» Romance » Meant (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [i am malala young readers edition .txt] 📗

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theirs is… uhm, a hydra. Ya know the thing with 8 heads, you cut one off 2 more replace them.” She mumbled out and Sarah looked to Brandon, he looked straight ahead, not seeing his mate. Not seeing anything at all. Sarah took a step forward, her brow furrowed.
“Do you know how to defeat one?” She asked lowly, trying to keep her anger out of her voice. She was angry about tons of things, one of the things was their predicament. A hydra?! A fucking hydra? Could they not get a break for like ten fucking seconds?!
“Uhm.. yeah. I’ll, uh, show you. Just, please… don’t freak out and start going wolf on me. Ok?” She asked shakily and Sarah nodded, not understanding. Valerie took a deep breath and chanted something under her breath. Slowly her body began to change. Her body pulled in every which way and her chanting became louder by the second. Her hands became bigger, scaly, her neck expanded and twisted. Little pollops sprouted from her long neck that quickly grew into heads. Soon she stood there, looking down at all the wolves with wide blue green eyes. Her scales were the color of a winter snow and her body was bigger than the biggest dragon Sarah had ever seen in her life. 16 eyes blinked down at them and two talons rested on the earth. She lifted one ginormous paw and wrapped it around second from the center to the right.
“Right here, this is where you attack. Their aren’t a lot of scales on this neck, so it’ll be easy for you to tear through. A couple of yanks with your jaws should, at least, dislocate it. This bone is like your spines, yank on that, the whole body is practically useless.” Her voice was still her own, it hadn’t changed in any way. It still was weird to hear such a small voice from such a big thing. Carol nodded and visibly gulped.
“You can turn back now.” Sarah whispered, part from fear and part from awe, her voice just wouldn’t come to her. The heads nodded and Valerie chanted again and her body morphed down into… Valerie again. She shook her head and smiled sweetly at Carol.
“Hope I helped.” She said cheerily and backed into the pack, who stared at her with the same amount of awe and fear as Sarah had.
“You definitely did something.” Brandon mumbled and walked back in the house.
‘I’m sorry, I just can’t.’ He whispered through the pack bonds.
‘It’s ok, we understand.’ Sarah told him then looked to Carol. She frowned but turned back to the pack. They had training to do and Valerie might just be able to help them with it.

Valerie couldn’t be much help, sadly, seeing as the pack couldn’t really practice on her. They wouldn’t want to kill someone who had inside access to what the Fey could do and did. So they had to settle for hand to hand combat. Sarah and Carol had to peer the pack mates with others they knew they couldn’t stand. Made the practice effective. During their peering Brandon had decided to grace them with his presence, though he did look like he had been crying. He sent a small look to Thomas who inclined his head shortly. In the movement Sarah’s eye caught something on his face and furrowed her brow.
‘Are you… are you wearing make up?’ she asked him through the pack bond and he sent her a sharp glare.
‘No, I am not.’ He replied curtly and she held her hands up and went back to peering.
“And Brandon and Valerie.” Carol said and walked off, making sure everybody went with who they were supposed to go off to. Brandon narrowed his eyes lethally and started to go after her, his hands clenched in tight fists. Sarah stepped in front of him.
“No, it is for the best-“ she said bracing her hands in front of her in a non threatening way.
“For the best my ass! I can’t be with her-“ He growled under his breath, his eyes turning to a dark amber. He hadn’t let his wolf out in a while. That was never good.
“What’s so bad about being with me?” Valerie asked, her voice low and airy. His head shot to hers, his gaze burning through hers with intensity.
“There’s nothing bad about being with you sweety, he’s just temperamental. Ya know, wolves.” Sarah said, ready to step in between the two need be. Valerie’s eyes shot to Sarah’s and narrowed dangerously.
“Don’t call me sweety, you know nothing about me. And he’s not just temperamental there is something seriously wrong with him. But I don’t care, because this is not about him. He cannot pick and choose his battles. This one is coming, whether he likes it or not, so he will be sparring with me and he will not be acting like a bitch in heat about it. K?” She said, looking at him for the last lines. He growled and her eyes narrowed even more, if possible.
“Ok, do you want me to treat you like a dog. Is that what you want? Want me to put a pretty little pink leash on you? Hmm? Would that help the little doggy feel better?” She said tauntingly and Sarah heard Thomas’s laughter through the pack link. Before she could stop him Brandon's hand shot out but Valerie dodged the blow. How she had done that, Sarah wouldn’t know. She barely saw the shot.
“I thought you were fast? Was that false advertisement?” Valerie taunted again and dodged the second blow that Brandon had tried to give. What the hell, her wolf said. Sarah seconded that thought. He was fast, the fastest out of the two packs. How was she, a tiny fey, dodging his attacks as if it was as easy as drinking water?!
“Because she was made for him,” She heard Rosa say in her mind “She’s his equal in every way.”
“Brandon-“ Sarah tried to say bit was shushed by someone through the pack link. She furrowed her brow and looked around, seeing that they had a full audience. She looked back to the pair who now seemed to be in a staring contest… not good when it came to wolves.
“I’d really stop talking if I were you Valerie-“ Sarah said, stepping in front of Brandon and looking down at the small half breed.
“But you’re not me, so don’t tell me what to do. I’m just trying to be a good person and help you guys win this thing but miss priss over here won’t take his thong out of his ass and let me help him!” Valerie yelled. Her normally sky blue eyes darkening to a dangerous navy blue.
“Oh! Now you want to help! You’ve been killing my kind for years, but now you’ve decided to help! Thank you for your kind consideration to the species of the wolves!” Brandon yelled back.
“I’ve never killed anyone. I’ve only tried to help, that was the only thing I could do!” She shrieked, puling at her blond hair. Suddenly Sarah felt uncomfortable standing between them and carefully eased out.
“You fixed broken toys, then gave them back to the kids who broke them. That is all you did. And for you to stand there and act like you’ve actually done shit is absolutely amazing!” He roared and she clenched her teeth closed.
“You mean nothing to me, I don’t even know why I’m even trying to prove myself to you. You wanna die, you go ahead. I’m just gonna go find a new partner.” She said, once again becoming a timid mouse. Sarah furrowed her brow slightly and sighed deeply.
“Everybody eyes on your partner! Think of everything you hate about each other and attack!!” Sarah yelled out boringly and walked away from Brandon, who stood there by himself watching after his mate who looked for someone else to help.

