» Romance » When The Rain Falls - Book 1, N, Y. [read book txt] 📗
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a question.


"Do you know why I brought you here?" he asked.



I was stumped for the first time when Jacob asked questions all those times and now.


"I don’t know, I guess you brought me here so that I wouldn’t be all up in the club." I answered.



 He shook his head and went over to a wall near a kitchen and he dimmed the light down, until I noticed that my reflection in the window was like a shadow.


He answered after walking towards me again.



"No, I brought you here because I love you. And because I wanted to make sure, that you were safe in my arms.


He held my hands as he said that.



So many questions run through my head as he kept giving me hints about what he’s saying, I still don’t give in.


"Why here?"


"It's nice," he replies.


At the last moment I finally realized why he brought me here.


When I realized it, he asked another question.



"You know I love you right? And someone who loves you would love you completely right?"


Jacob leans in and kisses me softly on the lips, he pulls back as I react.


I smile and he me closer, filling the space between us.



It was romantic and thoughtful of him to bring us here.


Just so that we could be alone, but then I felt his hand run up my outer thigh, then pulling my right leg up.



I was disgusted, I felt repulsed at the feeling.


It made nervous and sick at the same time.


And I couldn’t handle the fact that he brought me here and thought he was gonna get what he wants, not even bothering to ask me properly about it.



I stop his hands from reaching further up my leg.


I pulled back.


"Jacob stop, what are you doing? I don't feel comfortable."



"I just wanted to try something different for once, don't you get tired of just kissing, like we said when we started dating?" He said.


He reached his arm around my waist, pulling me closer again.


"No, stop. And I like just kissing. It doesn't take our love life to the next level."



Suddenly out of it, I had to quickly run out of the place before something bad I could say would come out of my mouth. 


And it sucks, he couldn't read my mind or my thoughts.



"Wait, Elle where are you going?" he said, running after me.


Before he could reach the doors and open it, I was already in the car.


I started the car just in time, to drive off before he could lay a finger on me.



I drove as fast as I could out of that area and back to the mansion. I couldn’t bear the thought, he knew what he was saying to me and thought I was ready.


I couldn’t deal with it. 


I see a red light turn green and I sped fast.



I suddenly knew why everyone was always giving advice to me and Jacob, talking about kicking it up a notch, and try something new.


Experience the fun. 



I don’t care if people call me a virgin for the rest of my life, or make fun of me for not doing the same things that they do.


I really don’t want to deal with this for as long i'm here.



I stopped at the mansion’s driveway and let the gate man take the car in to park it.


As I ran towards the door, I opened it to find Xo and Carla sitting on the couch.


Absolutely sober rather than drunk.



I dropped all my body weight on the couch after I took off my shoes in the living room.


I lhad anded flat on my stomach, Xo and Carla stopped talking to find me sobbing on the couch.


"Elle, what’s wrong and why are you crying?" Carla asked.


She comforted me and let me sit down next to her, as she hugged me.



Xo went to the kitchen to get me a water bottle.


I stopped crying and eventually started weeping.



Xo came in, giving me the water bottle. I grabbed it quickly and drank half of it fast.


When I cleared my throat, Carla spoke.



"Elle tell me what happened. Tell me everything?"


"Okay just listen. Remember when I told you in the club that I was leaving? Well, it turns out now i’m leaving Jacob for good!"


"You're being dramatic." Carla spoke back.


Xo gasped as if I cussed out loud.



"Elle what do you mean." Xo whispered to me.


"Jacob took me to a nice and quiet place, east from the Mansion and he said all these things. Saying he loves me and that didn’t make sense, and I started questioning myself what does he mean and then I realized."



I stopped and looked around to make sure it was only Carla and Xo around, even though I knew it was just them.


I realizing that I sounded like drunk girl who came back from the club.



I told Carla and Xo to bend down towards me.



I whispered quietly enough for both of them hear what I said.


"He wanted me the way i've never seen in him before."



Carla and Xo looked at each other confused.


They turned back to me and I whispered again. "He was trying to do something, that I totally didn’t want to do, because we never talked about it."



Carla and Xo looked at each other again.


They bent down furthe,r then I finally stopped hinting and told them what Jacob was telling me through a series of words.



They gasped and looked at each other, then me, then each other again while I was staring at both of them confused.


They both ran around the living room, screaming or rather laughing, like it was good news.



I was sitting down on the carpet in the living room, crossing me legs a hundred time until my legs were officially closed up on each other.



Xo and Carla stopped and pulled me up on the couch, i'm surprised they had a lot of strength together. 


I looked at them.


They were both looking at me like savage animals, giving me the romantic eyes, and smiling at me.



I finally broke the silence.


"Why are you guys staring at me, didn’t you hear what I said. He wants me for my body now." i said.


"Shut up," Carla said dramatically.



