» Romance » The Bet With The Players, C. Joyce [highly illogical behavior .txt] 📗

Book online «The Bet With The Players, C. Joyce [highly illogical behavior .txt] 📗». Author C. Joyce

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me?!"...silents hit before the entire door fell to the floor, revealing an angry Dylan at the door.

"Oh, hey..." I said slowly. Oh god, where's my baseball bat?! Where's the things I always need, all of the sudden disappear?!

"What. Did. You. Say?!"

Dammit! I'm screwed alright...goodbye life as we know it. I turned to my right and guess what I saw! Guess! My baseball bat, my good ol' STEEL baseball bat. I'm saved! I slowly got away from my bed, slow and steady, and then..JUMP for my life. Dylan must have knew I was aiming for my bat, since he came after me. I finally caught the bat in my right hand, and there was a race between me and Dylan.

"Come back here, you little maid!" He burst with a 'few' other words.

"I don't think so!" I shouted quickly back.

We ran all around my bedroom in circles. Do you know that old but awesome show 'Tom and Jerry'? Yeah, our chase was just like theirs..but worse.

The chase was finally over, with guess what again. Dylan and I were on the bed...stop thinking things pervert! I swear I have a Déjà vu moment again, Dylan was on top on me and I was on the bottom. Once again, little perverts, stop thinking things about '69'. Just stop.

"Caught you..." He said lowly but yet, in a sexy tone with still trying to catch his breath.

"SO!" I persist, "Doesn't mean I gave up."

"Oh, really?" Dylan lean closer to me, making me try to back away. "Well, babe, guess who's got the bat."

Oh....great! The bat!

I swear I might be hearing things, but there was sounds of footsteps.."Bbb-Bre-breakfast i-is r-ready!" Dylan and I turn our heads to see another brunette maid...and Nanna at the door.

"Please tell me," Nanna started, "This isn't what it looks like..." Nanna made air quotes in the word 'this'.

GRREEAAT! Now Nanna thinks me and Dylan were about to 'do it' or maybe finished 'doing it'! OHHHHH, god, you must hate me or enjoying this moment right now, huh-?

Once Nanna and the other maid left, Dylan finally got off of me. For a surprise, Dylan actually got me his hand to lift me up. I took it...with caution though, with caution.

As he left he starting telling me something about school...Wait, school?! I just remembered Junior year is starting today. But I don't what do go back to school! I whined like a baby inside my head and crash back onto the bed.

"Get up or else we're experiencing the whole '69' thing again!" Dylan's wise and perverted words got me back onto my feet. Like I actually want to experience 'that' again.

O.k....maybe just a little, you can't blame me for being a girl. ;P

Chapter 7

I quickly race down the stairs downstairs to find all of the guys all ready eating. "You were kind late to cook our breakfast." Tyler shouted quickly then shove two pancakes down his throat. Wow, can't guys eat like pigs alright.

"That's why she's going have to do a punishment later," I swear I could see Aiko and Eric grinning at what Alvin said. As if he could read their thoughts and replied, "No that kind of punishments idiots."

A second later, a frown showed up on Aiko's and Eric's mouths. "Damn, I wanted to see that kind of punishment." Jay reply with a hollow voice.

"He-Here's your br-breakfast," I turned my bed to see the same maid early with the Dylan accident.

"Why are you giving her a breakfast?", Dylan interrupted, "she's just a maid."

"Hey!" I shouted, man I'm hungry! Plus those bacons look good enough to marry. Yes, by the way, I love bacon. I grab the plate full of mouth watering food and sat down between Eric and Aiko. Why? Out of all the players, those two are the nicest so far to me.
"Meanie." I grumble to Dylan.

Dylan took my plate of food. "You're not eating till you get dress up." Dress up for what? My confused look gave Dylan a hint, "for school, Mormon." Oh, school, yay!

"I don't want to go to school though!" I scream and whined like a baby, and started to jump to reach the plate of food. Unfortunately, I was so short for a giant like Dylan.

"Why not?" All the boys questioned to me.

"Because of the stinking uniform!" reason is that great, I know. This year the school is forcing the Juniors and Seniors to wear a uniform all because of the sluts. Thanks sluts and whores for making me wear a preppy uniform now. I swear, I hate that thing, it made me look like a girly-girl.

"Not a good enough reason." Xerxes explain and his voice made me want to fall to my knees.

