» Romance » Dear Edward, Heather Parsons [best way to read ebooks txt] 📗

Book online «Dear Edward, Heather Parsons [best way to read ebooks txt] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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Combat training was something he could always fall back on and seeing this building and noting that there was nothing to prevent whomever was inside to shoot him dead, he hesitated. “If she's in there and you do nothing, your as much to blame.” He said to himself.
Punching the tree next to him, Edward crouched down and thought. The best way to do this would be with numbers but he was by himself. And couldn't risk it by going back into town and getting others. What if in that time Brianna died?
He punched the tree again, feeling the blood run freely from the cuts. But the pain he felt now wasn't from his hand but his heart. It was beating fiercely inside him, his mind screaming everything at once and not making a lick of sense. He needed time to think, time to plan.
The real question was, did he have the time to do that?


Water was splashed in her face, waking her from her dreamless sleep. Brianna's eyes were swollen almost completely shut but she managed to open them enough to see his face.
“What do you think this is, a sleepover? If you close your eyes again I'll make your life so horrible you'll pray for death.” His voice was laced with venom and every word he'd said was truth. She was wasting his time by sleeping and he'd have no more of it.
Brianna tried to reach up and feel her face, wipe the water off were it was burning her but her hands were tied behind her back. Her legs tied in front and she was no longer on the floor but on a bed. Images of horror racked through her, thoughts of what he'd planned to do to her caused her heart to beat erratically in her chest.
“Now that you're awake and have had a chance to look around, the fun shall begin.” He sat down next to her and began rubbing her thigh. Easing his hand up her leg while his eyes stayed focused on her face. He wanted her to scream out, to beg him to stop. Seeing her lower lip tremble only increased his own inner desire.
With his hand now on her inner thigh his gently grazed over the top and went directly to the button of her jeans. Testing her limits, seeing how far she'd let him go before she screamed. He could feel the tension building up inside her and pushed until she screamed out loud.
Edward heard her cries and put caution to the wind, running through the clearing and straight to the front door. His boot kicked hard once, twice before the door opened with a thud. Swinging back and hitting the inside of the wall then swinging back to close. Putting his hand in the middle of the door, Edward pushed it opened and jumped inside. Ready to go to battle with whoever was hurting Brianna.
What he saw inside, caused his stomach to flip and he ran back out and threw up.


