» Romance » When Summer Ends, Katy Wormald [romantic novels to read .TXT] 📗

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sat in the back again, ignoring whatever it was the teacher was saying. Besides, it’s not like we ever do real work on the first day back. Once my things were unpacked again I began flicking through my phone to find my favourite playlist until I found ‘Soul Sister’ by Train. Yes, I know the song was pretty out-dated, but hey, I love it!

Break couldn’t come any sooner, unlike English this morning; the minutes in my maths class seemed to drag on for hours. And by the relief on some of the student’s faces when the bell rang, I wasn’t the only one who thought this. Everyone passed me by as I slowly put my books back into my bag. Once in the hallway I text Cole to say I was on my may. Not even a minute later I felt my phone vibrating.

“Hey, were in the back field by the tables.” He told me. There was laughter in the back ground and I couldn’t help feel a little uneasy. What if all the bitches from earlier were there? What if he was trying to set me up on something? I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and tried to put on a confident face.

“Okay, I’ll be there in a sec.” I actually sounded confident, although I guess I no reason not to be. I knew deep down that he wouldn’t do that, he was Declan’s friend of course.
I quickly walked through the schools back exit and onto the field he was talking about. I say field, it was more like a few meters of grass with tables and a gazebo type thing. Nevertheless it was pretty, and not many came here. Usually people would loiter around in the canteen, or go out of school for breaks. As I didn’t have a car though (and taking the bus would waste too much time) I didn’t have that option.

I saw Cole immediately, seen as though there was only one other table with people sitting on it other than his. Thank god, I muttered as I approached him. He was with three other boys, and thankfully I didn’t know any of them. This may have been a little daunting to some people, but to me- new people who I didn’t know and didn’t know me- seemed perfect.
Cole stood up as I approached, pushing another guy who was sat next to him so I could down. I smiled and said hi to them all, even though I only knew Cole.

Two of his friends were twins; they introduced themselves as Adien and Ashley. They were perfectly identical, the same light brown hair, tall figure, grey eyes and light skin. The only way I could tell them apart was that Ashley had his left eye brow pierced and Aiden had his right one done. The other guy, the one that Cole had pushed when I came over was Jamie. Something about him told me that as shy as I was. He gave me a small smile and didn’t talk to me much, not that I took any offence to it.

“Oh man, I’ve got science after 3rd period, I hate science.” Ashley said. He had laid his schedule out on the table, next to Aiden’s.

“Me too...” Moaned Aiden. I peed at look at their schedules and saw that they were in the same room as me for science.

“Me too...” I said mimicking there sad voices. Both of their faces lit up and they looked
at me.

“Really? Will you sit next to me?”

“No she’s sitting next to me.”

“I asked her first!”

“She likes me more.”

“You two bicker like children.” Cole said laughing at them. I was in hysterics at this point. I looked back from them both as if I was watching a tennis match.

“Why I just sit in the middle?” I asked them both realising that the tables could easily fit three seats in.

“Left.” Ashley said with a smile.

“Right.” Aiden agreed with the same smile on his face.

I laughed at them two, and the four of us chatted away easily. We made plans to meet up for lunch and I was happy to see that all but one of my classes had the guys in. Finally, I thought. Someone to talk to other than my parents. After a bit of talking, well none
from Jamie, we all decided to go get some lunch outside of the school. I sat there awkwardly not that any of the guys had noticed. How do you ask people you just met to give you a ride? I think that the twins may have realised my hesitation, as they offered to give me a ride.

Once at the Pizza house, that was simply called PIZZA (I know, original right?) we sat down at a large cubical and ordered our food. I sat there wide-eyed watching each of them order a full pizza, I scanned the menu and decided to get some fries, there was no way I could eat a full pizza!

“Where’d you live then Jodie?” Cole asked stuffing pizza into his mouth. When the food came all of the boys insisted I had a slice of their pizza- but I doubted I would be able to eat four slices and large fries, so I shared the fries between us all.

