» Romance » A Beautiful, Terrible Love, Lucky 97 [classic romance novels .txt] 📗

Book online «A Beautiful, Terrible Love, Lucky 97 [classic romance novels .txt] 📗». Author Lucky 97

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as we enjoying a bright summer day. We would be kissing, talking, murmuring in each other's ear. We would be sharing a life together, or at least until the record was completed.
I would've been in complete ecstasy.

And now, I could never speak to Eve again.

Chapter 15

Silently I waited for the limo to fade from my sight.
I turned, my body tickling still from the shock of a rock star tearing my heart into a million pieces. The whole forest of the beautiful natural park became dizzy, swirling in my mind. I could taste the bitter betrayal in the air, feeling it swirl around me until it nearly swallowed my skinny form.
I knew that, eventually, he would leave me, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. The record was far from over, we still had a bunch of collaborations to learn and sing, and I honestly just thought that, somehow, he would find a way to stay with me. I trusted in him enough to believe that he would always be there for me.
Look where that got me.
I must be overreacting. He probably had some sort of event or meeting he had to attend and would be back by the next day. I tended to forget that Dex was a rock star sometimes, and the whole country wanted him just as much as I did. He was their idol. Every move he made was plastered on the front of their magazines, his face stretching from cover to cover. They all desired for a taste of Dex's life, all the while wishing they too had something more. Almost every single person in America knew Dex's name, and most want to be him, or date him. They considered Dex to be a fantasy, a light that kept them hoping for the best.
Who was I to think that Dex was mine and mine alone?
I sluggishly dragged myself to a nearby park bench, fighting desperately to hold the tears back. It was surprisingly hard not to let the tears show, the watery drops fighting just as hard as I to be released from their cage. Quickly, I checked my watch, it saying 4:30 pm. I lied when I said Sadie could bring me home. She wouldn't be back from her date until 10, and I wasn't about to interrupt her exciting renegade with her handsome man. I would want the same if I were her.
But how would I get home then? I suppose I could start walking, but my home was around five miles away. Also, my foot hurt terribly, and I would probably get lost along the way, thinking back unconsciously to the beautiful kiss that made me dizzy, delivered by the most popular man in America.
It certainly was beautiful, his lips pressed against mine for a fraction of a second, but somehow making it last an eternity. He was incredibly gentle; with the way he cupped my cheek, his lips' softness taking me over. I had never felt so... prized as I did in that one moment. It seemed that he considered me to be precious, like a diamond, the way he was holding me almost cautious. It was as if he was holding back, like he was trying desperately not to break me.
The best thing about that kiss, though, was the emotions it conveyed. In that one kiss, his thoughts became mine, likewise with me, us both vulnerable because our innermost feelings were so blatantly displayed.
In that one kiss, I found that he loved me.
But for how long? When he was surrounded by the young starlets and singers, the girls infinitely more beautiful than me, would this love last? I had no idea if this was a love that would prevail until he saw me again.
My eyelids were falling, consciousness threatening to leave me. I had not had much sleep for several days, consumed by self-conducted happy fantasies with Dex as the main character and I as the heroine. I fought to stay awake, waging a war I knew I wouldn't win.
I decided, quickly, to stop worrying about Dex. It was not to me to decide if this love would last through tomorrow, or the next day, or even a month. That was up to him.
All I knew was that I was hopelessly in love with him, and MY love was the type that lasted forever.
The sleep quickly overtook me, and I faded away into the black void, my thoughts vanishing, and darkness taking its place.