“Jesus Christ!” Edward mumbled, trying to keep his footing while taking in deep, steady breaths. Every time he blinked he saw the inside of the cabin and his stomach would twist up again but this time there was nothing left to expel.
His heart sank deep within with dread and dissipation. How could this be? He was only gone for thirty minutes at the most but it looked like years had passed. And the smell, he'd never smelled something that strong before. That's one thing that would never leave him no matter how long he lived.
Gathering what little strength he had, Edward left. Running for the trees he needed to separate himself from that place. And although he'd run far enough into the trees that he couldn't see the cabin anymore his feet wouldn't stop. Down the steep incline to the town that lay not that far below. He had to find help, to find someone who could help him find where Brianna was, someone who cared enough to want to help him. He had to believe that she was still out there, still alive and waiting for help; if he stopped believing he knew his heart would break.
Tripping over loose roots and falling on the harden ground, Edward cursed each and every time. Finally the road came into view and he was thankful but wasn't finished yet. There was still miles to go before he'd even make it to town.
Blood was freely dripping from his numerous wounds but that didn't stop him, the only time he did stop was to catch his breath. And those times were shaky at best.
Sweat was pouring off his forehead causing his shirt to stick to him but regardless he kept on running. For a moment a thought protruded to the front of his mind, he was running for his life. But that was wrong, he was running for hers. To save her life.
The lights all over town were shining brightly and everyone Edward knew were standing in the middle of town. A celebration of some sort was happening which in a way was better. He wouldn't have to look for help when they all were steadily available to him. Thanking the heavens above, Edward stepped out of the shadows and into the bright shining lights. He had to stop for a moment so his eyes could adjust to the brightness.
Lindsey, one of Brianna's dearest and truest friends was the first to see Edward. From a distance he looked just out of breath, maybe because he was walking or running into town. This is what she thought anyway but the closer she was to him the more she saw. And the more unsure she was to be around him.
“Is there something wrong? Edward? What is it?” Lindsey asked. She took a step away not knowing what he'd say and wanting to prepare herself for what it was.
“....police...” he choked on the air as his eyes blinked and he saw his worst nightmare.
“They're escorting Adam. He's alive. Can you believe it, we all thought he died but....” She was getting caught up in the hype again. Rambling on about something as unbelievable and unimaginable yet the look he was giving her stopped her flat.
“....I....need....them...” his hands shook with fear. He didn't care where they were, he needed them now.
“Why? Has something happened?” Lindsey asked trying to steady her own voice.
Lindsey took a step back and then another, clasping her hands over her mouth to keep her fear trapped inside. Her eyes betrayed her, tears gathered around the edges and threatened to spill over.
Hearing her name come out of his mouth and the fear that spilled in around it, terrified her. Lindsey's arms began shaking and then her legs and her cries could no longer be contained inside. “NO!” she screamed.
Brianna had always been safe wherever she was, that's what Lindsey thought but hearing her name after all these years, sickened her. She didn't want to believe and wouldn't. Locking herself inside herself back to the time where life was simple, pleasant and Brianna was still around.
Without even thinking about it Edward stood up straight. Did she know something you didn't? Is that why she looks so terrified? He didn't try to justify answers to those questions because there was something more important than trying to figure out Lindsey. He had to help Brianna.


The entire Woodland Police Department followed Edward into the dense woods as he lead them to where the cabin was. Once insight Edward stood back and pointed. He couldn't stomach going near it again.
“Son stay here and we'll see what it is.” Sgt. Edding stated and sat Ethan down with a steady hand.
Nodding with complete acknowledgment, afraid if he spoke he would start crying. So he sat back on a stump and watched. All seven officers walked into the cabin and four walked back out. Pale faced and clutching their stomachs the same way he had.
The scene that sat out in front of him had Sgt. Edding thinking back to when everything happened. He was in charge of the investigation two years ago. It was the worst thing that had ever happened in Woodland. Brianna Sampson, a twenty-two year old college student was last seen driving Northwest on Interstate thirty-five going to enjoy a weekend of camping with friends. When she didn't show, they thought at first it was nothing but as the weekend passed and still no one had seen her they called the police. A full investigation was under way but nothing was every found. Not even her car was found and that should have been an easy find.
Leads were called in and officers had followed up on them but they turned out to be false leads. And six months later when the first snow fell the towns folk of Woodland, Texas had a candlelight visual. Her parents Christopher and Ella Sampson gathered around friends and family and prayed for the return of their daughter. Although everyone cried that night they all prayed for the same thing.
Now here they were not five miles from town, looking at a scene that could possibly be something from a horror movie. And the one and only bedroom there was in this homemade cabin held a bound and gagged body of one of their own. The horror forever frozen on her face was the last heart breaker. Most everyone of the officers that made it that far into the cabin, couldn't look at her for more than a minute. She was everyone's daughter, such a care giving person that this senseless crime was unspeakable.
How could anyone do this? Sgt. Edding asked himself. Covering his eyes and turning his head. No matter where he looked the scene was graphic.
Tear faced and broken, Sgt. Edding approached Edward. “Son how did you find this place?” He asked as he tried hard to even his voice.
“Brianna showed me, sir.” Edward said looking up at the Sgt. and wondering why he'd asked that? What had he seen?
“That's not possible. Brianna's....” he couldn't bring himself to say that she was dead. Every year on the day that she went missing the town's people had a candlelight visual and prayed that she would find her way back. That she would be safe wherever she was.
“Sir, I wouldn't lie about that. I heard her scream before

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