» Romance » The Maid and the Master, H B [top 10 ebook reader txt] 📗

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to the sushi shop.

Dear god, this is the best day of my life. I only hope that this will last forever.





Chapter 5: Pity Date

*Hello dearies, I know it's been a while since I've last updated, but I was getting behind with my schoolwork so I had to finish up before break. I'm all caught up and I can update a lot now!! I think I've metioned this before but I'm not going to continue Logans POV, maybe i will but rarely. Okay well enjoy dearies*


I can't believe Logan asked me out on a date like that. I keep wondering if it is because it's Mila, and not Riley who was in front of him. I really hate him, or am suppose to but I'm having so much fun when I'm around him.

I walked out of the shop and the cool evening air hit me. It was a nice feeling, but when I looked over to my left, Logan was there taking a beautiful picture on his iPhone. He looked absolutely stunning, the way he was poised and the sun radiating off of him.

I laughed over my silly thoughts, how god like he looked surrounded by the setting suns colors. 

I attempted to look over his shoulder, he was tall maybe a head taller than me. I stood by his side, the picture was breath taking... you could see the sea in the background reflecting the colors of the sun and the sky. 

"Pretty" i heard myself mumble.

I startled Logan, but he recovered pretty fast.

"Thanks.. Wanna get something to eat" he said then stopped and just looked me over.

Usually I would hate it if someone would to that, but I didnt mind, as long as it was him. I asked Naomi to put some makeup on me and fix my "hair" to match with my outfit. I could tell from his face that he liked what he saw, and it made my stomach flip in happiness. 

Walking a few steps forward then turning around he was still staring, his mouth slightly hanging. 

Smirking i asked "You just gonna stay there and gawk? or are we gonna go on this date?"

Recovering he sheepishly said "I just had to gawk", so cheesy i thought, "you look so amazing"

"Soo not romantic, but your the only exception" i said, then grabbed his hand "I wanna try out this new sushi place. "

I hope he can't hear my heart pounding because that would be super embarassing. We talked about random things like what bands we liked and what type of sports we liked. Of course I knew everything that he liked, and that he ran track. I had to make stuff up like what school I went to, what bands I liked and I didnt do any sports. Looking up at him, I could tell that he was nervous, which made me feel a bit better knowing that I was not the only one.

"We're here!" i squealed "sorry,I love asian cusine."

"It's fine, Asian food is actually one of my faves" 

We got a really nice seat, considering how busy they were. We both ordered hot black tea for starters. I looked around to see what others ordered and admired their architecture.

"Mila" Logan said, pulling my attention back from examining the infrastructure. "I'm happy you agreed to go on this date with me" a sheepish grin playing on his lips "I swear when i first asked you, I thought you hated me and were going to turn me down" he said frowning.

"I dont hate you, but i was thinking of turning you down" i said honestly "but i could not turn you down especially after i spilt water on you, cheer up."

"This is a pity date or a apology date" logan replied rather shocked

"Um, well kinda?"

"Okay this does not count as a date then" he said teasingly. "We are going to go on a REAL date"


"Because I want to get to know you better"

"And why do you want to get to know me better logan?"

We were both silent for a while, examining each others face. 

He opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by the server, "Your black teas, I'll be back shortly to take your orders."

"Okay" looking back at me Logan said "I want to get to know you better because I fancy you, no thats not the right words" 

trying to fight back a laugh i urged him to continue "because...."

"because i like you, thats how i feel" he said turning pink "i feel this attraction to you"

"haha what are we in the 18th century logan! man you crack me up, first its i fancy you and then attraction.. just plain out say you like me, but why me? theres a whole bunch of other girls in the store that are better than me, why choose to be attracted to me?"

"If i could choose, I would still choose you. I dont know why, but theres something there that just draws me to you"

"Okay, okay enough with those century old pick up lines. Fine, Im not sure when i'll be free but ill tell you when im free so we can have our date"

"Okay, can i have your number then?"