“Not far, just near Rohman Park” I told him taking a drink of Ashley’s coke. He stared at me in shock but I just laughed. Ashley and Aiden were the type of guys that you instantly felt comfortable around, so I had no problem being myself around them.

“Cool, we don’t live far from there.” Aiden told me looking up from his food.

“Wait- you all live together?” I asked confused. I knew that Cole lived alone, but had no idea of the others.

“Yeah, I got the house a few years ago, since then the guy’s just-kind of moved in.” He told me not looking at all phased. I would love to live in a house with all my best friends.

“And it’s just you four?” I asked him again. No way could four guys live together without someone doing their laundry, cleaning and cooking! “Who cleans and everything?”

“We have a house keeper who comes in two days a week for that. And yeah, just us four.” Jamie answered this time, which kind of shocked me.

“That’s cool; I’d love to live with my friends, no parents or anything. I don’t think Romeo would like it though...” I took out my phone and showed the boys a picture of Romeo with a plastic flamingo in his mouth.

“Aww he’s well cute”

“He’s tiny”


We all turned to look at Aiden. What the...? He was laughing along with Ashley, who was bad-mouthing flamingos. These two really were a strange pair. When we were all finished Cole insisted on paying for me, even though I had easily enough money to pay for my fries. We all set back off to school, joking and messing around.

We sat back on the benches, were we were before we set off to the diner. Ashley slung his arm around me, grinning like a Cheshire cat. I smile back at him, not feeling uncomfortable under his arm. The twins were the kind of guys that you could hold hands with, cuddle, or kiss on the cheek without having any romantic feelings for.

“Me and Aiden have decided that you’re our new sister.” He told looking forward. I raised my eye brow and laughed along- apparently I didn’t have a choice whether I was or not.

“Well then, I’m glad to have you both as brothers.” I said smiling at him. We all sat at the table chatting about nothingness until the bell rang for next period.

The rest of the day followed in a similar fashion, I had at least one of the guys in all my classes, which I was grateful for, and at lunch we decided to just hang about- while
Ashley and Aiden did skateboard tricks. We stayed in school for lunch, seen as though we had all already eaten. Last periods bell had just rang, and I was surprised to see that the day had passed so quickly. Cole came jogging up to me, with Jamie by his side.

“So tomorrow night we are having a movie night, getting some scary movies, a pizza, you know all that crap.” He told me taking a few deep breaths from running across the school to catch me in time. “You want to come? I can get the twins to pick you up? Or I can?” I looked at him and smiled.

“I’d love to.” I glanced at my watch and saw the bus was due in a second.”I’ve got to go, bus is due any minute.” I said hugging them both goodbyes.

“Come on, I’ll drop you off.” Jamie said, and the three of us got in the car. With more hugging and talking the guys left and I walked back inside to ring Declan and feed Romeo.

Well, as far as first days at school go, this one pretty much rocked!
Chapter Eighteen

(There’s a little swearing in this chapter to guys, so if you’re like, 12, don’t read it- I don’t want to be the reason for ruining your innocence :D)

Chapter Eighteen

A strong wind of air blew my hat straight off of my head, making my brown hair blow in all directions. Luckily the wind had only carried it a few feet away, so pulling Romeo along with me went to check on my wind-stolen-hat. I brushed a few blades of grass and put it back on my head tightly. I’ll be damned if I get mugged by a gust of air.

“Go on Romeo.” I told him when he stopped walking. There was a small pigeon a few feet away- and I know from the other ten times he’d done it today- that he was preparing to run and jump on the bird. I shook my head; he didn’t want to play with it, just scare it I think. He lowered his head, and arched this back slightly. Then off of a sudden he pounded forward, trying to lead at the pigeon. It flew up into the sky before he got close enough though, seriously when will he learn? All the birds he’d done this to did the same thing. Dumb dog.

He tilted his head and let his tongue roll out of his mouth; I hadn’t given much consideration in to how he will be when he’s fully grown. Because he’s a Labrador, he should grow quite tall. I just hope that when he does, he will

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