» Romance » Taming of the TOMBOY!!!! (excerpt), sunshine hkl [13 inch ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Taming of the TOMBOY!!!! (excerpt), sunshine hkl [13 inch ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author sunshine hkl

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to herself. "I will.. I will.... kill him. I will rip his head of his shoulder, I will break his legs, I will break all his teeth so that he couldn't show me his stupid grin ever. I will make his life hell! I will make him feel sorry that he was ever born!!!"

"Well that's to bad. Because all i want to do to him is give him a big hug." Mrs Parker said smiling.

Jenny came to reality and looked at her mother surprised. "What! What are you talking about?"

Mrs Parker pointed down to Jenny's hands grinning. "Well look what has he made you do!"

Jenny looked down and noticed for the first time what she has done. She has cut all the vegetables into perfect pieces! She! Jenny! Who doesn't even know how to hold a knife properly! She! Jenny! Who has never done any kitchen stuff! Who get's sick even at the idea of cooking!

"Wow Jenny. You are really very useful when you are mad. I'll have to try it on you very often", Mrs Parker said smirking, "Whoever this "he" is, he must be something."

"Oh he is something alright." Jenny said sarcastically. "I will tell you what he is. He is a Bastard! A jerk! A ......a....... I can't even find enough words to curse him. No word is bad enough to describe him!" Jenny fumed.

"Really. What has he done to deserve so much hatred?"

"He is trying to FORCE me to MARRY him!"

"He is trying to what!" Mrs Parker asked with astonishment. And then burst into laughing.

"Mom! Someone is trying to force your only daughter to marry him and you are laughing!!!"

"Sorry dear. It's just.......... well it's just hard to imagine that someone is trying to force YOU

into anything let alone into marriage!" Mrs Parker said stifling a laugh. "Who is he anyway?"

Jenny explained to her mother everything about what happened in Laura's house and then in Jack's office.

"Hmm...." Mrs Parker said "about time someone gather the courage to propose you."

"Mom he hasn't exactly proposed me. He is trying to force me into this marriage and I will never ever give in!"

"As if you would have gave in if he hadn't forced you and just politely asked you to marry him. Come on Jenny. I know you. You have send every single man running in the opposite direction who has as much as even looked at you in a romantic way."

"And I will send HIM running in the opposite direction too!"

"I doubt that. This guy has guts. I must tell you that I'm already impressed with him."

"YOU ARE WHAT!!!! How could you? He is a........" Jenny started yelling when the phone rang. Mrs Parker left the kitchen to pick the phone. After a few seconds she called, "Jenny it's for you. It's Laura."

"God what I'm gonna say to her?" Jenny asked herself, went to the living room and took the receiver from her mother's hand nervously.

"Hello." she said

"Hello Jenny" Laura's voice was hopeful. "What did he say. Did he agree? Will he stop the marriage." Laura asked excitedly.

"Umm.... well no i mean yeas. I mean....." Jenny hesitated.

"He didn't agree right?" Laura's voice dropped. "I will have to marry him right? There's nothing else to do. Oh God! What will i say to Boris?" Laura choked.

Hearing this Jenny's heart sank. She said quickly "No no. This won't happen. He has agreed to stop the marriage. I was just kidding."

"Really?" Laura screamed happily. "I don't believe this. You are sure about it?"

"Yes I'm sure. I promised you remember?" Jenny said affectionately.

"Oh thank you.T hank you so much. You saved my life! I don't know what to say. I......I....." Laura started crying with happiness.

"Hush Laura it's okay. Relax. Everything is ok now right? So be happy and stop crying."

"Kayyyy" laura said happily.

"Umm Laura can you give me Jack's number?"

"Sure. But why do you want his number?"

"Ah just wanted to say him thanks"

"Oh okay. Here is his number."

Jenny wrote down the number then talk to Laura some more and then they bid each other.

Jenny put the receiver back. "So Mr. Jack cooper. You wanted to marry me right? Fine then you WILL marry me. And I will make your life hell." Jenny said to herself and picked up the receiver and dialed Jack's number.


"Hello Jack. This is Jenny. I'm ready to marry you. So be prepared because soon you are going to wish that you were dead." Jenny said and then cut the line.