They smiled instead of talking and they were laughing like to little girls. 


Carla finally spoke after smiling for too long.


"Elle, it doesn’t mean anything but that fact that he loves you and he want’s all of you, physically."



Xo and Carla laughed like it was a joke.


I stood there with a mad and confused expression, that sort of looked like dog face.


"You're young and don't know about sexual love. Did you even have the talk when you were younger?" Carla spat out.



Xo finally speaks.


"There’s nothing to worry about, except for the fact that he loves you and he’s wants some." she laughed loudly afterwards.


Carlawas son the floor laughing, they had their own world of humour.


And I was excluded from it. And I couldn’t help it.



"Listen the both of you, get up and sit on the couch and handle this like mature adults!!" I yelled.


Xo and Carla paid close attention and listened to what I said.



They both sat up straight and looked at me like proper.


"Now tell me, that you’ll be more specific about the information you're telling me, and don’t be rude about it." I say.



They heard me clearly and started speaking at the same time, which seemed like they were blurting out two different things.


"Okay stop you two."


They stopped.


"One of you start talking." I said.



Xo raised her hand.


"Okay Xo, go ahead." 


I stood on the table like a judge, so that it seems like i’m the bigger person.



Xo began talking.


"Alright, Elle there’s nothing to worry or be scared about. He just wants to take the relationship to the next level, I mean it’s the middle of August what perfect time out of the year."



I looked at her like she was crazy, Carla spoke for her.


"Elle, it’s not a big deal, if he really loves you then he will respect your answer."



Xo objects to what Carla said.


"Okay, listen Carla you learned from the best. Me! and I bet you that I can explain this to Elle better than you. I mean someone has to teach the virgin, obviously.


I give her a look.


"That was a joke, obviously."


"She doesn’t know." Carla exclaims to her mom.


"Stop it, my turn." Xo responds.


Carla nods and shut's up.



As I stood waiting for the night to be over, I thought, what did Xo mean?


Xo finally spoke again. "Okay, Elle come here."



I stepped down from the table and sat right in between the both of them, Xo on the right and Carla on my left.


Xo starts whispering into my ears, she said things I never heard or possibly imagined.


My ears and my head were never the same again.



I sat there speechless, while Xo and Carla nod at each other in agreement.


I feared of making my relationship with Jacob fall apart again, especially since I left him there with no car.



Xo and Carla both told me the things I needed to know and explained it perfectly.


After they were done, it almost brought tears to my eyes because what they said was explained beautifully to my ears.


I didn't understand, and thought Jacob was doing something to entice me about our relationship.



"Elle, if he loves you and respects what you think about it, then he’s the one for you. And I guarantee you if he tries to lead you into the bedroom without talking to you about it before, that’s a sign you have to talk to him about your choice and your answer."


Carla agreed and added something to Xo’s answer.


"And Elle listen, make sure you're making that right decision and if you're ready or if your not, the tell him. Like for example, me and Joe, our relationship was totally fine. And when it came to that moment, I had to admit that I felt the same way you did. I wasn’t ready for it to happen."



Xo budded in.


"It’s true, Carla told me the night Joe tried something."



Carla scoffed at her mom then went back to talking to me.


"If he’s willing to listen to what you have to say, it's worth it. When it came down to me and Joe, I asked if we could talk it out and later on that year it happened and let me just say, don’t let anyone take advantage."



Carla and Xo had great advice for me or at least advice I didn’t listen to much.


"Yeah, whatever. I'll think about it." I said lying on the couch.


"Goodnight Chico." Xo said, before heading up and leaving me in the living room.



I fell asleep on the couch, while Xo and Carla were upstairs talking before they went to sleep.


Just as I was settling into sleeping on the couch for the night, I heard keys jingle outside and the door opened.



I figured it either had to be Theodore or Jacob coming in. Xo, Carla, me, Jacob and Theodore are the only ones staying here at the mansion.


And for my mom, she’s back in Mumbai having the time of her life spending it there with Bali.



I finally got up from the couch and saw the shadow of who was at the door... it was Jacob.


I noticed he saw me and he started walking towards me slowly, he turned on the lights before he took another step.



He started talking to me as soon as he got close enough.


"Elle, why did you run of so quickly? You didn’t even had time to tell me where you were going and I had to get a ride to come here, did I say something so wrong?" he asks.



He didn’t yell at me which made it more of a challenge to talk back, I took a deep breath then spoke.


He puts his hands on me, I try not to shake off his hands.


The feeling is still fresh from when he touched me.



"Just leave me alone for now, you're making me feel uncomfortable again." I said before walking up the stairs to my room.



I sighed and flopped onto my bed once I got to my room.


"Why." i said muffed into the bed covers.



Why, couldn't I had just said that he did nothing wrong.


I was just experiencing it for the first time and

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