» Romance » Wish, H.R. Davison [historical books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Wish, H.R. Davison [historical books to read txt] 📗». Author H.R. Davison

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through my muscles causing me to twitch in anticipation of a fight. Instinct kicks in, jumping from the bed I walk in the direction of the voice.


Laughter erupts from the corner. I know that voice. I stop moving and speak. “Armaros, why are you here?” Angers boils my blood. Glancing back to the bed I see Kat is still curled up in the position I left her, sleeping. Good, let her sleep. I ball my hands into fists. This has my mother’s name all over it.


“DJ.”Armaros says evenly, a hint of amusement in his voice. “Having a good night with your little angel?”


I glance over my shoulder at Kat, still sleeping. “Yes, I am. What do you want?” I say to him, my voice seething with anger.


“Just to check on you.”Armaros says with a wave of his hand. “Your mother, she worries.”


I scoff at the idea of my mother worrying about me. My mother worries only about herself, and her agenda, and as for Armaros, he does not do my mother’s bidding. If anything, it is the other way around. He has an ulterior motive for being here. Wondering what it is I ask him again. “Armaros, why are you here?”


Armaros laughs again, a deep throaty laugh. I turn back to see if the noise has woken Kat, she is still soundly asleep. How is she sleeping through this? “DJ.”Armaros says still chuckling. “You are a clever one. I am here for you. I know what your mother has planned for you and your future, and I am prepared to offer you a deal. My question is… are you prepared to accept?”


What kind of deal would Armaros offer me? Knowing him it is probably not in my benefit. Interested to know all the same I ask. “What deal?”


“Something you want very much indeed DJ. I will give you the potential life you desire, a life with her.” Armaros says pointing at Kat, still sleeping on the bed.


I give Armaros credit, he knows what I want, but at what price? “In exchange for what?” I ask. “I’m already fighting for you.”


“I only ask for one thing.” He says.


“What is it Armaros?” I ask him, ready for him to get to the point already. “Just say it.”


He chuckles again lightly, his blue eyes sparkling in the pale light. “A simple task, I would just ask that you guard a… a very special prisoner. I have it on good authority this prisoner is hatching an escape plan. I need you there… to prevent it, if you can.”


“Done.” I tell him. Prevent a prisoner from escaping, how hard can that be? I would gladly do this one thing if I can get out of fighting in his war. It will be worth it to spend a lifetime with Kat. “Just tell me when.” I move away from him to signal that our conversation is done and he can leave now.


Armaros smiles wickedly, his blue eyes turn dark for a brief moment and then he vanishes, as if he were never there. I get back into the bed next to Kat. Her back is to me. I lie on my side, wrapping my arm around her waist and pull her close to my chest. She mumbles something intelligible, grabbing my hand from her waist and pulling it to her chest. My hand is cradled beneath hers. I fall asleep feeling her heartbeat under my palm.




The sunlight filtering through the curtains of my bedroom window slowly brings me to consciousness. My bed is so warm and comfortable I instinctively keep my eyes closed, putting off the task of getting up and facing another day. A warm arm is curled around my body, making me feel safe and secure. I snuggle back into the body behind me as the arm tightens around me pulling me close to a muscular chest behind me.


My eyes pop open. I don’t remember coming to bed. How did I get here? Who is in bed with me? After a moment of concentrating I remember DJ was over last night, we fell asleep on the couch. He must have carried me to bed, and then decided to stay? Did anything happen? No, no I would remember if anything happened that’s for sure. DJ presses his face to the back of my head, burrowing into my loose hair, inhaling deeply. “Mmm, you smell so good.”


I smile to myself. He is so perfect. I roll over on my back and turn my head to face him. “Oh yeah?” I say teasingly.


“Yeah.” He replies, moving his nose from my hair down to my ear. He trails light kisses from my ear down to my neck. “You taste good too.” He mumbles, his hand resting on my waist moves under my shirt.


When his skin comes into contact with my bare stomach I feel an electric pulse run through me, jolting my hips up, he rubs his palm over my naked skin up to my ribcage, still grazing my neck with light kisses. I feel my pulse quicken, my body is crying out for more. I want him to touch me everywhere, kiss me everywhere. He seems to be more than willing to oblige my unspoken request.


His mouth moves from the side of my neck to the front, he pulls himself over the top of me. I run my fingers through his tangled hair pulling his face to my own, rocking my hips up so our lowers halves meet. He groans under his breath, his mouth still on mine. He uses one hand to support his weight, the other tugs at the band of my sweatpants.


