» Romance » A Howl In The Night, Lorelei Sutton [best novels for students .txt] 📗

Book online «A Howl In The Night, Lorelei Sutton [best novels for students .txt] 📗». Author Lorelei Sutton

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copy of his face. I am trying desperately to stare holes into Xavier's head, willing him strongly to accept the wily werewolf slumping beside me.

Finally, almost regretfully, he nods. Ray lights up like a light bulb, racing back into the mansion like a little rabbit, a blur of energy. I smile up at Xavier with approval.

"So, Mona," Wes begins, smiling flirtatiously, "what can you do? How do you feel as a Spier?"

I only stare at him for a few moments, completely devoid of recognition. "Remember?" he probes, looking at me with concern.

"I'm not... dead?" I question softly, looking once more at my hands. They definitely seem real.

But I can't be alive. Not after what I had been through the night before.

"Of course not!" he laughs, "You’re as alive as I am."

Maybe my suffering was only a dream. Maybe I didn't truly experience the torture. "What do you mean?"

"What abilities do you have?" Wes is relentless, buzzing with energy, "Can you run super-fast?"

I guess I am alive.

Xavier notices my sudden awkwardness and glides to my side. His fingers reach for my hand, but I quickly snap it away before he is able to clutch it. Wes grins.

"Just run somewhere. Anywhere close by," he gestures to the wide outdoors, "and think about getting there quickly." His instruction is clear as crystal, yet quite embarrassing. I don't want to run in front of these super-werewolves. I'll look stupid.

Xavier gives me a slight nudge, and I give it, starting off on a slow chug to a nearby tree. Dirt kicks into my face from my slow jog, and I begin to wish for a hat.

"Pick it up!" Jake calls, laughing as I start to zoom with my strangely not-stumpy legs towards the goal. My breathing is heavy and labored as I run towards the bark, and it seems to get further away with each stride.

Another second and Xavier is by my side, laughing quietly. "You don't have super speed," he informs me, "that's for sure. You did run about forty miles per hour though, which is pretty fast."


Struck silent with wonder, I let him lead me back to the others. "Cool!" Jake smiles, "you've improved, though you are not quite 'super'."

"Strength?" Wes suggests slyly, and I have to grin.

"There is no way I am going to arm wrestle one of you. You guys will drive my hand through the table and into the ground. There is no way." 

"What about that tree?" Jake points at the gigantic trunk a couple feet away, "try to break it!" I stare at him, dubious. Me, break that monster?

I walk towards it, and encircle it with my slender arms. With force I didn't know I had, I squeezed it tightly, causing cracks to run through it. But I can't do more, no matter how hard I tug.

"Not super strength, either," Wes notes, pulling me from the plump tree, "what do you think, Mona?" His beautiful green eyes are sparkling, so similar to the ring on my finger.

"Well, I can smell," I shrug, "and see far away." Definitely that is a plus, although I am rather confused. Why are they testing me for Werewolf abilities, when Ray converted me into a Spier? He told me that the only thing a Spier can do is conjure spirit spears and live forever. I would have to build my own strength.

The wind brushes past me as Xavier surprisingly nods. "That's one," he smiles, "and her appearance has definitely changed, so that makes two."

I examine my slender fingers, and perfect toes. "My appearance changed?" I finally ask, trying to make the pieces come together. "Why? I thought that only happens to werewolves."

"Well, see," Xavier tries to explain, "I sort of... intervened at your Awakening." He looks down at the soft green grass, almost seeming ashamed. "It was failing."

"Failing? I was going to die?" Alarm sears through me at his words.

"You were this close," he holds two fingers barely more than a hairsbreadth apart, "to dying." His face grows slightly red, sadness washing over him like a flood. The air feels even colder than when Ray and Xavier were standing across from each other, chilling me to the bone.

"Then what?" I ask.

"I used a drop of my blood," he says slowly, "and tried to convert you into a werewolf." Doom impends upon me, anger rippling through the thick atmosphere.

"WHAT?!" I nearly shriek, "I don't want to be a werewolf!" It is strange to think this, especially at my young age, but I want children. Becoming a werewolf would make me unable to have one of my own.

"Why?" Jake asks, "There's not much difference." He shrugs, laying belly up in the dirt, staring at the spotted skies.

Wes seems to guess at my concern, his eyes widening slightly, then shoots me a wink. "I'll keep your secret safe," he mouths, grinning like crazy. He seems to find it amusing that a cold person like me would want kids.

"Anyway," Xavier continues, "you slept for almost 20 hours. It's almost nightfall." I stare at the hints of pink and orange shooting across the sky, the sun beginning to drop towards the earth.

"How do you conjure a spirit spear?" I ask, getting right to the point. Xavier shakes his head.

"You have to learn that on your own. As a Spier, it is important to meditate to immerse yourself in your spirit, and then it will be easier to call upon a spirit spear. If you are to be part of our pack, you will have to develop this talent," Xavier informs me.

