» Romance » The Chase, Amber Riel [best english books to read txt] 📗

Book online «The Chase, Amber Riel [best english books to read txt] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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you…. You have nothing to worry about.”

          I kind of felt a smile grow a little on my face as I looked down at the table.

          “Here are two wine glasses and a glass of water, monsieur,” the waiter said as he placed the two round tall wine glasses on the table alongside with the glass of water.  I hadn’t even realized that he was there until he spoke.  I looked up at the guy.  “And here’s the bottle of wine,” he replied as he took the bottle of wine and placed it next to the vase on our table.  “Would you two like to order now or do you still need time?”

          “Ratatouille,” Louis replied.

          “Okay,” the waiter said as he quickly wrote it down in the small note pad and turned his attention toward me.  “And for you, mademoiselle?”

          “Ratatouille as well please.”

          “Two dishes of Ratatouille.... I will be back with your orders.”  The waiter left us alone again.

          Louis noticed that the waiter had forgot to remove the cork from wine bottle.  “Now that’s a problem.”  He looked around but the waiter was already out of sight.  He waited until another waiter walked past us carrying on of the things they used to remove the cork from the bottle.  “Excuse me, sir…. Our waiter didn’t remove the cork from the wine bottle is it alright if you could?”

          “Of course,” the man replied as he took the bottle and placed the cork screw in it.  Once he was done, he placed the bottle back on the table and smiled.  “Anything else, monsieur?”

          “No that would be all.  Thank you,” Louis replied.

          The waiter nodded and walked off.

          I reached for the wine bottle but Louis stopped me as he shook his head.

          “Let it breath first.”


          Louis smiled.  “Of course you’ve never had wine before.  It converts the oxygen into the tannins in the wine.”

          I gave him a funny look, still confused.

          He kind of laughed.  “Just let it sit for a few minutes before drinking it,” he replied as he poured a little bit in my glass.  “It’ll be worth it.”

          “Aren’t you going to have any?”

          “No I’m driving and I don’t feel like leaving my brand new car here because I already had to leave my old car at the hotel…. Besides, it’s not a good idea to drink and drive.”

          I kind of smiled.

          “Otherwise I would.”


          After dinner, we sat and talked as we waited for the dessert.  Louis was so charming and funny.  I wished he would have shown that side the day at the airport instead of acting like a jerk.  He told me stories from when he was a kid and how him and his brothers would pull pranks on one another and even on Carmen when she unexpected target for the pranks.  “Carmen had started dating this one guy after she had turned seventeen…. He was a real idiot okay…. Well, one night Ron was over at the house when Carmen’s boyfriend came over and well Carmen was in the room fixing her hair and make-up…. You know she’s the kind of girl who has to dress up when she goes out…. Well, anyways Ron, Jessie, Isaac and I plan this prank…. We had agreed that one of us would go hide out in the guy’s old pick truck and wait for them to get out…. So I volunteered…. I loved pulling pranks…. Anyways, Jessie and Isaac hung out with the guy, talked to him and stuff to distract him while Ron helped me sneak into the back of the truck…. The idiot forgot to lock the doors but it was okay it worked for the plan…. You see his pick up actually had a small back seat in it and a black blanket in the black seat so Ron helped me get into the back and helped me fix the blanket so I could be hidden…. Once we were done, Ron closed the door and snuck back to the house…. About an hour goes by when Carmen and her boyfriend are leaving the house…. They had agreed on going to the drive-in to see a movie…. And because they both decided on a horror film, I decided that I was going to have my fun…. Keep in mind neither of them knew that I was there…. Well, they were watching the movie and in the movie there were a couple of teenagers who were in a car making out…. You know the whole horror film plot pretty much…. Well, anyways the characters heard some scratching coming from the woods and as it turns out the scratching came from the villain…. The whole dramatic scene in horror films…. Well after the movie ended, the guy sat there for a moment before actually starting the car so I found a tool box in his back seat and pulled out some small nails…. I took the nails and worked them against the side of the car, scratching…. I kept myself from laughing as I made the scratching sound from the movie…. ‘Do you hear that?’ Carmen’s date asked, kind of freaked out.  ‘Yea,’ Carmen replied.  I bit my lip because I felt the laughter coming up.  ‘You think that’s a consequence?’ the guy asked.  ‘I hope so,’ Carmen replied.  Oh and the best part before I finish the horror film was based off a true story….”

          I dropped my mouth with a smile.  I wanted to laugh so badly but I waited for Louis to finish because I didn’t want to miss anything.