"Yeah...." i looked in my bag and suddenly realized if i gave him my number it would be the same one that he has now, and then he would find out that i'm riley! uhg im so careless. "shoots, i forgot my phone at home" i said smoothly.

"No problem, I'll just give you my number then..." he took a napkin from the table and took out a pen from inside him jacket "and here we go" he said smiling at me.

Why was his presence so enjoyable, I feel totally at ease with him, but it makes me sad that its only Mila that makes him show these types of faces. I feel torn between my feeling of hate and this new feeling that i cannot fully explain. 


Chapter 6: Inner Conflict

*Hello dearies!!!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a LONG time... ive got sick and stopped doing school so now i have to catch up, im almost there but i feel that i needed to update for all of you :) Enjoy!!!!*





 The waiter came back and we ordered our food. loads and loads of sushi... i mean comeon when you think asian you think japanese and korean and chinese.... I mean i know its weird and all being your typical american kid, but i like my fare share of culture.

Looking down at the number scribbled on my hand, i wondered if i should buy another cellphone just for him. Then again i don't want to spend money on another phone, that would just be a waste. I'm pretty happy with my iPhone, and i dont really want to change it.

"So Mila, this pity date" he said while air quoting, it was rather cute "what would you like to do?"

"for one, im starving..." i know that sometimes its a HUGE turnoff when the girl acts like a glutton, but hey i havent eaten anything for the whole day except that one coffee my bro made. "but i think anything would be fine"

"How about a movie? or a stroll?"

I had to laugh at him, it was too funny "okay logan, first its your use of fancy and antique words, and now the ever so romantic 'pity' date" i said through my giggling fit.... WOAH im giggling... i DONT giggle ogod

"Haha, glad to be of amusement, but yes cliche as it may be im your hopeless romantic" he said winking, i have to admit, it was very cute and romatic.

"well then, i shall take you up on your generous offer my good sir" i said trying to copy the oldern style that people use to speak...i mean seriously.. SIR?

we both started laughing at how ridiculous i sounded, soon after our third attempt to compose ourselves our waiter came back with 2 plates filled with sushi, sashimi, rice, and ice tea.


Over dinner we talked about many things like where do we go to school, to match up with my story i said i was just a exchange student from NY, and im going to school at one of the highschools around here in Cali. I mean i dont have to mention that i know everything about logan so i dont really listen when he says hes in his junior year and that he goes to Trianglian Highschool not to far from here, hes the captain of the boys track and feild club, hes one of the top 5 students in the whole school, and not to mention one of the top 10 in the whole nation. 

As for me I am in the top 2 in the whole school, more likely to say i am number 2. And I am in the top 3 in the nation. I am the captain of the girls track and feild club but i also like to play soccer. Well just knowing that we are one of the smartest in our school and nation, and also both the captians of the track and field its kinda natural that we'd be rivals. 

We finished dinner and i suggested that we'd split the bill, but logan insisted 

"im the supposed gentleman, please let me pay" 

"okay then, just this once!"

"haha maybe, you can wait for me outside Mila," he said smiling "ill be there soon" with that he went to the cashier leaving me with a wink

I stepped out into the chilly night, once again my thoughts went back to the number that was written on my arm... i think i'll just download some app on my phone later and text him, yea that sounds good. Staring out and up to the almost unviewable stars i sighed and wondered to myself what am i really doing. 

before i could even come up with a answer, logan came out "ready?" offering his arm to me

"yea, i think a stroll to the boardwalk would be nice" i told him

"your wish is my command" he said bowing slightly. "how was that?" he asked with a playful wink.

"So CORNY! haha, lets go"

we walked in silence just admiring the pretty lights heading towards the boardwalk


Little to our knowledge, everything, all the lies, the mean words, the arguing, and this facade would be revealed. EVERYTHING would be uncovered... and there was no turning back once it happened




-So my dears! i hope you enjoyed!!! I know i made it seem like it is going to be something horrible but i can

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