Do I want this, so soon? My body cries out for more, but my mind is racing with reasons to stop this madness. Oh God, I want him, all of him. Before I can consent to his desire my phone screams to life with Father of Mine by Everclear, the personal ringtone I have set for my dad. “That’s my dad. “I whisper. “I have to get that.” He groans with agitation and flops back onto the bed with an exaggerated sigh.


I grin at him in apology as I get up from the bed and grab my phone from the table, fixing my tousled clothes as I walk out of the room to speak with my dad. “Hey daddy!” I say answering the phone. I talk to my dad for a while, telling him everything here is fine. School is going well, I still have my A average, Andy is being a perfect nanny. I ask him how things are going there. He drones on for a while about insects and the heat. After about fifteen minutes of chatting we tell each other we love one another and end the call.


I walk back into the room to find DJ in the same exact position I left him in, sprawled on his back with his arms over his head. His eyes are closed when I walk in, but a smile breaks out across his face as he hears me enter the room. “Took you long enough.” He says with amusement in his voice.


“Sorry.” I say sitting on the edge of the bed. “But I haven’t talked to my dad all week…”


Interrupting my sentence, he grabs me by the waist and tosses me onto my back with a wicked laugh. “Where were we?” He coos into my ear, making me giggle. “Oh yeah I remember…” He pulls my shirt up, revealing my bare stomach, his free hand rests playfully at the band of my pants and his mouth trails burning kisses across my bare middle. “Was this where I was...” He mumbles.


“DJ!” I shriek, giggling like mad. “Stop, stop, I need to get up! I promised Lilli I would go shopping with her today.”


“But isn’t this more fun?” He asks, his mouth moving over my bare stomach. “Why would you want to go shopping anyway?” He says using one hand to massage my inner thigh. Every time his hand brushes the point where my legs come together I feel a rush of desire course through my body. Of course that is exactly what he wants. “I promise you will have more fun here… “He continues to taunt, “With me.” His fingers curl around the band of my sweats pulling, my breath catches in my lungs.


“DJ…” I moan. I don’t know if it is in protest or longing. I can feel him smile against my bare skin. My heart is hammering in my chest and my skin is heating up under his warm hand that is still rubbing my inner thigh. My thoughts are racing. I want him so badly I can feel the ache through my whole body, but my head is screaming at me to stop.


“Kat… I want you…” He coos, his warm breath blowing on my smooth skin. My hand rests casually in his shoulder, squeezing each time his soft lips touch my bare midriff. “But I want you to be ready. “Am I ready? I don’t know. I want to be with him, but at the same time I want him to know me, the real me, before we consummate our relationship.


My phone screams out for attention, causing both of us to pause in our actions. “It’s Lilli.” I say, recognizing the personalized ringtone I had set for her. “I should get this.”


DJ sighs in annoyance, getting up from the bed. He picks his shirt up from the floor and puts it on as I answer the phone breathily. “Hey Lilli.”


“Hey girl!” Lilli says cheerily. “We still on for some shopping today?”


“Yup, sure thing. Want to meet at the mall or ride together?” I ask, following DJ as he stomps down the stairs.


“I can pick you up, ready to go in about an hour?” Lilli asks.


“Yeah.” I reply sourly as I sit on the sofa, DJ is lacing his boots up, ready to leave.


I end the call with Lilli, turning to DJ I tell him. “Please don’t be mad.”


He walks over to the sofa and plops down next to me. He brushes a stray hair from my face. “I can never be mad at you.”


I can’t stop the grin from spreading across my face. How did I get so lucky? Why is the most perfectly good looking guy in this town interested in me? With his looks and his magic he could have any girl, but he wants me. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him close. “When can I see you again Kat?” He whispers in my ear as we hold each other.


I think about it for a moment. “Is tonight too soon?” I ask coyly, running my fingers through his hair.


“Tonight?” he says with a devilish grin.“Absolutely.” He stands to leave. I feel so cold without him near me. Already regretting the decision to answer the phone instead of being with DJ, I stand to wrap my arms around him once more.


He pulls me in tight and my head rests against his strong chest. I am relaxed by the sound of his heart beating in my ear. He strokes my hair down my back softly. “Kat, I should go, and you need to get ready. I will see you tonight.” He places a

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