... I wanted to th-thank you for taking my sh-shift today. You're a great friend, you kn-know." Meiko says, some of her words slurring together. She is obviously intoxicated already, and Luka hides a smile with her hand.

"Ah, it was nothing, dear friend." Luka says, walking backwards, away from the drunk, scantily clad woman. She back up into

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