"Eve?" a gentle hand, rough from hard work and misfortune, lay on my shoulder. Slowly, I cracked an eyelid open a tad, peering around me as the hand rubbed my shoulder in a delightful way that almost made me moan with satisfaction. It was soothing, a comfort that seemed to made me feel better. Did this hand know how I felt right now?
I soon noticed, as my thoughts became more oriented and focused, that the beautiful hand was connected to an arm. Strong and wiry, it indicated that he worked out a lot. It was also tanned and freckled, with little hair, and was so ripped with muscles I almost gasped.
The arm, as all are, was connected to a body. Just as strong looking as the arm, the man's body was tall, not stocky, yet was built incredibly. His shirt, tattered to an end just above the belly button, revealed stellar abs that put Dex's to shame. His jeans hung low on his hips, his stomach even more accented because of this fashion. I felt my gaze tugged towards the impressive sight, towards the body that snagged my interest so.
A blush rose to my cheeks when I had realized I was staring at his body, and I tried, unsuccessfully, to wipe it away as I examined the glorious figure. Then, I yanked my eyes away, bringing them upwards towards his face.
The first thing I noticed about his face was the eyes. Chestnut, with hints of dark chocolate, his eyes were huge, set into his face handsomely. Instead of giving off the bug eye impression, though, it added a puppy dog look to him that was just as enchanting as his muscles. They seemed to be the type of eyes that tugged at you endlessly, the type that most people hated because it never released you from it's grasp. I, personally, loved the depth of them, their everlasting richness, and their mesmerizing, hypnotizing quality. Streaked with flecks of pure gold, it truly held your attention until you were absolutely determined to move your focus to something else.
The eyes’ enchanting quality faded slowly, giving way to an impressive accompaniment. His nose was bridge straight, the kind that you didn't give much attention to, but nevertheless perfect. His ears were the same, the kind of perfect you didn't dwell on in your thoughts. However, his lips were truly magnificent, plump and desirable, enviable by even the supermodels. It was manly, of course, but hypnotizing all the same.
His hair, brown with drastic blonde highlights, lay shaggily over his forehead, swished aside. It was the kind of hair that immediately compelled you to run your fingers through, to feel its softness, its amazing grandeur that wowed anyone and everyone. All the features immediately came together to create a person I knew, and was not particularly fond of.
"Peter!" I exclaimed in recognition, jumping back into the bench, nearly falling off from fright. Quickly the hand snaked off my shoulder, my eyes crinkling with despair as I realized that I wanted the hand back, rubbing me until my insides stopped hurting.
"Yes, it's Peter," he said, his rough and grainy "bad boy" voice causing a flutter inside my stomach. Dex never spoke so dangerously.
"Why are you here?" I queried, my voice shaking a little as I realized I was thinking about his body and face too much.
"Well, I WAS here for a walk. Now, however, I suppose I need to take you home." Although his words indicated resignation to the task, his tone revealed barely hidden excitement.
I checked my watch, gasping as I discovered that it now read nine o' clock. I had been sleeping for that long? Four and a half hours was an eternity for me. I got in around five hours of sleep each night, and that wasn't far off from a night's worth.
My hair was a mess, as I could tell from the reflection of my watch, so I quickly released it from it's bun, the soft waves flooding down my back in rivers until it reached my lower back. Peter just stood there, watching me, his face devoid of expression.
"Okay, thanks," I finally replied to his declaration. He smiled in return, his flashing white teeth releasing a fluttering butterfly in my stomach. What was I doing?
What was I thinking?
I felt a blur of movement, then incredible warmth as he suddenly swung me into his arms, holding me close to his heart. I could sense his eagerness, his body's excitement at my closeness. This was unlike anything I had experienced with Dex. Dex always seemed to be holding back, not releasing his true emotions unless I was able to unveil them, which was very hard to accomplish. Peter just blatantly showed his emotions, not caring about the effect it might have on the other person.
Which, in this case, he wouldn't have needed to worry about anyway. It was amusing to notice how his heart rate shot up in my presence, and oddly comforting. It was new and exciting, the opposite of Dex's caution.
It wasn't that didn't like Dex more, but this was a welcome change.
He effortlessly carried me, as if I was as light as a feather, into the parking lot, the seconds lasting almost minutes, dragging on, endlessly slow. I tried not to be affected, but I could feel my heart rate escalate, shooting high as my nervousness began to show.
This was strange... I had never felt this sort of awareness at Peter's close proximity before.
Maybe it was because Peter was acting like the perfect prince. Looking at him from my perch in his strong arms, I could see his determined expression, him wanting to carry me safely to his car and deliver me home. It was so sweet, his caring.
Also, there was a carefully hidden desire Peter tried to conceal that I easily picked up on, not frightening but amusing.
We both reached a silver car, gleaming, without anything marring it. It was a convertible, the top down, and obviously expensive because of its pristine and innovative features. I immediately recognized it as a new BMW convertible, the top model, with so many perks that it made even rich people's eyes pop out with amazement. I had seen it constantly on TV, proclaimed to be the "best car on earth". And now, here it was, standing in front of me.
I wondered, suddenly, if I was still in dreamland.
Peter swung the door open with his foot, placing me carefully in, as if I was as regal as a queen, then walked to the driver's side. He got in, starting the car even without a key, scanning his finger through a tiny compartment by the steering wheel. It quickly roared to life, the powerful engine preparing for a drive.
"Wow," I whispered softly as it purred through the parking lot and out into the road without a murmur.
"I know," Peter said softly, "it's a dream come true for me."
"It's a dream come true for you to have to take me home and not take a walk like you wanted?" I teasingly questioned. I expected him to groan and say no, telling me exactly WHY it was not a
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