Jack put the receiver back on it's cradle and smiled hugely. "YOU be prepared my little tomboy," he thought to himself "because soon you are going to be TAMED


Chapter 5

Jenny looked at Laura. She looked stunning. And she was very happy. She was beaming with excitement. When Laura's dad came to know that Jack wants to marry Jenny instead of Laura he gladly accepted the fact and gave Laura permission to marry Boris. He was very happy for both Laura and Jenny. Though Jenny was his sister's daughter he has always loved Jenny as his own child. So he was happy that Jack loved her and was also happy to be free from the burden of the guilt of forcing her own daughter into marriage. So as soon as he came to know about Jack's intention of marring Jenny he told Laura to fix a wedding date with Boris. Laura's happiness was beyond measure and she did just what his father told her to do. She ran to Boris and fixed the wedding date right then. And today is the day. Yes toady is her wedding day. Actually today is THEIR wedding day. Both Laura and Jenny are getting married today. It was Laura's idea. When she heard that Jenny is getting married to Jack she suggested that they be married on the same day. Of course Jenny hasn't told Laura the real reason of her marriage to Jack. She knew Laura. She would've never agreed to this and would've sacrificed her love for Boris and get married to Jack. So Jenny simply told Laura that she was in love with Jack. Actually no one except Jenny's mom and Jenny and Jack themselves knew the real reason of Jenny's marriage with Jack. Everyone else were told that Jenny and Jack were madly in love with each other. Well the story was partially true as Jack was indeed madly in love with Jenny but Jenny hardly knew that. "Huh love!" Jenny scoffed in her mind. "As if I will ever love that bustard." Jenny looked at Laura again and saw her smiling face. And all her anger washed away. Laura was happy. And that was all that mattered to Jenny.


Jenny and Laura were done with their make ups. Jenny turned to Laura smiling "You look gorgeous Laura baby." she smiled.

Laura didn't reply and just gaped at her. Her mouth open.

"What's wrong?" Jenny asked worried.

"YOU! Jenny you.... you! Beautiful isn't enough to describe your beauty. Wow Jenny!!! You look like an angel. A beautiful and gorgeous and innocent angel."

Jenny rolled her eyes and said "You look far more beautiful then I do. And I don't really.."

"Yeah yeah I know. You don't really care how do you look and all. I already know that.
That's why you always make a complete mess of yourself and hide that incredible beauty of yours. But today your beauty is unmasked and you look so fabulous that I'm sure Jack's head going to spin when he sees you." Laura said excitedly.

"As if i care!" Jenny thought bitterly but managed to gave Laura a smile.

Mrs. Parker entered the room and exclaimed "Jenny! Laura! You two look stunning!"
She hugged the two girls and dabbed her eyes. "Anyway" she said smiling, "Jeremy is waiting for you two. It's time!"


Mr. Dayton looked at the two brides in front of him. His daughter and his niece. They looked so beautiful. They were parts of his heart and today he was going to give them away. He will give both Laura and Jenny away as Jenny's father has died when she was 16 and he had brought Jenny up like a daughter since then. He took Laura's hand in his one hand and Jenny's hand in his other hand and together they started walking down the aisle.


Jack stood on the stage waiting. He was very happy and excited. Soon Jenny will be his forever. And then he heard the music start and looked up to see Jenny coming toward him and Boris along with Laura and Mr. Dayton. When he saw her he caught his breath. He was shocked, shocked by her beauty. His jaw dropped. He felt as like he was in a daze. He kept staring at her and after a few seconds he shook his head and regained composure. Mr. Dayton handed Laura to Boris and then he came to him and handed Jenny to him. An electric shock went through his body as he held his bride's hand. He grinned at Jenny and Jenny gave him a glare. Then the priest started to wed them and they were taking there vows. Soon the priest pronounced them man and wife and Jack leaned to Jenny to kiss her when she whispered hissing- "Don't even think about it. If you kiss me then I'll kill you!"

"I'll take the risk", Jack whispered back grinning and then took her in his arms and kissed her. As soon as their lips met he was lost in the sweetness of her lips. He kissed her sweetly at first and then passionately. Jenny struggled to break free but he tightened his grip on her west and kept kissing her. When he finally pulled away Jenny was shaking with anger.


she whispered every words through her teeth.

Jack just smiled and said "Congratulation Mrs. Cooper. You just got yourself a husband!"

"Congratulate yourself Mr. cooper. Because you just got yourself a ticket to hell!" Jenny said through clenched teeth.


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