"Fine..." I walked half way upstairs then it hit me, isn't that other maid coming? I mean, she looked my age, isn't she going to school also? I sighed and walk to the poor maid. "Aren't you going to school?"

She looked confuse like a baby kitten, "I'm not allowed to go to school."

"Why not?" I asked, everyone needs to go to school, it's a law.

"Zander doesn't let me without his permission." Zander? Why does she need his permission to go to school? "He's my master and I can only go to places he allows me to go." Now...that's just full joke.

I march to Zander who was calmly drinking his hot coffee, "Can she go?"

He barely even cared to look at me while talking, "Maybe." Zander looked up to where the other maid was standing, "Do you need a uniform, Valentine?" So, that's her name, Valentine. She shook her head causing a her hair to sway in the air. "No worries, I'll get you one."

"Thanks," she thank in the softest voice I ever heard.

"Hey, Ms. name freak, aren't you hungry yet?" My breakfast! Darn it, I forgot! I stomp back upstairs to dress into my school uniform.


After I was done, I found myself shoving bacon and pancakes into my mouth. "Little piggy, aren't you full yet? We're going to be late for school!" I heard Dylan talking to me. I ignored him though, that dude is getting on my nerves. There were sounds of foot steps stepping down the stairs. I could only see Zander's face full of shock. I stopped eating a while to see who he was staring at, Valentine.

"Do I look o.k?" She asked Zander, there were steaks of red on her cheeks.

"P-prefec-Prefect." Zander stutter, like any other kind of love stuck boy.

Valentine turned her head to me and shook my hand. I'm Valentine Lopez, please to meet you." Valentine has dark brown hair with red highlights and dark brown eyes.

"You too," I reply. "I'm Sea Shore." A confused look was shown on her face, "I know, weird name huh-?"

"Nahh, I think you have a pretty name." A smile was growing on her face.

An awkward silents came right after, "So..." I questioned, "why are you working here?" She quickly grab my arm, pulling me away from the boys.

"Ah, at a young parents left me at a foster home. Nanna took me in and treated me like I was her child." I nodded and let her explain more, "When Nanna was too busy to take care of me, Zander's family helped with my needs like education. They told me, if I helped Zander, Zander will help me also. That's why Zander's kinda like my own master. The reason I'm working here is because Nanna told me to learn how to work, so I can live on my own in the future."

"Oh, okay. I think we're going to be late, we better hurry." Valentine nodded to me and we both race to the guys.

Chapter 8

Valentine and I walked outside to see all the guys's with an annoyed look on their faces. The one who had it the worse was Dylan, a boy who was giving me a death glare. Jerk. "What?!" I questioned and yelled to their snobby and yet cute faces.

"You guys took forever!" Zander shouted with outburst, come'on we didn't take 'that' long!

Ms. little innocent Valentine said "sorry" to Zander like a baby angel. Jeez, I swear, those two are going to be a couple. Once Valentine apologize, Zander took her back bag and opened the car door for her.

Awwwhh... how cute is that?!

I heard Dylan calling me a "Slowpoke."

Then I noticed, all the guys's have their own car! "So, who am I going with?" Most of the players's had a sad look on their faces. Every single guy besides Dylan who looked irritated.

"Sorry Sea...I need to pick up my girlfriend." Kev said to me in a sad and low tone.

Nathan had a disappointed look on his face also, "I have a very jealous GF, you can ride with us...Unless if you're okay with her questions while yelling at you." A big no-no.

"Ah-" I stopped for a sec to rethink my words, "No thanks."

"You sure-" Jay struck, "-I mean-I'm cool with that and..."

I interrupted, "It's fine with me, I'll just find a ride."

Aiko started to ask whether or not I wanted to ride with him. I said sure at first, then he had to ask if it's okay getting chase by the cops to school. -_-

"You can go with Dylan," I look up to see Xerxes talking to me. "I'm sure he's okay with with." He turned his head to where Dylan stood, "Right, Dylan?"

A scowl was growing on Dylan's mouth, "Hell no! I'm not taking that thing inside my car!"

"Dylan, stop being a asshole and just let her into your fucking car!" Boy, can't Xerxes swear his butt off.

"But-but-but!" Dylan tried to reason with Xerxes, but the death eyes Xerxes's made him shut up. "Fine...but I swear if she's

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