          “Anyways all the way back to the house I continued to do that…. They were both freaked out…. I wounded up getting busted because I started laughing so loudly that they both heard me…. Carmen started beating the crap out of me with her purse…. When she realized that it was me, she was furious.  ‘Why would you do something like that?  You know had mean that was,’ she yelled, that didn’t stop her from hitting me with that damn purse though…. It felt like she had a ton of bricks in that thing…. I couldn’t stop laughing though…. It was a fun night.”

          “How could you do that to your own sister?” I asked, laughing.

          “Simple she’s my sister,” Louis answered with a wide smile on his face.  “She never pulled pranks on us; she just would hit us when we did that kind of stuff to her…. That’s one reason why we never really did anything to her when it involved pranks although every now and then we would just because.”

          “I am so glad that my brothers left me alone,” I replied.

          Louis smiled and shook his head.


          I sat in the passenger side of the car and buckled up as Louis started the car.  He looked at me and smiled.  He had a beautiful smile one that would make me fall for him even more than I would have thought.

          “Before we head back to the house, would you like to go for a moon lit walk around the lake?” he asked as he stared into my eyes.

          “I would love that,” I replied with a small pleasant smile.

          He held my hand for a brief moment then released as he began to drive.


          We sat in silence for a while, but unlike before the silence was a peaceful one instead of awkward as the others we had had.  It was nice to sit in the silence with neither of us having to say anything.  It was a prefect little moment.  All the sound was from the car and even as Louis parked in a small parking lot surrounded by trees and in the distance was the beautiful moonlit lake with the reflection of the stars dancing on it.  I felt myself unbuckle as I stared at the dark blue water.  It wasn’t something that I was familiar with but it was worth just staring at the lake.

          “Are you going to just sit there or come out?” I looked up at Louis.  I hadn’t even realized that he had worked his way out of the car and over to my side to open the door for me.  He smiled a little and held out his right hand.

          “I’m sorry I was just admiring the water,” I replied as I took his hand.

          He pulled me out of the car and made sure that I was away from the door so he could close it.  “It is lovely…. Would you like to see it up close?”

          I nodded.

          He took his keychain out and pressed a button.  Click, we heard as the doors locked automatically.  He placed the keychain back into his pocket and held onto my hand tightly as he pulled me toward the lake.

          “Are we aloud to be here?”

          He laughed at my question.  “Of course…. It’s not exactly a park although there are some restrooms out here for people to use…. Actually this is where guys bring their dates for a romantic evening…. I figured you might enjoy it.”

          I kind of smiled while I bit my bottom lip and looked around.  “This is a lovely choice.  So is this where princes marry princesses or what?  Romeo….”

          “Romeo?  Why do women look for a guy to be Romeo?  Him and Juliet died at the end…. Why would anyone want that?”

          I kind of laughed.  “But they were in love….”

          “In love?  Aww yes and look where that got them…. I don’t think that was a good love story…. I mean yes they loved each other so much that they were willing to die for the other but they were both so young and never really experienced life…. For me, a good choice for love would to be to grow old with the one you want to spend the rest of your life with and to go through life together…. It doesn’t always happen but when it does it’s one of the most beautiful things that there could ever be…. I lost my first love due to something that only God really had control of not man…. And I don’t blame Him for it but it doesn’t mean that I don’t miss her…. Things happen for a reason and He brought you here for me so in time love will be what brings us together and keeps us from having to worry about what’s going to happen next or if we’re going to die or anything from that moment on.”  Louis stood in front of me, still holding my left hand with his right as he placed his left hand on my cheek and stared deeply into my eyes.  “Sam, I know that we’ve only just began to get to know each other but I feel that I’m falling for you already…. Does that make me crazy?”

          “No,” I replied as I placed my left hand over his right hand and wrapped my fingers with his.  I kind of smiled.  “I like this side of you…. You’re sensitive and caring…. That’s more than I thought you would ever show…. And I’m kind of falling for you too.”

          He smiled slightly.  He placed his forehead down against mine.  “I thought so.”  We shared another kiss.  That time though the kiss was longer than the others were.  It filled with more excitement than the last three times.  I felt him wrap his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arm his neck.  It felt like a scene from a movie and we were leading couple.  He kind of lifted me up in the air as he kind of spun me around then placed me back on my feet as we broke out of the longest kiss we had.  “Our first date and we’ve already kissed four times,” he kind of laughed as he spoke.

          “Yep.”  I

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