» Romance » Love Is No Fairy Tale, Olivia W [crime books to read .TXT] 📗

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stomach. The vampire grabbed my throat and squeezed. I clawed at his face till a wolf ripped him off slamming him against the ground. The guy yelled in agony as his arm remained in the wolf's mouth. Nick. I stood and ran as vampires attacked vampire. Some I didn't even recognize. I ran past the fence following Noah's scent  I ran when I glanced at a girl backing away from a vampire she didn't smell like one. I ran up behind him and bit him pulling him to the ground. I felt something hot in my mouth and let go. The man thrashed around backing away as he clutched his neck drips of the asid sizzled as they hit the pavement. The girl look horrified. “You should get out of here” I ran before she could respond, Noah's scent isn't too far away him all the way to the house. Running inside I found him giving blood to Justin. I felt so tired that was easier than I thought but tiring. I ran sitting by Justin's side. “How is he?” I ask. “I think he gonna make it I dont no if he's alive but he moved his head” I frown “How do you no if he's gonna live for just one head movement!” he glared at me. “Why dont you come back in a few days go to your creator or help fight” I bit my lip I would but that would be really awkward but I dont say that obviously. I glare at him I felt slightly betrayed but then again I bet he did to. I ran back to fight. We had retreated but most of the guards and doctors were injured or dead. I returned to Lance by dawn. Jessica was the first one out. I glanced at my arm the totem was ruined and disappearing. “Your arm” she calls grabbing it. “Its fine” and it was. I was expecting more of a battle but that's not what I got. Maybe because it's not even over.

Lance didn't say much, he was determined to stay out of it saying its not his or his cults problem. I didn't expect him to care anyways. A week passed. I stayed at Saras the whole time, mostly cause I felt weird being around Lance and i dont know why but it was just weird. Lance has two of his men James and Sebastian watching me. But despise all my Lance problems I couldn't wait for the good news about Justin, and it finally came. in the house everyone seemed to be gone. Once I reached Justin's room he was reading a book till he glanced at me shock covering his face. And so did mine. A girl with black hair sat at his side staring at me. Justin pulled his hand out of hers. “Amanda come here” I didn't know what to do all of a sudden I was feeling stupid betrayed and wtf. Obviously I've missed something...AGAIN. “Whos she?” I ask pointing. She glared at me standing. “My name is Grace, Im Justin's mate” she says this as if it's obvious. I glanced at Justin who looked hurt. I wanted to smack the look off him. “Amanda I wanted to tell you but I thought she was gone for good!” my eyes widen. How can he say that and about her. “Really? That's the best excuse you have?” I turned for nothing. I worried and cried for nothing. I left school, abandoned Amber, Nick. Sara everyone for nothing.  “You dont realise how much I gave up to save you…” I say. he looked at me. “Im sorry come back later please..I can't think properly..Amanda, I'll always love you but your not mine anymore I can't help that and I know so many things have happened and gone by but I can't be with you you have a creator now... I can't put my cult at risk!” My mouth hung open. You could see past it and fight for what you want It's not like Lance is like that! but I dont say that last part to him because what good is that. I tried hard not to cry right there. “Um.. I hope you heal good..” I turned and walked out in a human pace Justin yelling my name. I could be having a normal life, with Nick? Is that what I was destined. For me to fall in love with Nick and for Aidan to fight over me like so Edward Jacob type shit. I must be the most stupid person on the planet! I got down stairs and Noah blurred in front of me. “Amanda Im sor- Dont..say your sorry! I'm sorry for dumping all I had and trying to find him going through all these emotions, I didn't think things were gonna end this way. Did you? Cause I didn't! I gave up everything I have Noah everything! I could be going to school right now eating with Amber or something but no! I’m the worst best friend ever and Sara should hate me!” he yanked me into him as I sobbed. He hugged me tight and I knew for sure he'd always be my friend. No doubt. But then again it was there hiding. “I'll always be your friend Amanda I promise you ever need someone Im right here!” I cried harder. Those words hit me. In a good I love you friend type way. When I left my feet pounding into the snow I smiled at how Noah had done his best and good at cheering me up. I cant dwell and cry about the past. I can't help but feel relieved, letting go feels good. I'll always miss my human self but I love being strong and fast. My thirst for blood I can live with, being a vampire I can live with.. and Lance..I think I can live with.


Publication Date: 04-20-2018

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