“Did I forget to tell you that you and Drew were partners?” Carol asked, still fighting one of the teenage guys. She grabbed him by the nape and slammed his face into her lifted knee and let him slide into unconsciousness on the hard dirt.
“Uhm yeah, you did!” Sarah whisper yelled and Carol shrugged and kicked her partner in the stomach lightly. Sarah rolled her eyes and walked to him, she didn’t even need to look for him. She felt him, always.
“Let’s just get this over with, ok?” she heard him sigh and she let out the first strike. It hit him hard in the abdomen but he rolled with it and kicked her in the back of her calves making her stumble but she stopped herself. Her wolf growled in Sarah’s mind and she back handed Drew hard across the face and took advantage of his crumpled form as he held his injured cheek. Jumping off the ground she kicked him in the back, not hard. Just enough so that he fell to the ground. He pushed himself off the ground and used his legs to lash out and trip her to the ground. She fell on her back but rolled to her side, moving out of the way of his quickly descending elbow. She growled under her breath and rolled over elbowing him in his shoulder and smirking at his slight grunt. She quickly got off the ground and pushed, yes pushed him, to the ground in a final act of defeat.
“That the best you got sweetheart? Finally weakening?” He quipped and flipped himself up. She closed her eyes and took an earth shattering sigh, gathering up all emotions and letting it flow through her. She jumped off the ground and kicked him in the jaw, feeling, rather than hearing, his jaw dislocate under the force. She landed on top of his chest and punched him in the face, repeatedly. She didn’t even care that she felt his pain, didn’t care that she was crying. She just… couldn’t find it in her to care anymore. Chapter 18

It took more than five people to get her off of him, but that was only because all of the fight had gone out of her and she’d practically sagged into her restrainers. Drew hadn’t tried to fight her off, knowing she needed to let it out, because if she hadn’t… things could’ve worse. He was currently sporting a rather nice black eye, a few cuts and scrapes, some missing teeth and a dislocated jaw. It would all heal, in time, but the process would be extremely painful. Not as much pain as she had felt when he broke her heart into millions of pieces and lied to her… but it was close. That was all she could ask for. She stretched her hand and sent Drew a disgusted look, right before she turned and walked into the house.
“You can’t just beat him up every time he does something you don’t like. What’d he do anyway?” Molly said, sidling up next to her.
“It’s not my lie to tell, why don’t you ask him about his hometown.” Sarah bit out, trying to sound as cold as possible. She couldn’t be around Molly right now she was about to break down and she wanted no one around her.
“You can’t make me turn tail and run, I’m

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