» Romance » The A girl, Hope [the read aloud family txt] 📗

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looked down I saw the inviting shadow realms. I turned back around, and I saw many Gods and Goddesses in the room with me.
“I assume you called me here.” I noticed they all had a glow about them, and when I looked at my hands I realized I had the same glow.
“We need to talk about your transformation.” Zeus stepped forward, and I nodded knowing I should be respectful.
“You need to make a decision.” A voice boomed out, and I looked for the source.
“You can’t see him. You call him God, but he can’t come to this between place we are at now.” Zeus spoke to me, and I got the feeling he was going to be the only one talking to me.
“Okay so I need to make a decision. As in decide if I want to be a goddess or lose all my powers?” He nodded, “Well I can’t.”
“You have to.”
“I can’t. I might need my powers, but I don’t know if eternal life is worth it without him.”
“We don’t have much time. I’m Athena goddess of wisdom, but I’m sure you knew that. Perhaps we should propose a compromise.” She suggested, and Zeus gazed at her thoughtfully.
“What are you suggesting?”
“Give her until her birthday. If she wants her powers she can choose to accept them, and if her birthday passes without her uttering the words ‘I accept’ then she gives up her powers. But, there’s a catch; we don’t give her use of her goddess powers until she accepts.” I swallowed as she spoke hoping they agreed.
“It sounds acceptable to me.” Zeus proclaimed looking me over, and I watched my feet.
“Then it is done.” God’s voice boomed out, and my heart raced in panic.
“Remember, you are just as much a God as the others here.” Than said from behind me, and I smiled sadly.
“That’s just it, I’m not.” I whispered heading towards the door on the darker side of the room. Gradually shadows enveloped me as I stepped towards it, and before I had a chance to open the door I was in my realm; the realm where shadows were my comfort.
“Than, I can’t do this. I can’t accept. I wouldn’t know the first thing about being a Goddess.”
“I think it would come to you quite naturally.” He protested, and I slammed my fist into the wall leaving a crack.
“I have to go back home. I have business to attend to.” I sighed, and he cleared his throat.
“That reminds me, I can help you with your little escape plan if you wish. It’s a very simple matter to summon a few demons.”
“No thanks Than. I might as well get used to having no powers.”
“If you wish, besides we wouldn’t want you getting in trouble because of my actions.”
“Goodbye Than.”
I slowly opened my eyes letting the tears bubble to the surface. I stared at the popcorn ceiling making images out of the dots until everything faded to black. I blinked and my vision came back to me. I sat up looking at my familiar blue comforter, and then my barren white walls that only held a few pictures of flowers. I let my feet swing over the side of my bed, and onto the soft white carpet. I grabbed my backpack dumping out everything that was in it on to my desk chair. I rubbed the back of my shoulder with one hand before walking towards my dresser and throwing my favorite hoodie, a pair of skinny jeans, and my comfiest shirt into it. I sighed walking into my bathroom and putting my toothbrush, hair brush, tooth paste, and hair ties into the bag as well. I zipped it up putting it on one shoulder. I checked the clock, and no surprise it was still hours away from when I needed to be up. I crept out of my room, and went straight into Adrian’s.
He was sleeping soundly, but had obviously fallen asleep reading a book. I smiled setting my backpack down in his chair, and walked over to his bed. I grabbed the book off his chest and closed it setting it on his night stand. I sighed taking off his shoes, and pulling the blanket up over him. I lied on the bed beside him, and squirmed my way under the blanket before turning out the light.
“Allie?” He asked groggily, and I pursed my lips.
“I didn’t mean to wake you.” I faced him, happy that being able to see in the dark wasn’t a goddess ability.
“It’s okay. What are you doing here? What if someone sees?” He asked and I smiled.
“Who cares anymore?” I whispered, and he opened his eyes looking at me.
“No matter what happens tomorrow Allie, I promise I’ll keep you safe.” I moved closer to him hiding my face in his chest.
“I know you will.” I looked up at him kissing him and hoping it wouldn’t be the last time. He reached over to turn the lamp back on concern written on his face.
“Are you okay?” He asked holding my face between his hands so I couldn’t look away.
“Yeah, well no.” I admitted, and he kissed my forehead dropping his hands away.
“It’ll be fine.” He consoled me.
“But it won’t. I am going to lose my powers. All of them. Do you not get that? I don’t know what I am going to do with no powers. I have no experience when it comes to human jobs. I won’t be able to protect anyone. I will be dead weight!”
“No. Allie shut up. I would never consider you dead weight whether you were a human or not. I love you and what you are has nothing to do with that. I will love you even if you choose to be a goddess.”
“What are you saying? Do you think I would choose to be a goddess?” I sat up shaking off the blanket and pulling my knees to my chest.
“I would rather you be a goddess than a jealous insecure spiteful human. And by the way you talk about it, you would be that way. You can’t stand the idea of being a human, and I don’t want to lose the girl I love.” He sat up beside me, but I didn’t look his way.
“That’s why I am not choosing to be a goddess.”
“That’s why you should choose to be a goddess.”
“What are you talking about? If I’m a goddess we can’t be together. Don’t you understand?” I faced him, and he clenched his jaw.
“Yes Ahnallie! I get that.” He yelled as we glared at each other.
“Then what?” I asked exasperated.
“I would rather you be a goddess and stay the same person than you choose to be a human and lose who you are. I would rather love you and not be able to have you than to love who you used to be. Do you understand what I mean?” I bit my lip, and turned to look at him.
“If I ever lost sight of who I am I know you could lead me back to myself.” I whispered resting my hand on his cheek.
“I’m not so sure. I just want you to be happy.”
“I couldn’t be happy without you.” With that he hooked one arm under my knees and the other around my waist and he pulled me onto his lap.
“It’s going to be fine. When the time comes I know you’ll do what’s best.” He kissed my forehead, and I grabbed the collar of his shirt before looking up at him.
“I don’t know if I’m strong enough. I’m afraid.” I finally admitted to myself as the words came out and tears started streaming down my face.
“Sh, now none of that. We have a big day ahead of us, and you will be strong enough. If you need it, you can rely on me.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.” He kissed the top of my head, and I dried my eyes.
“We should get some sleep.” I murmured lying down, and he did the same.
“Sweet dreams.” He smiled reaching over me and turning off the light.
“Don’t let the bed bugs bite.” I smiled back, and he wrapped an arm around me. I closed my eyes counting my breaths so I would relax, and before I knew it I was drifting into sleep.


Publication Date: 08-21-2011

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