"But I thought I was already part of your group!" I protest, almost feeling excluded.

"Not part of the six," Xavier clarifies, "but with us all the same."

I huff, angered. Usually I would be happy to hear those words, but for some reason, it only irks me now. "I'm going to go rest," I say dismissively, retreating back into the mansion. This is almost too much for me to take in. Xavier moves to follow me, but I hold up a hand and he ceases moving.

As soon as I am away from the watchful eyes of Wes, Jake, and Xavier, I hurriedly examine my body with my eager eyes. I am suddenly excited to see how my form has changed. With quick steps, I race into my room, shutting and locking my door.

Everything smells so sweet now, the little pot of flowers by the door tingling my senses, enriching the room. If I look hard at each petal, I can find each tiny detail, every mistake that separates it from being perfect. At first it almost hurt, but now this strange enhancement feels normal.

I cross over to the mirror, and close my eyes. Should I look? I am afraid now to see how I have changed. What if it is for the worse?

But when my eyelashes flutter as they creep open, I find that I shouldn't have worried. A whole different person is staring in the mirror. There is no way that is me. The mirror must somehow being dysfunctional.

I laugh, slightly, then walk over to the bathroom and look into that mirror. Anger begins to seep over me as the same strange person stares back. What is going on? Why am I not the one shown?

I race to another mirror, and am alarmed to see the same girl standing in front of me. There are no other mirrors to turn to. I am trapped with this beautiful woman that strikes incredible jealousy in my heart.

This can't be me, for that doll-like girl is flawless.

Long, ruby red hair dances past her shoulder, smooth and not frizzy at all. Her face is in a perfect heart shape, with a pair of exceedingly bright green eyes and luscious red lips. Her body is slim and much taller than mine, about five inches added to her long, enviously curvy legs. She has a little bit more of a chest than I do, and long arms with slender fingers. Her skin is tanned and smooth.

But why is she wearing the same clothes as I was yesterday? And why do I see some stark similarities between me and her; in our eyes, hair, and face?

I reach up with one hand and slowly touch my lips. The strange, breathtaking girl follows suit, mirroring my actions. I smile, and she smiles also, revealing a set of perfect white teeth. Pulling my hair, I watch as she copies me, in perfect sync with my movements.

Who is this girl behind the glass? She obviously knows what I am thinking, to be able to copy my movements so gracefully. Every move she makes is like a ballerina's step, doing the exact same thing as I am with an added beauty. Everything about her is beautiful. She outshines a girl like Sidney easily, drawing all the attention. She is nothing like me.

Suddenly unnerved by her, I back off from the mirror, going to sit on my wonderful bed. My body sinks into it, suddenly surrounded by the deep mattress. It is hard to believe that I can be special, someone that can benefit Xavier’s pack. What I can do now is amazing.

How can I run so fast? Forty miles an hour is as fast as a car on the road, when I used to lag behind the slowest jogger. I created cracks in the tree, and if I had kept at it, it would have broken. The Awakening will even allow me to create a spirit spear, by which I can kill my parent's murderers. Maybe it would be good to start meditating now in the forest. I want to avenge my parents as soon as possible.

I try to tell myself that is the only reason why I want to be a Spier, but I know that is not true. Being immortal appeals to me because of a man I can barely even think of without either getting angry or elated. Now I am stuck with him (or is it the other way around?) forever. Why does that not repel me?

A strange question begins to pound at me, scaring me to pieces. I stuff it into the depths of my mind, avoiding it completely.

I know I said I wanted to rest, but now that I finally met a strange girl that haunts the mirrors in my room, I have no intention of staying here. Might as well creep into the forest on the mansion grounds. I have become rather acquainted with living here, and I know where everything is.

I slip into the garden again, where the three werewolves have been lazing about for all this time. "Back so soon?" Wes asks slyly as I reappear, Xavier chuckling.

"That was a quick nap," Xavier says, and I smile. I am truly helpless against him.

"I'm going into the forest to try and meditate," I say quickly, then begin to walk towards the vast expanse of trees. However, a hand catches my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

"You can't go alone," Xavier says worriedly, "Shifters have already proven they can bypass the barriers."

"Watch me," I snap, tugging my arm away from his loose grip.

"Relax, Xavier," Jake agrees, "Yi's there. She will be safe with him." Xavier hesitantly backs away, and I start to sprint away before he has a change of mind. Yi is in the forest? What could he be doing there?

Why has he been so cold recently?

Once I reach the first wave of colossal trees, I weave in between them, hoping to find some clearing with a little pond. I did say I was going to meditate, and I am, but a nice little bath in the warm water will also do me some good. At the very least I can try to check my reflection to make sure that girl vanished.

My nose scrunches up a little, and a waft of pineapple-something hits my senses. It is similar to the scents of Jake, Wes, and Xavier, signaling me to the fact that this must be Yi. Without really knowing what I am doing,

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